Ilir Shaqiri & Arben Krasniqi
Batalioni Atlantiku
Flag ShqipShqip
(Ilir Shaqiri)
Ndal ta them nje kenge shqiptare,
Kenge lirie n’djep e nisur,
Zjarr Kosove n’mes T’New York-ut,
Thrrasin trimat brohoritur.

(Arben Krasniqi)
Jem Shqiptare e s’dime ç’eshte frika,
Çlirimtare zemer rrufe,
Na bekoi sot Amerika,
Qe t'luftojme per atdhe

(Ilir Shaqiri)
Dardani o toke Arbrore,
Zemer zjarr, tallaz çeliku,

(Ilir Shaqiri/Arben Krasniqi)
Oqeani po vjen permbi re,
Batalioni "Atlantiku"

Kjo stuhi e dale nga shpirti,
Eshte beslidhja jone e re,
Nuk ka n’bote asgje ma t’bukur,
Se kur rrahin zemrat per atdhe,
Ketu jane lidhe brinjte e Evropes,
Dege e trungu te pandare,
Jam ushtar i Kosoves,
Neper shekuj i flas botes,
Qekur djelli i ka ra tokes jam Shqiptare.

(Ilir Shaqiri)
Nder beteja te pamposhtur,
Barut shkundin trimat sysh

(Arben Krasniqi)
Çlirimtaret kudo neper bote,
Kane bekime perendish.

(Ilir Shaqiri)
Dardani o toke hynore,
Hije te paska djelli n’faqe.

(Ilir Shaqiri/Arben Krasniqi)
Me Shqiperine e me Ameriken,
Na bekofte Zoti me paqe.

Ref (2x):
Kjo stuhi e dale nga shpirti,
Eshte beslidhja jone e re,
Nuk ka n’bote asgje ma t’bukur,
Se kur rrahin zemrat per atdhe,
Ketu jane lidhe brinjte e Evropes,
Dege e trungu te pandare,
Jam ushtar i Kosoves,
Neper shekuj i flas botes,
Qekur djelli i ka ra tokes jam Shqiptare.
The Battalion Atlantiku
Flag AnglishtAnglisht
(Ilir Shaqiri)
Let me sing to you an Albanian song,
Song of freedom starting in the cradle,
Fire of Kosovo in the middle of New York,
The brave men call shouting.

(Arben Krasniqi)
We are Albanian we don’t know fear,
Liberators with a thunder heart,
Today America has blessed us,
To fight for our fatherland

(Ilir Shaqiri)
Dardania o Albanian land,
Heart of fire, wave of steel,

(Ilir Shaqiri/Arben Krasniqi)
The ocean is coming over the clouds
The battalion “Atlantiku”

This storm coming from the soul
Is our new league of faith,
There is nothing more beautiful in this world,
Than when hearts beat for their fatherland,
Here are tied the ribs of Europe,
Branches and the trunk unified,
I am a soldier of Kosovo,
Through centuries I say to the world,
Ever since the sun has warmed the land I am Albanian.

(Ilir Shaqiri)
Throughout battles undefeated,
The brave men shake the gunpowder off their eyes

(Arben Krasniqi)
Liberators all over the world,
Hold the blessings of God.

(Ilir Shaqiri)
Dardania o holy land,
The sun on your face suits you very well.

(Ilir Shaqiri/Arben Krasniqi)
With Albania and the US,
May God bless us with peace.

Chorus (2x):
This storm coming from the soul
Is our new league of faith,
There is nothing more beautiful in this world,
Than when hearts beat for their fatherland,
Here are tied the ribs of Europe,
Branches and the trunk unified,
I am a soldier of Kosovo,
Through centuries I say to the world,
Ever since the sun has warmed the land I am Albanian.
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