Jennette Mccurdy - You Can Be Stronger
Jennette Mccurdy
You Can Be Stronger

Produkti muzikor u bë i disponueshëm tek audienca e gjerë shumë bukur edhe me anë të një videoklipi muzikor, i cili u publikua me datë 21 Gusht 2010.
Teksti :: Song Lyrics
When everything goes wrong,
and decide to escape,
you do not feel very strong,
but you are,
but have you tried to escape,
you can not control,
though you know you are,
oh you're strong if you are strong,
are stronger than anyone and you know
if you know ....
you can be stronger oh oh
and find out gradually,
you can be stronger oh oh, yeah,
when you try will be very strong,
and find out.

When you walk down the sidewalk,
you sit there,
've always been waiting room,
but you can not control,
you because you can not encourage,
you feel very weak but you're wrong,
because you're always strong,
need to prove that you can excel,
you can be stronger oh oh
and find out gradually,
You can be stronger oh oh, yeah,
when you try will be very strong,
and find out.

When everything turns out well
and decide to walk,
You feel very strong,
and you are,
but have you tried to walk,
now you can control,
though you know you are that person strong
both have,
oh you're strong if you are strong,
are stronger than anyone and you know
if you know ....
you can be stronger oh oh
and find out gradually,
you can be stronger oh oh, yeah,
when you try will be very strong,
and find out.
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