Space Bound

We touch, i feel a ruch,
We clutch, it isn't much,
But it's enough to make me wonder what's in store for us,
It's lust, it's torurous,
You must be a sorcerous,
Cause you just did the impossible,
Gained my trust,
Don't play games, it'll be dangerous if you f*ck me over,
Cuz' if i get burnt,
I'ma show ya what is like to hurt,
Cause i've been treated like dirt befo'ya,
And love is evol,spell it backwards, i'll show ya,
Nobody knows me, i'm cold,
Walk down this road all alone,
It's no one's fault but my own,
It's the path i've chosen to go,
Frozen as snow, I show no emotion what'so ever so.
Don't ask me why i have no love for this motherf*ckin' hoes,
Bloodsuckin' succubuses, what the f*ck is up with this?,
I've tried in this department, but i ain't had no luck with this,
It sucks, but it's exatly what i've thought like tryin' to start over,
I've got a hole in my heart,
From some kind of emotional roller-coster,
Something i won't go on till you toy with my emotions, so it's over,
It's like an explosion, every time i hold ya,
I wasn't joking when i told ya,
You take my breath away,
You're a supernova...and i'mma
I'mma space bound rocketship, and you're heart's the moon,
And i'm aiming right at you,
250 thousand miles in a clear night in June,
And i'm aiming right at you
right at you...
I'll do whatever it takes,
When i'm with you i get the shakes,
My body aches when i ain't,
With you i have Zero strength,
There's no limit how far i would go,
no boundaries, no length,
Why do we say that until we get that person that we think's,
Gonna be that one and once we get 'em, it's never the same,
You want 'em when they don't want you, soon as they do, feelings change,
It's not a contest and i ain't on no conquest for no mate,
I wasn't looking when i stumbled onto ya, musta been fate,
But so much is at stake, what the f*ck does it take, let's cut to the chase,
'Fore the door shuts in your face, promise me if i cave in and break,
And leave myself open, that i won't be making a mistake...cuz' i'mma
I'mma space bound rocketship and you're heart's the moon,
And i'm aiming right at you,
250 thousand miles in a clear night in June,
And i'm aiming right at you,
Right at you,
Right at you...
So after a year and six months,
No longer me that you want,
But i loved you so much it hurts,
Never mistreated you once,
I poured my heart out to you,
Let down my guard, swear to God,
I'll blow my brains in your lap, lay here and die in your arms,
Drop to my knees and i'm pleadin',
I'm tryin' to stop you from leayin',
You won't even listen, so f*ck it,
I'm tryin' to stop you from breathing,
I put both hands in your throat,
I sit on top of you squeezin',
Till' i snap your neck like a Popsicle stick, no possible reason i can think of,
To let you walk up out of this house and let you live,
Tears stream down both of my cheeks, than i let you go and just give,
And before i put that gun to my temple, i told you this:
And i would've did like anything for you,
To show you how much i adored you,
But it's over now, it's too late to save our love,
Just promise me you'll think of me every time you look up in the sky and see a star, Cuz' i'mma
I'mma space bound rocketship, and you're heart's the moon,
and i'm aiming right at you,
right at you,
250 thousand miles in a clear night in June,
and i' so lost without you,
Without you,
Without you........
We touch, i feel a ruch,
We clutch, it isn't much,
But it's enough to make me wonder what's in store for us,
It's lust, it's torurous,
You must be a sorcerous,
Cause you just did the impossible,
Gained my trust,
Don't play games, it'll be dangerous if you f*ck me over,
Cuz' if i get burnt,
I'ma show ya what is like to hurt,
Cause i've been treated like dirt befo'ya,
And love is evol,spell it backwards, i'll show ya,
Nobody knows me, i'm cold,
Walk down this road all alone,
It's no one's fault but my own,
It's the path i've chosen to go,
Frozen as snow, I show no emotion what'so ever so.
Don't ask me why i have no love for this motherf*ckin' hoes,
Bloodsuckin' succubuses, what the f*ck is up with this?,
I've tried in this department, but i ain't had no luck with this,
It sucks, but it's exatly what i've thought like tryin' to start over,
I've got a hole in my heart,
From some kind of emotional roller-coster,
Something i won't go on till you toy with my emotions, so it's over,
It's like an explosion, every time i hold ya,
I wasn't joking when i told ya,
You take my breath away,
You're a supernova...and i'mma
I'mma space bound rocketship, and you're heart's the moon,
And i'm aiming right at you,
250 thousand miles in a clear night in June,
And i'm aiming right at you
right at you...
I'll do whatever it takes,
When i'm with you i get the shakes,
My body aches when i ain't,
With you i have Zero strength,
There's no limit how far i would go,
no boundaries, no length,
Why do we say that until we get that person that we think's,
Gonna be that one and once we get 'em, it's never the same,
You want 'em when they don't want you, soon as they do, feelings change,
It's not a contest and i ain't on no conquest for no mate,
I wasn't looking when i stumbled onto ya, musta been fate,
But so much is at stake, what the f*ck does it take, let's cut to the chase,
'Fore the door shuts in your face, promise me if i cave in and break,
And leave myself open, that i won't be making a mistake...cuz' i'mma
I'mma space bound rocketship and you're heart's the moon,
And i'm aiming right at you,
250 thousand miles in a clear night in June,
And i'm aiming right at you,
Right at you,
Right at you...
So after a year and six months,
No longer me that you want,
But i loved you so much it hurts,
Never mistreated you once,
I poured my heart out to you,
Let down my guard, swear to God,
I'll blow my brains in your lap, lay here and die in your arms,
Drop to my knees and i'm pleadin',
I'm tryin' to stop you from leayin',
You won't even listen, so f*ck it,
I'm tryin' to stop you from breathing,
I put both hands in your throat,
I sit on top of you squeezin',
Till' i snap your neck like a Popsicle stick, no possible reason i can think of,
To let you walk up out of this house and let you live,
Tears stream down both of my cheeks, than i let you go and just give,
And before i put that gun to my temple, i told you this:
And i would've did like anything for you,
To show you how much i adored you,
But it's over now, it's too late to save our love,
Just promise me you'll think of me every time you look up in the sky and see a star, Cuz' i'mma
I'mma space bound rocketship, and you're heart's the moon,
and i'm aiming right at you,
right at you,
250 thousand miles in a clear night in June,
and i' so lost without you,
Without you,
Without you........
Lidhje Hapesinore

Kur te prek, ndjej nje nxitim,
Kur te shtrengoj, nuk eshte shume,
Por eshte mjaftueshem per te me bere mua te enderroj per ne,
Eshte nje deshire e ethshme, eshte torturuese,
Ti duhet te jesh nje magjistare, sepse ti ke bere te pamunduren, ke fituar besimin tim,
Mos luaj lojera, do te jete e rrezikshme nese me shkaterron,
Sepse nese une digjem,
Do te te tregoj c'do te thote dhimbje,
Sepse jam trajtuar si plehre perpara teje,
Dhe dashuria eshte djallezore, lexoje mbrapsht dhe do te ta tregoj,
Askush s'me njeh, jam i ftohte,
Eci rrugeve krejt i vetem,
Nuk eshte faji i askujt vec i imi,
kjo esht rruga qe kam vendosur te shkoj,
I akullt si debora, nuk shfaq asnje emocion,
Mos me pyet pse nuk kam fare dashuri per keto k*rva,
Demonë gjakpires, cfare dreqin keni?
E kam provuar ate departament, por s'kisha fat,
Ta shpif, por eshte njelloj si e kisha menduar si eshte ta fillosh nga fillosh,
Kam nje vrime ne zemer,
nga disa emocione qe ndryshonje shpesh,
Dicka qe s'e kisha ndjere derisa ti fillove te luaje me emocionet e mia,
Eshte si nje shperthim, cdo here qe te mbaja,
Nuk po tallesha kur te thoja se ti ma merr frymen,
Ti je nje supernovë, dhe une jam një...
Jam nje rakete nderhapesinore dhe zemra jote eshte hëna,
Dhe une jam duke u drejtuar drejt teje.
250 mije milje ne nje nate te kthjellet ne Qershor,
Une po drejtohesha drejt teje...
Do te beja cdo gje,
Kur jam me ty une dridhem,
Dhe trupi me dhemb kur s'te kam,
Me ty s'kam asnje force,
S'ka limit sa larg do shkoja,
asnje kufi, asnje gjatesi.
Pse nuk e themi deri sa të kemi atë person që ne mendojmë,
Sepse pasi e kemi, nuk eshte e njejta gje,
T'i i do kur ata s'te duan, kur ata te duan , ndenjat ndryshojne,
Nuk eshte nje konkurs dhe une nuk po konkuroj per asnje,
Nuk po te kerkoja por ngeca në ty, duhet te kete qënë fati,
T'i ndalojme ndjekjet, kur dera te perplaset ne fytyrë,
Me premto qe s'do bej asnj gabim, nese mbyllem vetmi dhe veten time ta lë ty,
Jam nje rakete nderhapesinore dhe zemra jote eshte hëna,
Dhe une jam duke u drejtuar drejt teje.
250 mije milje ne nje nate te kthjellet ne Qershor,
Une po drejtohesha drejt teje...
Pas nje viti dhe 6 muajsh,
Mua nuk më doje më,
Por une te doja aq shume sa zemra me dhimbte,
Kurre nuk te trajtova keq,
Te betohem per zotin se derdha zemren time per ty,
Isha gati te hidhja trute ne erë ne prehrin tend, vetem që të vdisja ne krahet e tu,
T'u ula ne gjunje dhe t'u luta,
Qe te mos largoheshe,
Por ti as nuk me degjove, keshtu qe f*ck you,
U perpoqa ta ndaloja frymen tënde,
I vura te dyja duart ne fytin tend,
U ula siper teje duke ta shtrenguar qafen si nje shkop Lëpirëseje,
nuk kishte asnje arsye qe mund te mendoja,
Derisa te lashe të ikje nga kjo shtepi dhe te jetoje,
Lotet me rrodhen ne faqe, te lashe te largoheshe,
Dhe perpara se ta vendosja armën në tëmth, të thashë:
Une do te beja gjithcka per ty,
Per te treguar sa shume te adhuroja,
Por tashme eshte shume vone per ta shpetuar dashurine tone,
Thjesht me premto se sa herë te shohesh nje yll ne qiell, te me kujtosh mua, sepse une jam nje...
Jam nje rakete nderhapesinore dhe zemra jote eshte hëna,
Dhe une jam duke u drejtuar drejt teje.
250 mije milje ne nje nate te kthjellet ne Qershor,
Une jam i humbur pa ty,
pa ty.....
Kur te prek, ndjej nje nxitim,
Kur te shtrengoj, nuk eshte shume,
Por eshte mjaftueshem per te me bere mua te enderroj per ne,
Eshte nje deshire e ethshme, eshte torturuese,
Ti duhet te jesh nje magjistare, sepse ti ke bere te pamunduren, ke fituar besimin tim,
Mos luaj lojera, do te jete e rrezikshme nese me shkaterron,
Sepse nese une digjem,
Do te te tregoj c'do te thote dhimbje,
Sepse jam trajtuar si plehre perpara teje,
Dhe dashuria eshte djallezore, lexoje mbrapsht dhe do te ta tregoj,
Askush s'me njeh, jam i ftohte,
Eci rrugeve krejt i vetem,
Nuk eshte faji i askujt vec i imi,
kjo esht rruga qe kam vendosur te shkoj,
I akullt si debora, nuk shfaq asnje emocion,
Mos me pyet pse nuk kam fare dashuri per keto k*rva,
Demonë gjakpires, cfare dreqin keni?
E kam provuar ate departament, por s'kisha fat,
Ta shpif, por eshte njelloj si e kisha menduar si eshte ta fillosh nga fillosh,
Kam nje vrime ne zemer,
nga disa emocione qe ndryshonje shpesh,
Dicka qe s'e kisha ndjere derisa ti fillove te luaje me emocionet e mia,
Eshte si nje shperthim, cdo here qe te mbaja,
Nuk po tallesha kur te thoja se ti ma merr frymen,
Ti je nje supernovë, dhe une jam një...
Jam nje rakete nderhapesinore dhe zemra jote eshte hëna,
Dhe une jam duke u drejtuar drejt teje.
250 mije milje ne nje nate te kthjellet ne Qershor,
Une po drejtohesha drejt teje...
Do te beja cdo gje,
Kur jam me ty une dridhem,
Dhe trupi me dhemb kur s'te kam,
Me ty s'kam asnje force,
S'ka limit sa larg do shkoja,
asnje kufi, asnje gjatesi.
Pse nuk e themi deri sa të kemi atë person që ne mendojmë,
Sepse pasi e kemi, nuk eshte e njejta gje,
T'i i do kur ata s'te duan, kur ata te duan , ndenjat ndryshojne,
Nuk eshte nje konkurs dhe une nuk po konkuroj per asnje,
Nuk po te kerkoja por ngeca në ty, duhet te kete qënë fati,
T'i ndalojme ndjekjet, kur dera te perplaset ne fytyrë,
Me premto qe s'do bej asnj gabim, nese mbyllem vetmi dhe veten time ta lë ty,
Jam nje rakete nderhapesinore dhe zemra jote eshte hëna,
Dhe une jam duke u drejtuar drejt teje.
250 mije milje ne nje nate te kthjellet ne Qershor,
Une po drejtohesha drejt teje...
Pas nje viti dhe 6 muajsh,
Mua nuk më doje më,
Por une te doja aq shume sa zemra me dhimbte,
Kurre nuk te trajtova keq,
Te betohem per zotin se derdha zemren time per ty,
Isha gati te hidhja trute ne erë ne prehrin tend, vetem që të vdisja ne krahet e tu,
T'u ula ne gjunje dhe t'u luta,
Qe te mos largoheshe,
Por ti as nuk me degjove, keshtu qe f*ck you,
U perpoqa ta ndaloja frymen tënde,
I vura te dyja duart ne fytin tend,
U ula siper teje duke ta shtrenguar qafen si nje shkop Lëpirëseje,
nuk kishte asnje arsye qe mund te mendoja,
Derisa te lashe të ikje nga kjo shtepi dhe te jetoje,
Lotet me rrodhen ne faqe, te lashe te largoheshe,
Dhe perpara se ta vendosja armën në tëmth, të thashë:
Une do te beja gjithcka per ty,
Per te treguar sa shume te adhuroja,
Por tashme eshte shume vone per ta shpetuar dashurine tone,
Thjesht me premto se sa herë te shohesh nje yll ne qiell, te me kujtosh mua, sepse une jam nje...
Jam nje rakete nderhapesinore dhe zemra jote eshte hëna,
Dhe une jam duke u drejtuar drejt teje.
250 mije milje ne nje nate te kthjellet ne Qershor,
Une jam i humbur pa ty,
pa ty.....
Komente 1