Off Records

rregulli par te ju n ekip
koka 1 diss me ja bo semit
t kishim ardh me bo foto
tkishim dal n spot te refreni
asnjoni si keni fajet
te ju krejt i ka menaxheri
mas pari kisha mbjell flok
sa t'investoj n'tuli cfar njeri
jo kjo nuk o killshot
une sjom eminemi
koqet dikush mi ka vjedh
jom ka dyshoj mos o readi,
pse tash jon ka na shajn
e ka pa krejt mileti
se pidhat qihen me lek
e ti u qive me metin,
e ti tjetri kishe po na lyp
kom ni ke ardh me na zon
kafen se pi n 5 mengjes normal
se gati sjom kon
ti pidh hala nuk je pjek
krejt qa kom per me t'thon
jo ti sje pidh none
vec pidh kur t lo pa non
kta tjert thash haj mos me i diss
po ti vet m'dole si leper
jo be sdojsha problem
po se di tash pse du teper
kaniher krejt i menoj
bile edhe foli me veten
thom endri pi ktyne pin
e kta tjert e hupin kuletren
( e sa per sqarim ta kena hek followin se te qata qe i ke shajt te qata je tash domethon te qajo thon qe ke dasht me shti karin tash je ka e shti guhen ti edhe lek me bo ki me mbet papak )
ja ktu ku jetoj
fjalen une va dhash
diten qe vjen n koncert
perfundon n bagazh
jeni mledh krejt deshtusa
asnjoni skeni imazh
cat arushen e karit
mere ndroje me dash
tash e tutje kur t'vesin
ca menon be per semin
thuj ati ja ke sos
hajde kapu per temin,
pi qyteti sen del
a paske dal pi sistemi,
ti thoben tonde sun e pastron
a paske dal per tereni
ti mke pa vetem n onder
dije ti kur t kom thon
jepi jepi se dhez
shaj se sen tjeter sen sun na bon
catje kur jom rit
un jom qaj qe t kallxon
je tu fol per tetoven
ama hajde pak ma von
thuj qe nuk o duft
shokt i keni shti n luft
diten qe dilni prej pidhit nones
o kon bi**h movie
pernime skeni dhez
qashtu tu ka duk nashta
merna me ti qat her kur kryn matur
(se hala je i vogel e kur t ritesh qat her ki me mbaj koncert n tetov deri ater adiosss)
koka 1 diss me ja bo semit
t kishim ardh me bo foto
tkishim dal n spot te refreni
asnjoni si keni fajet
te ju krejt i ka menaxheri
mas pari kisha mbjell flok
sa t'investoj n'tuli cfar njeri
jo kjo nuk o killshot
une sjom eminemi
koqet dikush mi ka vjedh
jom ka dyshoj mos o readi,
pse tash jon ka na shajn
e ka pa krejt mileti
se pidhat qihen me lek
e ti u qive me metin,
e ti tjetri kishe po na lyp
kom ni ke ardh me na zon
kafen se pi n 5 mengjes normal
se gati sjom kon
ti pidh hala nuk je pjek
krejt qa kom per me t'thon
jo ti sje pidh none
vec pidh kur t lo pa non
kta tjert thash haj mos me i diss
po ti vet m'dole si leper
jo be sdojsha problem
po se di tash pse du teper
kaniher krejt i menoj
bile edhe foli me veten
thom endri pi ktyne pin
e kta tjert e hupin kuletren
( e sa per sqarim ta kena hek followin se te qata qe i ke shajt te qata je tash domethon te qajo thon qe ke dasht me shti karin tash je ka e shti guhen ti edhe lek me bo ki me mbet papak )
ja ktu ku jetoj
fjalen une va dhash
diten qe vjen n koncert
perfundon n bagazh
jeni mledh krejt deshtusa
asnjoni skeni imazh
cat arushen e karit
mere ndroje me dash
tash e tutje kur t'vesin
ca menon be per semin
thuj ati ja ke sos
hajde kapu per temin,
pi qyteti sen del
a paske dal pi sistemi,
ti thoben tonde sun e pastron
a paske dal per tereni
ti mke pa vetem n onder
dije ti kur t kom thon
jepi jepi se dhez
shaj se sen tjeter sen sun na bon
catje kur jom rit
un jom qaj qe t kallxon
je tu fol per tetoven
ama hajde pak ma von
thuj qe nuk o duft
shokt i keni shti n luft
diten qe dilni prej pidhit nones
o kon bi**h movie
pernime skeni dhez
qashtu tu ka duk nashta
merna me ti qat her kur kryn matur
(se hala je i vogel e kur t ritesh qat her ki me mbaj koncert n tetov deri ater adiosss)
Off Records

the first rule to you in the team
head 1 diss me ja bo semit
t we had come to take pictures
tkishim dal n spot te refreni
no one is to blame
your manager has it all
first I planted hair
how to invest in what a person is
no this is not killshot
I am an eminem
someone stole my balls
jom ka mathoj mos o readi,
why now ours is cursing us
the whole millet saw it
that pussies are f**ked with money
and you were shot with the flaw,
and the other one was begging us
I came to the area with you
coffee to drink at 5 a.m.
I'm almost gone
you pussy needles you are not baked
all I have to say to you
not you pidh none
vec pidh kur t lo pa non
these others I said eat don't bother me
but you yourself are like a rabbit
no be sdojsha problem
but I know now why I want more
I always think of them
he even talked to himself
thom endri pi ktyne pin
and these others lose the wallet
(And as for clarification, if you follow it, then the qata that you have shajt qata you are now means to cry, they say that you wanted to add the cock, now you have the shot and you have the money to make me a papak)
here I live
the word I va gave
the day he comes to the concert
ends in luggage
you have gathered all deshtusa
no image scene
cat bear bear
mere ndroje me dash
from now on when they tell you
ca menon be per semin
say father you have sos
come on catch me,
drink the city sen del
a paske dal pi sistem,
you say your sun cleans it
a paske dal per tereni
you see me alone in the onder
know when I tell you
give give that dhez
swear that other sen sen sun makes us
catje when I am rite
I'm crying to tell you
je tu fol per tetoven
but come on a little later
say you don't want to
comrade you shot at the war
the day you leave pussy nones
o kon bi ** h movie
pernime scene dhez
that's how it seemed to you
I take it with me every time I measure
(that you are small and when you grow up again every time I hold a concert in Tetovo until there are adiosss)
head 1 diss me ja bo semit
t we had come to take pictures
tkishim dal n spot te refreni
no one is to blame
your manager has it all
first I planted hair
how to invest in what a person is
no this is not killshot
I am an eminem
someone stole my balls
jom ka mathoj mos o readi,
why now ours is cursing us
the whole millet saw it
that pussies are f**ked with money
and you were shot with the flaw,
and the other one was begging us
I came to the area with you
coffee to drink at 5 a.m.
I'm almost gone
you pussy needles you are not baked
all I have to say to you
not you pidh none
vec pidh kur t lo pa non
these others I said eat don't bother me
but you yourself are like a rabbit
no be sdojsha problem
but I know now why I want more
I always think of them
he even talked to himself
thom endri pi ktyne pin
and these others lose the wallet
(And as for clarification, if you follow it, then the qata that you have shajt qata you are now means to cry, they say that you wanted to add the cock, now you have the shot and you have the money to make me a papak)
here I live
the word I va gave
the day he comes to the concert
ends in luggage
you have gathered all deshtusa
no image scene
cat bear bear
mere ndroje me dash
from now on when they tell you
ca menon be per semin
say father you have sos
come on catch me,
drink the city sen del
a paske dal pi sistem,
you say your sun cleans it
a paske dal per tereni
you see me alone in the onder
know when I tell you
give give that dhez
swear that other sen sen sun makes us
catje when I am rite
I'm crying to tell you
je tu fol per tetoven
but come on a little later
say you don't want to
comrade you shot at the war
the day you leave pussy nones
o kon bi ** h movie
pernime scene dhez
that's how it seemed to you
I take it with me every time I measure
(that you are small and when you grow up again every time I hold a concert in Tetovo until there are adiosss)
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