
City big city
Been working for hours
Ain’t paying off in it I am in it
Yeah na na na na na
Spinning keep spinning
Thought the good and
The bad light in the dark
Living keep living yeah na na na na na

Troubles forget my troubles for today
Ain’t no problem
Ain’t no problem, i can’t take
Never running, when I’m near the edge
I might get close but I won’t fall for

Gonna be alright everything will be okay, ay ay ay
I’m a win this life I will always get my way
But that don’t brother me brother me brother me
I’mma be blessed anyway ay ay ay
Gonna be alright, follow what I say

Ole! Ole ole ole ole ole ole
Ole ole ole ole ole ole
Ole ole ole ole ole ole
Gonna be alright everything will be okay, ole!

Wining, I’m winning day ones by my side
Felling the love
Spirit, I’m high in it
Yeah na na na na na
Give it, I give it
Don’t chill when I’m on get what I want
Bring it i’mma bring it
Yeah na na na na na

Troubles forget my troubles for today
Ain’t no problem
Ain’t no problem, i can’t take
Never running, when I’m near the edge
I might get close but I won’t fall no way

Gonna be alright everything will be okay, ay ay ay
I’m a win this life I will always get my way
But that don’t brother me brother me brother me
I’mma be blessed anyway ay ay ay
Gonna be alright, follow what I say

Ole! Ole ole ole ole ole ole
Ole ole ole ole ole ole
Ole ole ole ole ole ole
Gonna be alright everything will be okay, ole!
Aspekti viziv është gjithmonë i rëndësishëm, ndaj ky krijim muzikor erdhi tek fansat i punuar në prizmin vizual me anë të një videoklipi muzikor, i cili u publikua më 8 Dhjetor 2022.
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