Kejsi Tola
What You Want
What You Want
Për të shtuar dozën artistike, projekti muzikor prezantohet tek audienca i plotësuar mjaft këndshëm me videoklip, për video produksionin e të cilit është kujdesur Giacomo Triglia. Ky videoklip u publikua më 12 Prill 2023. Për këtë këngë kanë punuar bashkarisht tekstin Kejsi Tola, Lionchld, Marty James Garton & Space Primtates, ndërsa studio producentët rezultojnë të jenë Space Primates & Valentina Confortini.
Teksti :: Song Lyrics
You promised me the world and a dream
Show me places I’ve never seen
Bought me all these nice pretty things
Felt like I was queen to a king
But the real is...
Every time you post it’s always her and never me
Why am I always seeing things that I don’t wanna see
You half way in and half way out and I‘m stuck in between
Where is loyalty...
How can you say you want me
When you don’t even know what you want
You keep on telling me that you're sorry
When you know what you're doing is wrong
You string me along
And you always so off and on
One minute you’re here
And the next you gone
How can you say you want me
When you don’t even know what you want
You don’t know what you want
You just do whatever u like
Don’t care who you leaving behind
How you keeping up with these lies
It’s like you flip a switch in your mind
But the real is...
Every time you post it’s always her and never me
Why am I always seeing things that I don’t wanna see
You half way in and half way out and I‘m stuck in between
Where is loyalty...
How can you say you want me
When you don’t even know what you want
You keep on telling me that you're sorry
When you know what you're doing is wrong
You string me along
And you always so off and on
One minute you’re here
And the next you gone
How can you say you want me
When you don’t even know what you want
You don’t know what you want
You don’t know what you want...
Show me places I’ve never seen
Bought me all these nice pretty things
Felt like I was queen to a king
But the real is...
Every time you post it’s always her and never me
Why am I always seeing things that I don’t wanna see
You half way in and half way out and I‘m stuck in between
Where is loyalty...
How can you say you want me
When you don’t even know what you want
You keep on telling me that you're sorry
When you know what you're doing is wrong
You string me along
And you always so off and on
One minute you’re here
And the next you gone
How can you say you want me
When you don’t even know what you want
You don’t know what you want
You just do whatever u like
Don’t care who you leaving behind
How you keeping up with these lies
It’s like you flip a switch in your mind
But the real is...
Every time you post it’s always her and never me
Why am I always seeing things that I don’t wanna see
You half way in and half way out and I‘m stuck in between
Where is loyalty...
How can you say you want me
When you don’t even know what you want
You keep on telling me that you're sorry
When you know what you're doing is wrong
You string me along
And you always so off and on
One minute you’re here
And the next you gone
How can you say you want me
When you don’t even know what you want
You don’t know what you want
You don’t know what you want...
- Publikimi: 12/04/2023
- Ora: 21:30
- Korrigjo tekstin
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- Shtoje në playlist
- Artist kryesor:
- Teksti:
- M.U.A.: Sellma KasumoviqNicole Berardi
- Hair stylist:
- Producent: Valentina ConfortiniSpace Primates
- Koreograf: Macia Del Prete
- Fotograf: Erjon Beshiri
- Kërcimtar: Nicoló BesozziBeatrice Mognol
- Mix: Paul Pritchard
- Master: Sean Magee
- Stilist: José Cordero
- Regjisor video: Giacomo Triglia
- Ndriçimi: Marco Ragusa
- Kamera: Mirco Passero
- Video Editor: Giacomo Triglia
- D.O.P.: Lorenzo Invernici
- Prod. exec.: Matteo Stefani
- Color Grading: Lorenzo Invernici
- Skenograf: Irene Belfi
- Më shumë info:
Backstage Photos: Raffaele Calafati
Electrician: Giacomo Garampelli
Grip: Giacomo Garampelli
Image Maker: Miranda Dupi
Key Grip: Roberto Minotti
Line Producer: Andrea Vetralla
Production Manager: Tommaso Spagnoli
Runner: Andrea Magni
Service: Recdistrikt
Service: Videodesign
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