Inva Mula
Per Ty Atdhe
Flag ShqipShqip
Per ty Atdhe
me te bukuren kenge
me fuqine e kesaj zemre do te kendoj
per keto male
per keto fusha te gjalla
per kete vend ku sot i lumtur jetoj

(Per keto male)
(per keto fusha te gjalla)
(per kete vend ku sot i lumtur jetoj)

I bukur je
ngrihesh madheshtor
si keshtjelle e pamposhtur ti qendron
ne mes dallgesh
shkemb graniti vigan
su perkule nga cdo stuhi e tufan
For You Homeland
Flag AnglishtAnglisht
For You Homeland
the most splendid song
with the power of this heart I will sing

for these mountains
for these live fields
for this country where I happily live today

(for these mountains)
(for these live fields)
(for this country where I happily live today)

Yuu are beautiful
You rise with majesty
like an invincible castle you stand
between waves
giant granite rock
You did not bowed to every storm or bluster
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