Ermal Fejzullahu
Goca Nga Tirana

Per here te pare Shqiperi, une erdha kur isha femije
Si cdo kosovar me emocione trazuar...
Degjova shume histori dhe pash shume bukuri,
Por nje goce Tirane me kishte pushtuar...
Neper vite ishim permalluar pa e ditur
Deri sa nje dite jemi takuar pa pritur,
Si dy te rritur...
O sa shume qe qenke rritur, dua ta puth syrin e dritur,
ooo e bukur sikur zana.
Dua te puth, te puth me mall,
Ti me ben te ndihem gjalle,
Te dua, Goca nga Tirana. (2x)
Ne endrrat e mia si femije, te pata simpati,
Qielli merrte ngjyren e syve te tua...
Tash kur te shoh perseri simpatia u be dashuri
Qielli tash ka ngjyren e fjaleve Te Dua...
Neper vite ishim permalluar pa e ditur
Deri sa nje dite jemi takuar pa pritur,
Si dy te rritur...
O sa shume qe qenke rritur, dua ta puth syrin e dritur,
ooo e bukur sikur zana.
Dua te puth ne buze me mall,
Ti me ben te ndihem gjalle,
Te dua, Goca nga Tirana.
Si cdo kosovar me emocione trazuar...
Degjova shume histori dhe pash shume bukuri,
Por nje goce Tirane me kishte pushtuar...
Neper vite ishim permalluar pa e ditur
Deri sa nje dite jemi takuar pa pritur,
Si dy te rritur...
O sa shume qe qenke rritur, dua ta puth syrin e dritur,
ooo e bukur sikur zana.
Dua te puth, te puth me mall,
Ti me ben te ndihem gjalle,
Te dua, Goca nga Tirana. (2x)
Ne endrrat e mia si femije, te pata simpati,
Qielli merrte ngjyren e syve te tua...
Tash kur te shoh perseri simpatia u be dashuri
Qielli tash ka ngjyren e fjaleve Te Dua...
Neper vite ishim permalluar pa e ditur
Deri sa nje dite jemi takuar pa pritur,
Si dy te rritur...
O sa shume qe qenke rritur, dua ta puth syrin e dritur,
ooo e bukur sikur zana.
Dua te puth ne buze me mall,
Ti me ben te ndihem gjalle,
Te dua, Goca nga Tirana.
The Girl From Tirana

For the first time in Albania
I came when I was a child
As every Kosovar with troubled emotion
I heard a lot of stories
And I saw a lot of beauty
But a Tirana girl had owned me
Through the years we mist each other
without knowing
Until one day we saw each other, now
as two grown
O you have grown so much
I want to kiss your shiny eye
Oh, you are beautiful as zana
I want to kiss you, kiss you with cravings
You make me feel alive
I love you, girl from Tirana (x2)
In my dreams as a child
I liked you
The sky had the color of your eyes
And now when I saw you again
Liking you become Love
The sky now has the color of words "I love you"
Through the years we mist each other
without knowing
Until one day we saw each other, now
as two grown
O you have grown so much
I want to kiss your shiny eye
Oh, you are beutiful as zana
I want to kiss you, kiss you with cravings
You make me feel alive
I love you, girl from Tirana (x2).
I came when I was a child
As every Kosovar with troubled emotion
I heard a lot of stories
And I saw a lot of beauty
But a Tirana girl had owned me
Through the years we mist each other
without knowing
Until one day we saw each other, now
as two grown
O you have grown so much
I want to kiss your shiny eye
Oh, you are beautiful as zana
I want to kiss you, kiss you with cravings
You make me feel alive
I love you, girl from Tirana (x2)
In my dreams as a child
I liked you
The sky had the color of your eyes
And now when I saw you again
Liking you become Love
The sky now has the color of words "I love you"
Through the years we mist each other
without knowing
Until one day we saw each other, now
as two grown
O you have grown so much
I want to kiss your shiny eye
Oh, you are beutiful as zana
I want to kiss you, kiss you with cravings
You make me feel alive
I love you, girl from Tirana (x2).
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