Just A Kiss (Muah)

Watching me from across the room
Like all the other guys
Hopin' that I'm gonna wait for you
But my heart is cold as ice

Baby, baby, I wanna drive you crazy
I'll leave you, high and dry

Come, go ahead and try
Baby, you'll never be my type
One thing you'll get tonight
Is just a little kiss goodbye, mwah
Come, go and waste your time
Baby, I'll never change my mind
One thing you'll get tonight
Is just a little, mwah, mwah, goodbye

Lose your mind when you get one taste
You'll be begging me to stay
Nothing will ever feel the same
Always gotta lie on my name

Baby, baby, I wanna drive you crazy
I'll leave you, high and dry

Come, go ahead and try
Baby, you'll never be my type
One thing you'll get tonight
Is just a little kiss goodbye, mwah
Come, go and waste your time
Baby, I'll never change my mind
One thing you'll get tonight
Is just a little, mwah, mwah, goodbye

Come, go ahead and try
One thing you'll get tonight

Baby, baby, I wanna drive you crazy
I'll leave you, high and dry

Come, go ahead and try
Baby, you'll never be my type
One thing you'll get tonight
Is just a little kiss goodbye, mwah
Come, go and waste your time
Baby, I'll never change my mind
One thing you'll get tonight
Is just a little, mwah, mwah, goodbye


Për të rritur aspektin kreativ, ky produkt muzikor bëhet i disponueshëm para audiencës i përpunuar shumë bukur edhe me anë të një videoklipi, për të cilin është kujdesur Azzie Scott. Ky videoklip u publikua më 28 Tetor 2022. Këngën e prodhoi Rodney Byerson.
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