
Aww look at daddy's baby girl
That's daddy baby
Little sleepy head
Yesterday I changed your diaper
Wiped you and powdered you.
How did you get so big?
Can't believe it now your two
Baby you're so precious
Daddy's so proud of you
Sit down bitch
If you move again I'll beat the shit out of you
Don't make me wake this baby
She don't need to see what I'm about to do
Quit crying bitch, why do you always make me shout at you?
How could you?
Just leave me and love him out the blue
Oh, what's a matter Kim?
Am I too loud for you?
Too bad bitch, your gonna finally hear me out this time
At first, I'm like all right
You wanna throw me out? That's fine!
But not for him to take my place, are you out you're mind?
This couch, this TV, this whole house is mine!
How could you let him sleep in our bed?
Look at Kim
Look at your husband now!
I said look at him!
He ain't so hot now is he?
Little punk!
(Why are you doing this?)
Shut the fuck up!
(You're drunk! You're never going to get away at this!)
You think I give a fuck!
Come on we're going for a ride bitch
Sit up front
(Well I can't just leave Haley alone, what if she wakes up?)
We'll be right back
Well I will you'll be in the trunk
1 - So long, bitch you did me so wrong
I don't wanna go on
Living in this world without you.
You really fucked me Kim
You really did a number on me
Never knew me cheating on you would come back to haunt me
But we was kids then Kim, I was only 18
That was years ago
I thought we wiped the slate clean
That's fucked up!
(I love you!)
Oh God my brain is racing
(I love you!)
What are you doing?
Change the station I hate this song!
Does this look like a big joke?
There's a four year old boy lyin' dead with a slit throat
In your living room, ha-ha
What you think I'm kiddin' you?
You loved him didn't you?
Bullshit you bitch don't fucking lie to me
What the fuck's this guy's problem on the side of me?
Fuck you asshole, yeah bite me
Kim, KIM!
Why don't you like me?
You think I'm ugly don't you
(It's not that!)
No you think I'm ugly
Get the fuck away from me, don't touch me
How the fuck could you do this to me?
How the fuck could you do this to me?
Repeat 1 (2x)
Come on get out
(I can't I'm scared)
I said get out bitch!
(Let go of my hair, please don't do this baby)
(Please I love you, look we can just take Haley and leave)
Fuck you, you did this to us
You did it, it's your fault
Oh my God I'm crackin' up
Get a grip Marshall
Hey remember the time we went to Brian's party?
And you were like so drunk that you threw up all over Archie
That was funny wasn't it?
That was funny wasn't it?
See it all makes sense, doesn't it?
You and your husband have a fight
One of you tries to grab a knife
And during the struggle he accidentally gets his Adam's apple sliced
And while this is goin' on
His son just woke up and he just walks in
She panics and he gets his throat cut
(Oh my God!)
So now they both dead and you slash your own throat
So now it's double homicide and suicide with no note
I should have known better when you started to act weird
We could've...HEY! Where you going? Get back here!
You can't run from me Kim
It's just us, nobody else!
You're only making this harder on yourself
Ha! Ha! Got'cha!
Ha! Go ahead yell!
Here I'll scream with you!
Don't you get it bitch, no one can hear you?
Now shut the fuck up and get what's comin to you
You were supposed to love me
{*Kim choking*}
Aww look at daddy's baby girl
That's daddy baby
Little sleepy head
Yesterday I changed your diaper
Wiped you and powdered you.
How did you get so big?
Can't believe it now your two
Baby you're so precious
Daddy's so proud of you
Sit down bitch
If you move again I'll beat the shit out of you
Don't make me wake this baby
She don't need to see what I'm about to do
Quit crying bitch, why do you always make me shout at you?
How could you?
Just leave me and love him out the blue
Oh, what's a matter Kim?
Am I too loud for you?
Too bad bitch, your gonna finally hear me out this time
At first, I'm like all right
You wanna throw me out? That's fine!
But not for him to take my place, are you out you're mind?
This couch, this TV, this whole house is mine!
How could you let him sleep in our bed?
Look at Kim
Look at your husband now!
I said look at him!
He ain't so hot now is he?
Little punk!
(Why are you doing this?)
Shut the fuck up!
(You're drunk! You're never going to get away at this!)
You think I give a fuck!
Come on we're going for a ride bitch
Sit up front
(Well I can't just leave Haley alone, what if she wakes up?)
We'll be right back
Well I will you'll be in the trunk
1 - So long, bitch you did me so wrong
I don't wanna go on
Living in this world without you.
You really fucked me Kim
You really did a number on me
Never knew me cheating on you would come back to haunt me
But we was kids then Kim, I was only 18
That was years ago
I thought we wiped the slate clean
That's fucked up!
(I love you!)
Oh God my brain is racing
(I love you!)
What are you doing?
Change the station I hate this song!
Does this look like a big joke?
There's a four year old boy lyin' dead with a slit throat
In your living room, ha-ha
What you think I'm kiddin' you?
You loved him didn't you?
Bullshit you bitch don't fucking lie to me
What the fuck's this guy's problem on the side of me?
Fuck you asshole, yeah bite me
Kim, KIM!
Why don't you like me?
You think I'm ugly don't you
(It's not that!)
No you think I'm ugly
Get the fuck away from me, don't touch me
How the fuck could you do this to me?
How the fuck could you do this to me?
Repeat 1 (2x)
Come on get out
(I can't I'm scared)
I said get out bitch!
(Let go of my hair, please don't do this baby)
(Please I love you, look we can just take Haley and leave)
Fuck you, you did this to us
You did it, it's your fault
Oh my God I'm crackin' up
Get a grip Marshall
Hey remember the time we went to Brian's party?
And you were like so drunk that you threw up all over Archie
That was funny wasn't it?
That was funny wasn't it?
See it all makes sense, doesn't it?
You and your husband have a fight
One of you tries to grab a knife
And during the struggle he accidentally gets his Adam's apple sliced
And while this is goin' on
His son just woke up and he just walks in
She panics and he gets his throat cut
(Oh my God!)
So now they both dead and you slash your own throat
So now it's double homicide and suicide with no note
I should have known better when you started to act weird
We could've...HEY! Where you going? Get back here!
You can't run from me Kim
It's just us, nobody else!
You're only making this harder on yourself
Ha! Ha! Got'cha!
Ha! Go ahead yell!
Here I'll scream with you!
Don't you get it bitch, no one can hear you?
Now shut the fuck up and get what's comin to you
You were supposed to love me
{*Kim choking*}

Awww shikoje vajzen e vogel te babit
ky eshte babi vogelushe
kokë e vogel e fjetur.
Dje nderrova pelenen tende
te pastrova dhe te vura puder.
Si u bere kaq e madhe?
S'mund te besoj se tani je 2 vjeq
vogelushe ti je shum çmuar
babi esht shum krenar per ty
Ulu bushter
nese leviz serish do të të godas.
(Në Rregull)
Mos me bej t'a zgjoj këtë foshnjë
ajo nuk ka nevoj te shoh qfar jam ne gjendje te bej
mjaft qave bushter,pse me ben qe gjithmon te te qelloj?
Si munde?
Thjesht te me lije dhe t'a doje atë?
Oh,ku qendron problemi Kim?
Mos jam shumë i lart(zhurmshem) per ty?
Shum keq bushter,ti me ne fund do te me degjosh pas kesaj here
Ne fillim,bej sikur gjithqka ne rregull
Ti do te me debosh?Ne rregull!
Por jo per atë qe te zë vendin tim,a je normal?
Ky shtrat,ky television,e terë kjo shtepi esht e imja!
Si mund t'a lije te flinte ne krevatin tonë?
Me shiko Kim
shikoje burrin tend tani
Un thash shikoje!
A nuk esht shum i pashem apo jo?
Eshkë e vogel!
(Pse po e ben ketë?)
Mbylle atë dreq goje!
(Je i dehur!Nuk do te arrish askund me këtë gjë)
Mendon se me intereson!
Eja,po shkojm per nje vozitje bushter
Ulu perpara
(Epo nuk mund t'a le Heillin vetem,çfarë nese ajo zgjohet)
Ne do te kthehemi shpejt
Epo,un do kthehem,ti do te jesh ne nje trung.
REF:Shumë gjatë,bushter ti bere shum gabim
nuk dua te vazhdoj
te jetoj ne ket bot pa ty.
Ti vertet e bere me mua Kim
ti vertet e bere nje numer në mua
kurr nuk e dija se me mashtroje por ti do ktheheshe dhe do ndaheshe nga un
por ne ishim femij at'herë Kim,un isha vetem 18 vjeq
ajo ishte koh më parë
mendova se propozimi dihej
ato ishin gjepura
(Të dua!)
Oh ZOT truri im po garon
(Të Dua!)
çfarë po ben?
Po nderron stacionin,e urrej ketë këng!
A nuk duket kjo si nje shaka e madhe?
Aty esht nje njeri i vjeter 40 vjeqar me fyt të çarë
ne dhomen tende te ndenjes,ha-ha
çfarë mendon se po bej shaka?
Ti e doje atë apo jo?
Gjepura bushter mos me genje
çfar dreq problemi ka ky djali ne anen time?
Ne djall ti trap,po me kafsho
Pse nuk me pelqen?
Ti mendon se jam i shemtuar apo jo?
(Nuk eshte ajo!)
Jo,ti mendon se jam i shemtuar
(I dashur)
Largohu nga un,mos me prek
Të urrej!Të urrej!
Betohem në ZOT që të urrej
Oh ZOTI im të dua
Si dreqin mund te ma beje këtë?
(Më Fal!)
Si dreqin mund te ma beje këtë?
Eja dil jashtë
(Nuk mundem kam frik)
Un thash dil jasht bushter!
(Mi lesho floket,te lutem mos e bej kete i dashur)
(Te lutem un te dua,shiko ne mundemi thjesht ta marrim Heillin dhe te largohemi)
Vafsh ne djall,ti na e bere kete neve
ti e bere,eshte faji yt
oh ZOT po plasaritem
kontrrolloje veten Marshall
Hey,a te kujtohet atë herë kur shkuam tek festa e Brajanit?
Dhe ti ishe shum e dehur sa qe iu hodhe e tera Arqit
Ajo ishe qesharake apo jo?
Ajo ishte qesharake apo jo?
E shikon gjithqka pershtatet apo jo?
Ti dhe burri yt keni nje perleshje
njeri nga ju merr nje thik
dhe derisa lufton ai aksidentalisht e pret mollen e Adamit
Dhe derisa kjo vazhdon
I biri i tij zgjohet dhe vetem ecën
atë e kap panika dhe e sheh qafen e tij te keputur
(Oh ZOTI im!)
Dhe tani qe te dy jan te vdekur dhe ti e pret qafen tende
Dhe tani esht nje vrasje e dyfisht dhe vetvrasje pa shenim
Duhet ta dija me mir kur ti fillove te silleshe quditshem
Ne mund te...HEY! Ku po shkon?Kthehu ketu!
Nuk mund te ikesh nga un Kim
Jemi vetem ne,askush tjeter!
Ti vetem po ja veshtirson vetes
Ha!Ha!Te kapa!
Ha!Vazhdo bertit!
Do te bertas bashk me ty!
Ah dikush ndihmë!
Nuk e kupton bushter,askush s'mund te te degjoj?
Tani mbylle dhe perballu me atë qe vjen per ty
Ti duhej te me dashuroje mua
(Kim duke u ngulfatur)
Tani piko gjak!Bushter piko gjak!
Piko gjak!Piko gjak!Piko Gjak!
Awww shikoje vajzen e vogel te babit
ky eshte babi vogelushe
kokë e vogel e fjetur.
Dje nderrova pelenen tende
te pastrova dhe te vura puder.
Si u bere kaq e madhe?
S'mund te besoj se tani je 2 vjeq
vogelushe ti je shum çmuar
babi esht shum krenar per ty
Ulu bushter
nese leviz serish do të të godas.
(Në Rregull)
Mos me bej t'a zgjoj këtë foshnjë
ajo nuk ka nevoj te shoh qfar jam ne gjendje te bej
mjaft qave bushter,pse me ben qe gjithmon te te qelloj?
Si munde?
Thjesht te me lije dhe t'a doje atë?
Oh,ku qendron problemi Kim?
Mos jam shumë i lart(zhurmshem) per ty?
Shum keq bushter,ti me ne fund do te me degjosh pas kesaj here
Ne fillim,bej sikur gjithqka ne rregull
Ti do te me debosh?Ne rregull!
Por jo per atë qe te zë vendin tim,a je normal?
Ky shtrat,ky television,e terë kjo shtepi esht e imja!
Si mund t'a lije te flinte ne krevatin tonë?
Me shiko Kim
shikoje burrin tend tani
Un thash shikoje!
A nuk esht shum i pashem apo jo?
Eshkë e vogel!
(Pse po e ben ketë?)
Mbylle atë dreq goje!
(Je i dehur!Nuk do te arrish askund me këtë gjë)
Mendon se me intereson!
Eja,po shkojm per nje vozitje bushter
Ulu perpara
(Epo nuk mund t'a le Heillin vetem,çfarë nese ajo zgjohet)
Ne do te kthehemi shpejt
Epo,un do kthehem,ti do te jesh ne nje trung.
REF:Shumë gjatë,bushter ti bere shum gabim
nuk dua te vazhdoj
te jetoj ne ket bot pa ty.
Ti vertet e bere me mua Kim
ti vertet e bere nje numer në mua
kurr nuk e dija se me mashtroje por ti do ktheheshe dhe do ndaheshe nga un
por ne ishim femij at'herë Kim,un isha vetem 18 vjeq
ajo ishte koh më parë
mendova se propozimi dihej
ato ishin gjepura
(Të dua!)
Oh ZOT truri im po garon
(Të Dua!)
çfarë po ben?
Po nderron stacionin,e urrej ketë këng!
A nuk duket kjo si nje shaka e madhe?
Aty esht nje njeri i vjeter 40 vjeqar me fyt të çarë
ne dhomen tende te ndenjes,ha-ha
çfarë mendon se po bej shaka?
Ti e doje atë apo jo?
Gjepura bushter mos me genje
çfar dreq problemi ka ky djali ne anen time?
Ne djall ti trap,po me kafsho
Pse nuk me pelqen?
Ti mendon se jam i shemtuar apo jo?
(Nuk eshte ajo!)
Jo,ti mendon se jam i shemtuar
(I dashur)
Largohu nga un,mos me prek
Të urrej!Të urrej!
Betohem në ZOT që të urrej
Oh ZOTI im të dua
Si dreqin mund te ma beje këtë?
(Më Fal!)
Si dreqin mund te ma beje këtë?
Eja dil jashtë
(Nuk mundem kam frik)
Un thash dil jasht bushter!
(Mi lesho floket,te lutem mos e bej kete i dashur)
(Te lutem un te dua,shiko ne mundemi thjesht ta marrim Heillin dhe te largohemi)
Vafsh ne djall,ti na e bere kete neve
ti e bere,eshte faji yt
oh ZOT po plasaritem
kontrrolloje veten Marshall
Hey,a te kujtohet atë herë kur shkuam tek festa e Brajanit?
Dhe ti ishe shum e dehur sa qe iu hodhe e tera Arqit
Ajo ishe qesharake apo jo?
Ajo ishte qesharake apo jo?
E shikon gjithqka pershtatet apo jo?
Ti dhe burri yt keni nje perleshje
njeri nga ju merr nje thik
dhe derisa lufton ai aksidentalisht e pret mollen e Adamit
Dhe derisa kjo vazhdon
I biri i tij zgjohet dhe vetem ecën
atë e kap panika dhe e sheh qafen e tij te keputur
(Oh ZOTI im!)
Dhe tani qe te dy jan te vdekur dhe ti e pret qafen tende
Dhe tani esht nje vrasje e dyfisht dhe vetvrasje pa shenim
Duhet ta dija me mir kur ti fillove te silleshe quditshem
Ne mund te...HEY! Ku po shkon?Kthehu ketu!
Nuk mund te ikesh nga un Kim
Jemi vetem ne,askush tjeter!
Ti vetem po ja veshtirson vetes
Ha!Ha!Te kapa!
Ha!Vazhdo bertit!
Do te bertas bashk me ty!
Ah dikush ndihmë!
Nuk e kupton bushter,askush s'mund te te degjoj?
Tani mbylle dhe perballu me atë qe vjen per ty
Ti duhej te me dashuroje mua
(Kim duke u ngulfatur)
Tani piko gjak!Bushter piko gjak!
Piko gjak!Piko gjak!Piko Gjak!
Komente 1