Jennifer Lopez
Dance Again

(Feat. Pitbull)
Next (x2)
Shimmy shimmy yah,
Shimmy yam,
Shimmy yay,
I'm a ol' dirty dog all day,
No way José,
Your girl only go one way ¡ay mi madre!,
You should check that out,
Maybe you ain't turn her out,
Maybe it's none of my business,
But for now work it out,
Let's get this, dale...
Nobody knows what I'm feeling inside,
I find it so stupid,
So why should I hide,
That I love to make love to you baby,
(Yeah, make love to me)
So many ways wanna touch you tonight,
I'm a big girl got no secrets this time,
Yeah I love to make love to you baby,
(Yeah make love to me)...
If this would be a perfect world,
We'd be together then,
(Let's do it do it do it)
Only got just one life this I've learned,
Who cares what they're gonna say,
(Let's do it do it do it)....
I wanna dance,
And love,
And dance again,
I wanna dance,
And love,
And dance again...
Next (x2)
Baby your fire is lighting me up,
The way that you move boy is reason enough,
That I love to make love to you baby,
(Yeah make love to me),
I can't behave, oh, I want you so much,
Your lips taste like heaven,
So why should I stop?,
Yeah I love to make love to you baby,
(Yeah make love to me)...
If this would be a perfect world,
We'd be together then,
(Let's do it do it do it)
Only got just one life this I've learned,
Who cares what they're gonna say,
(Let's do it do it do it)....
I wanna dance,
And love,
And dance again,
I wanna dance,
And love,
And dance again...
Mr Worldwide, and the World's Most Beautiful Woman,
Modern day, Hugh hef (uh, yes),
Playboy to the death (uh, yes),
Is he really worldwide? (uh, yes),
Mami let me open your treasure chest,
Play dates, we play mates,
I'm the king snatching queens, checkmate,
What you think?,
It's a rumor,
I'm really out of this world, MOON, LUNA,
Make woman comfortable,
Call me Bloomer,
Can't even show love cause they'll sue ya,
But I told them, 'Hallelujah, have a blessed day',
So ahead of myself,
Everyday's yesterday,
Want the recipe? it's real simple,
Little bit of vole, and she'll open Sesame...
Now dance,
If this would be a perfect world,
We'd be together then,
(Let's do it do it do it),
Only got just one life this I've learned,
Who cares what they're gonna say,
(Let's do it do it do it)...
I wanna dance,
And love,
And dance again,
I wanna dance,
And love,
And dance again...
Next (x2)
Shimmy shimmy yah,
Shimmy yam,
Shimmy yay,
I'm a ol' dirty dog all day,
No way José,
Your girl only go one way ¡ay mi madre!,
You should check that out,
Maybe you ain't turn her out,
Maybe it's none of my business,
But for now work it out,
Let's get this, dale...
Nobody knows what I'm feeling inside,
I find it so stupid,
So why should I hide,
That I love to make love to you baby,
(Yeah, make love to me)
So many ways wanna touch you tonight,
I'm a big girl got no secrets this time,
Yeah I love to make love to you baby,
(Yeah make love to me)...
If this would be a perfect world,
We'd be together then,
(Let's do it do it do it)
Only got just one life this I've learned,
Who cares what they're gonna say,
(Let's do it do it do it)....
I wanna dance,
And love,
And dance again,
I wanna dance,
And love,
And dance again...
Next (x2)
Baby your fire is lighting me up,
The way that you move boy is reason enough,
That I love to make love to you baby,
(Yeah make love to me),
I can't behave, oh, I want you so much,
Your lips taste like heaven,
So why should I stop?,
Yeah I love to make love to you baby,
(Yeah make love to me)...
If this would be a perfect world,
We'd be together then,
(Let's do it do it do it)
Only got just one life this I've learned,
Who cares what they're gonna say,
(Let's do it do it do it)....
I wanna dance,
And love,
And dance again,
I wanna dance,
And love,
And dance again...
Mr Worldwide, and the World's Most Beautiful Woman,
Modern day, Hugh hef (uh, yes),
Playboy to the death (uh, yes),
Is he really worldwide? (uh, yes),
Mami let me open your treasure chest,
Play dates, we play mates,
I'm the king snatching queens, checkmate,
What you think?,
It's a rumor,
I'm really out of this world, MOON, LUNA,
Make woman comfortable,
Call me Bloomer,
Can't even show love cause they'll sue ya,
But I told them, 'Hallelujah, have a blessed day',
So ahead of myself,
Everyday's yesterday,
Want the recipe? it's real simple,
Little bit of vole, and she'll open Sesame...
Now dance,
If this would be a perfect world,
We'd be together then,
(Let's do it do it do it),
Only got just one life this I've learned,
Who cares what they're gonna say,
(Let's do it do it do it)...
I wanna dance,
And love,
And dance again,
I wanna dance,
And love,
And dance again...
Kerce Perseri

(Feat. Pitbull)
Tjeter (2x)
Shimmy shimmy yah,
Shimmy yam,
Shimmy yay,
Gjithe diten jam nje qen i piset
Asesi Jose
Femra jote shkon vetem ne nje drejtim, ay nena ime
Duhet ta verifikosh
Ndoshta nuk eshte si duket
ndoshta nuk eshte pjes e biznesit tim
Le ta marrim kete, jepi ...
Askush nuk e di se cka ndjej mbrenda meje
e gjej shum idiot
pra ateher pse duhet ta fshehi
se me pelqen te bej dashuri me ty zemer,
(po, bej dashuri me mua)
ne shume menyra dua tet preki sonte
jam nje vajz e pjekur, nuk kam sekrete kete her
Po, mua me pelqen te bej dashuri me ty zemer
(Po, bej dashuri me mua)...
Nese kjo do te ishte bota perfekte
Ne do te ishim bashk
(Le ta bejme, le ta bejme)
Kemi vetem nje jet, kete e kam mesuar
kujt i intereson se cka thojn te tjeret,
(Le ta bejme, le ta bejme)
Dua te kercej
dhe te dashuroj
dhe te kercej perseri,
Dua te kercej
dhe te dashuroj
dhe te kercej perseri...
Tjeter (2x)
Zemer, zjarri yt po te djeg
menyra se si leviz djal eshte arsye e mjaftueshme
me pelqeu se si bera dashuri me ti zemer,
(po bej dashuri me mua),
nuk mund te sillem, oh, me duhesh shume
buzet e tua shkelqejn
ateher perse duhet te ndalem?
Po, mua me pelqen te bej dashuri me ty zemer
(Po, bej dashuri me mua)...
Nese kjo do te ishte bota perfekte
Ne do te ishim bashk
(Le ta bejme, le ta bejme)
Kemi vetem nje jet, kete e kam mesuar
kujt i intereson se cka thojn te tjeret,
(Le ta bejme, le ta bejme)
Dua te kercej
dhe te dashuroj
dhe te kercej perseri,
Dua te kercej
dhe te dashuroj
dhe te kercej perseri...
Mr.Boteror, dhe femra me e bukur e botes
Dite moderne, Hugh hef (uh, yes),
PlayBoy po vdes, (uh yes)
Eshte ver8 ai boteror? (uh, yes) ,
Mami me lejo te hap valixhen tende me ar,
Jam mbret duke rrembyer mbreteresha
cfar mendon?
se eshte nje rutin?
Jam vertet jasht kesaj bote, hene, luna
kenaqi femrat
me thirr Blomer,
nuk mundin te shfaqin dashuri se te padisin
por u thash, Aleluja, te keni nje dite te mir
para se te mendoj per vete
gjithe ditet jan te djeshme
e don receten? eshte shum e thjesht
Pak nga Voli, dhe ajo do e hapi vet Sesame ...
Tani kerce,
Nese kjo do te ishte bota perfekte
Ne do te ishim bashk
(Le ta bejme, le ta bejme)
Kemi vetem nje jet, kete e kam mesuar
kujt i intereson se cka thojn te tjeret,
(Le ta bejme, le ta bejme)
Dua te kercej
dhe te dashuroj
dhe te kercej perseri,
Dua te kercej
dhe te dashuroj
dhe te kercej perseri...
Tjeter (2x)
Shimmy shimmy yah,
Shimmy yam,
Shimmy yay,
Gjithe diten jam nje qen i piset
Asesi Jose
Femra jote shkon vetem ne nje drejtim, ay nena ime
Duhet ta verifikosh
Ndoshta nuk eshte si duket
ndoshta nuk eshte pjes e biznesit tim
Le ta marrim kete, jepi ...
Askush nuk e di se cka ndjej mbrenda meje
e gjej shum idiot
pra ateher pse duhet ta fshehi
se me pelqen te bej dashuri me ty zemer,
(po, bej dashuri me mua)
ne shume menyra dua tet preki sonte
jam nje vajz e pjekur, nuk kam sekrete kete her
Po, mua me pelqen te bej dashuri me ty zemer
(Po, bej dashuri me mua)...
Nese kjo do te ishte bota perfekte
Ne do te ishim bashk
(Le ta bejme, le ta bejme)
Kemi vetem nje jet, kete e kam mesuar
kujt i intereson se cka thojn te tjeret,
(Le ta bejme, le ta bejme)
Dua te kercej
dhe te dashuroj
dhe te kercej perseri,
Dua te kercej
dhe te dashuroj
dhe te kercej perseri...
Tjeter (2x)
Zemer, zjarri yt po te djeg
menyra se si leviz djal eshte arsye e mjaftueshme
me pelqeu se si bera dashuri me ti zemer,
(po bej dashuri me mua),
nuk mund te sillem, oh, me duhesh shume
buzet e tua shkelqejn
ateher perse duhet te ndalem?
Po, mua me pelqen te bej dashuri me ty zemer
(Po, bej dashuri me mua)...
Nese kjo do te ishte bota perfekte
Ne do te ishim bashk
(Le ta bejme, le ta bejme)
Kemi vetem nje jet, kete e kam mesuar
kujt i intereson se cka thojn te tjeret,
(Le ta bejme, le ta bejme)
Dua te kercej
dhe te dashuroj
dhe te kercej perseri,
Dua te kercej
dhe te dashuroj
dhe te kercej perseri...
Mr.Boteror, dhe femra me e bukur e botes
Dite moderne, Hugh hef (uh, yes),
PlayBoy po vdes, (uh yes)
Eshte ver8 ai boteror? (uh, yes) ,
Mami me lejo te hap valixhen tende me ar,
Jam mbret duke rrembyer mbreteresha
cfar mendon?
se eshte nje rutin?
Jam vertet jasht kesaj bote, hene, luna
kenaqi femrat
me thirr Blomer,
nuk mundin te shfaqin dashuri se te padisin
por u thash, Aleluja, te keni nje dite te mir
para se te mendoj per vete
gjithe ditet jan te djeshme
e don receten? eshte shum e thjesht
Pak nga Voli, dhe ajo do e hapi vet Sesame ...
Tani kerce,
Nese kjo do te ishte bota perfekte
Ne do te ishim bashk
(Le ta bejme, le ta bejme)
Kemi vetem nje jet, kete e kam mesuar
kujt i intereson se cka thojn te tjeret,
(Le ta bejme, le ta bejme)
Dua te kercej
dhe te dashuroj
dhe te kercej perseri,
Dua te kercej
dhe te dashuroj
dhe te kercej perseri...
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