Ex Wolf
I Humbur Pa Ty

I humbur pa ty n'rrug pa asnje drit.
Vitet,po shkojn shpet, e hun hala tut prit.N'erresir jom verbu,pot lypi spot gjej kete dhimbje qe e kam ne shpirt thell pe e vrej.pe vrej mungesen tonde ç'do qast e me shum se lotet nuk kan faj qe rrjedhin sikur lum,se zemra flak um qet kur permendet emri jot se shkaku me i madh je ti qe pikojn kta lot.Koha si uj po shkon e un n'vetmi tu jetu emri jot si tatu n'zemren tem u vizatu.Po shkoj nga kjo bot se jeta u ba ferr nese nuk jom me ty syt e mi shohin veq terr.Un premtimin e mbajta hala n'zemer t'mbaj si shiu qe bjen shum aashtu fleten pe laj,ngoi mir kta rreshta se per ty jan shkru se ti je qellimi qe ket jet jom tu e jetu.
Zemra po shprehet veq zemra pe thot:per mu je e vetmja smuj met harru dot loti pikon si shi mos harro se egzistoj deri frymen e fundit per ty une jetoj
Fleta e lame me lot, nga vuajtjet e mdhaja dhe momente t'veshtira emrin tond ktu e mbaja.Je kuptimi i jetes tem qe un pe jetoj.Kom ba be n'emer t'zotit se kurr nuk dot harroj.Pe ngarkoj veten pse sjom me ty,pse s'te kom ty afer me ti puth ata sy.Kohë mas kohe pot ndjej kete sen n'shpirt pe vrrej e mllefi i madh ne shpirt zemren ma thej.Pa ty sum shkon kurgjo jetën pe shof me sy kur spot kom ty afer mbushem mall per ty.Jom tu e rujt veten qe nje dit dot jem me ty qe t'puth e t'ledhatoj e ti shprehi ndjenat ne sy.Qeky i njejti kom me mbet veq ty n'zemer t'mbaj dal n'dritare i shikoj yjet e me lot ftyren e laj.S'po muj me vazhdu se dora ma spo shkrun perveq tejse ska tjeter qe mallin ma shun.
Zemra po shprehet veq zemra pe thot:per mu je e vetmja smuj met harru dot loti pikon si shi mos harro se egzistoj deri n'frymen e fundit per ty une jetoj.
Vitet,po shkojn shpet, e hun hala tut prit.N'erresir jom verbu,pot lypi spot gjej kete dhimbje qe e kam ne shpirt thell pe e vrej.pe vrej mungesen tonde ç'do qast e me shum se lotet nuk kan faj qe rrjedhin sikur lum,se zemra flak um qet kur permendet emri jot se shkaku me i madh je ti qe pikojn kta lot.Koha si uj po shkon e un n'vetmi tu jetu emri jot si tatu n'zemren tem u vizatu.Po shkoj nga kjo bot se jeta u ba ferr nese nuk jom me ty syt e mi shohin veq terr.Un premtimin e mbajta hala n'zemer t'mbaj si shiu qe bjen shum aashtu fleten pe laj,ngoi mir kta rreshta se per ty jan shkru se ti je qellimi qe ket jet jom tu e jetu.
Zemra po shprehet veq zemra pe thot:per mu je e vetmja smuj met harru dot loti pikon si shi mos harro se egzistoj deri frymen e fundit per ty une jetoj
Fleta e lame me lot, nga vuajtjet e mdhaja dhe momente t'veshtira emrin tond ktu e mbaja.Je kuptimi i jetes tem qe un pe jetoj.Kom ba be n'emer t'zotit se kurr nuk dot harroj.Pe ngarkoj veten pse sjom me ty,pse s'te kom ty afer me ti puth ata sy.Kohë mas kohe pot ndjej kete sen n'shpirt pe vrrej e mllefi i madh ne shpirt zemren ma thej.Pa ty sum shkon kurgjo jetën pe shof me sy kur spot kom ty afer mbushem mall per ty.Jom tu e rujt veten qe nje dit dot jem me ty qe t'puth e t'ledhatoj e ti shprehi ndjenat ne sy.Qeky i njejti kom me mbet veq ty n'zemer t'mbaj dal n'dritare i shikoj yjet e me lot ftyren e laj.S'po muj me vazhdu se dora ma spo shkrun perveq tejse ska tjeter qe mallin ma shun.
Zemra po shprehet veq zemra pe thot:per mu je e vetmja smuj met harru dot loti pikon si shi mos harro se egzistoj deri n'frymen e fundit per ty une jetoj.
Lost Without You

Lost without you in path without a single light.Years are passing fast,and I am still waiting.In darkness I am blind,I am not finding this pain that I have in my soul deep I am noticed,I am noticed you absent in every case and further,tears that flows like a river,'cause the flame heart is mine when I hear your name because the big reason of these tears is you.Time as water flows and me in solitude living,your name as tattoo I have been write in my heart.I am leaving this world 'cause it's already hell if I am not with you my eyes will see dread only.I have kept my promise and still I keep you in my heart like rain that falls a lot,like asleep i am wash,listen carefully to these lines 'cause they are written for you,'cause you are my purpose for living my life.
The heart is expressing only is saying:for me you are the only that i cannot forget,the teat flows as rain,don't forget that I exist 'till last breath for you i live
I slept washed by tears,from biggest suffers and difficult moments your name I kept here.You are my meaning of life that I am living.I have swear in God name that I won't forget.I am charging myself for why I am not with you,why I don't have you side my self to kiss those pretty eyes.Time after time I am feeling this thing in my life,I have noticed that this big rancor in my soul is broken my heart.Without you nothing happened in my life,I am seeing with my own eyes when I don't have you near I missed you badly.I am saving my self that one day I'll be with you to kiss you and fondle and to express all my feeling in your face.This is me I haven't change a bit only you I keep you in my heart and from window I see stars and with tears in my face I clean it.I can't keep going because my hand can't write anymore,expect you there is no one that I really missed
The heart is expressing only is saying:for me you are the only that i cannot forget,the teat flows as rain,don't forget that I exist 'till last breath for you i live
I slept washed by tears,from biggest suffers and difficult moments your name I kept here.You are my meaning of life that I am living.I have swear in God name that I won't forget.I am charging myself for why I am not with you,why I don't have you side my self to kiss those pretty eyes.Time after time I am feeling this thing in my life,I have noticed that this big rancor in my soul is broken my heart.Without you nothing happened in my life,I am seeing with my own eyes when I don't have you near I missed you badly.I am saving my self that one day I'll be with you to kiss you and fondle and to express all my feeling in your face.This is me I haven't change a bit only you I keep you in my heart and from window I see stars and with tears in my face I clean it.I can't keep going because my hand can't write anymore,expect you there is no one that I really missed
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