Jessie J
Casualty Of Love

We may not have all the answers
I know that we can change some of the things that are beyond our control
And the vision of us may be blurry
But use your heart to see
Just follow the beat, the rhythm will lead you right back to me.
Sometimes its a game of give and take
Its easy to break
But hold on and wait
Have a little faith
I will go down to the last round
I'll be your strength to find you when you get lost in the crowd
So I'll stand up tall, if by chance I fall
Then I'll go down as a casualty of love
The battle of us will be simple
Escape without being hurt
Cause love is a shield, keeps us concealed
From what could get even worse
So baby let me be your soldier
Don't be overtaken by pride
Just hold m hand, close your eyes
I promise to keep us alive
Sometimes it's a game of give and take
It's easy to break
But hold on and wait
Have a little faith
I will go down to the last round
I'll be your strength to find you when you get lost in the crowd
So I'll stand up tall, if by chance I fall
Then I'll go down as a casualty of love
All is fair
In love and war
Knock me down
And I'll get back up wanting more
Through the fire and rain
It makes me numb from the pain
That's the price, that's the price, I'll pay
I will go down to the last round
I'll be your strength to find you when you get lost in the crowd
So I'll stand up tall, if by chance I fall
Then I'll go down as a casualty of love.
I know that we can change some of the things that are beyond our control
And the vision of us may be blurry
But use your heart to see
Just follow the beat, the rhythm will lead you right back to me.
Sometimes its a game of give and take
Its easy to break
But hold on and wait
Have a little faith
I will go down to the last round
I'll be your strength to find you when you get lost in the crowd
So I'll stand up tall, if by chance I fall
Then I'll go down as a casualty of love
The battle of us will be simple
Escape without being hurt
Cause love is a shield, keeps us concealed
From what could get even worse
So baby let me be your soldier
Don't be overtaken by pride
Just hold m hand, close your eyes
I promise to keep us alive
Sometimes it's a game of give and take
It's easy to break
But hold on and wait
Have a little faith
I will go down to the last round
I'll be your strength to find you when you get lost in the crowd
So I'll stand up tall, if by chance I fall
Then I'll go down as a casualty of love
All is fair
In love and war
Knock me down
And I'll get back up wanting more
Through the fire and rain
It makes me numb from the pain
That's the price, that's the price, I'll pay
I will go down to the last round
I'll be your strength to find you when you get lost in the crowd
So I'll stand up tall, if by chance I fall
Then I'll go down as a casualty of love.
Viktime E Dashurise

Ndoshta nuk i kemi te gjitha pergjigjet
e di se mund ti ndryshojm pak gjerat
qe jan jasht kontrollit ton
dhe vision yn mund te jet e paqart
por perdor zemren tende per ta par
vetem ndjeje ritmin, se ritmit do tet rikthen tek mua.
Ndonjeher esht nje loj te japish dhe te marish
eshte leht ta thyesh
por rrij, dhe prit
ki pak besim.
Do dorezohem ne raundin e fundit
do jem forca qe ti perdor per te me gjetur, kur do me humbish
keshtuqe do rri ne kembe, nese bie
do e kaloj historin si nje vikim te dashuris
Lufta jon ishte e thjesht
do ikim pa len plag
sepse dashurija edhe nje mburoje, qe na mban shendosh
nga ajo qe mund te marri me keq.
keshtuqe zemer, me lejo te jem ushtari jot
qe nuk te parakalohet krenaria
vetem me kap per dore, mbyll syt
premtoj se do te jemi te gjall.
Ndonjeher esht nje loj te japish dhe te marish
eshte leht ta thyesh
por rrij, dhe prit
ki pak besim.
Do dorezohem ne raundin e fundit
do jem forca qe ti perdor per te me gjetur, kur do me humbish
keshtuqe do rri ne kembe, nese bie
do e kaloj historin si nje vikim te dashuris
Gjithcka eshte e drejt
ne dashuri dhe ne luft
me ul posht
dhe do ngrihem me me shum vullnet
ne mes te zjarrit dhe shiut
me bejn imune ndaj dhimbjes
kjo eshte cmimi, cimim qe jam gati ta paguaj.
Do dorezohem ne raundin e fundit
do jem forca qe ti perdor per te me gjetur, kur do me humbish
keshtuqe do rri ne kembe, nese bie
do e kaloj historin si nje vikim te dashuris
e di se mund ti ndryshojm pak gjerat
qe jan jasht kontrollit ton
dhe vision yn mund te jet e paqart
por perdor zemren tende per ta par
vetem ndjeje ritmin, se ritmit do tet rikthen tek mua.
Ndonjeher esht nje loj te japish dhe te marish
eshte leht ta thyesh
por rrij, dhe prit
ki pak besim.
Do dorezohem ne raundin e fundit
do jem forca qe ti perdor per te me gjetur, kur do me humbish
keshtuqe do rri ne kembe, nese bie
do e kaloj historin si nje vikim te dashuris
Lufta jon ishte e thjesht
do ikim pa len plag
sepse dashurija edhe nje mburoje, qe na mban shendosh
nga ajo qe mund te marri me keq.
keshtuqe zemer, me lejo te jem ushtari jot
qe nuk te parakalohet krenaria
vetem me kap per dore, mbyll syt
premtoj se do te jemi te gjall.
Ndonjeher esht nje loj te japish dhe te marish
eshte leht ta thyesh
por rrij, dhe prit
ki pak besim.
Do dorezohem ne raundin e fundit
do jem forca qe ti perdor per te me gjetur, kur do me humbish
keshtuqe do rri ne kembe, nese bie
do e kaloj historin si nje vikim te dashuris
Gjithcka eshte e drejt
ne dashuri dhe ne luft
me ul posht
dhe do ngrihem me me shum vullnet
ne mes te zjarrit dhe shiut
me bejn imune ndaj dhimbjes
kjo eshte cmimi, cimim qe jam gati ta paguaj.
Do dorezohem ne raundin e fundit
do jem forca qe ti perdor per te me gjetur, kur do me humbish
keshtuqe do rri ne kembe, nese bie
do e kaloj historin si nje vikim te dashuris
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