Evi Reçi
In My Room
In My Room
Ka material edhe për videotekën shqiptare, sepse krijimi muzikor bëhet i disponueshëm online i realizuar me mjaft shije me një klip muzikor, i cili u publikua më 10 Nëntor 2016.
Teksti :: Song Lyrics
When it's all over
And we go back to what we
Were ... (can't hear what she sings)
When we go back to being
I'll be in my room and think of you
When it's all over
I'll have to find my way home
But it's so dark here
And I feel so alone
Next to me
Next to me it should be you
When the sun goes down down
And our souls hit the ground
You're just a call that turns around (?)
The love I hear with no sound (?)
I'll be in my room
I'll be in my room and wait for you
When the sun goes down down
And our souls hit the ground
You're just a call that turns around (?)
The love I hear with no sound (?)
I'll be in my room
I'll be in my room and wait for you (I'll wait for you)
We should not do this
But it is stronger than
Both of us
It's a calling that keeps us
Back together
We cannot deny it no more
We go again to what we were
We go again to what we were
When the sun goes down down
And our souls hit the ground
You're just a call that turns around (?)
The love I hear with no sound (?)
I'll be in my room
I'll be in my room and wait for you
When the night comes up up
And I get a call from you
For a second my heart stops
I wish that it could be true
I'll be in my room
I'll be in my room and wait for you
I'll be in my room and wait till
We go again to what we were
We go again to what we were
We should not do this
But it is stronger than
Both of us
It's a calling that keeps us
Back together
We cannot deny it no more
And we go back to what we
Were ... (can't hear what she sings)
When we go back to being
I'll be in my room and think of you
When it's all over
I'll have to find my way home
But it's so dark here
And I feel so alone
Next to me
Next to me it should be you
When the sun goes down down
And our souls hit the ground
You're just a call that turns around (?)
The love I hear with no sound (?)
I'll be in my room
I'll be in my room and wait for you
When the sun goes down down
And our souls hit the ground
You're just a call that turns around (?)
The love I hear with no sound (?)
I'll be in my room
I'll be in my room and wait for you (I'll wait for you)
We should not do this
But it is stronger than
Both of us
It's a calling that keeps us
Back together
We cannot deny it no more
We go again to what we were
We go again to what we were
When the sun goes down down
And our souls hit the ground
You're just a call that turns around (?)
The love I hear with no sound (?)
I'll be in my room
I'll be in my room and wait for you
When the night comes up up
And I get a call from you
For a second my heart stops
I wish that it could be true
I'll be in my room
I'll be in my room and wait for you
I'll be in my room and wait till
We go again to what we were
We go again to what we were
We should not do this
But it is stronger than
Both of us
It's a calling that keeps us
Back together
We cannot deny it no more
Rryma muzikore
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- Publikimi: 10/11/2016
- Ora: 17:00
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