
n'mendjen time kam nje pyetje qe gjithmon ne e nençmojm
dhe askush nuk ka pergjigje se pse ne njerzit egzistojm
mos kemi lindur qe te jemi te gjith ne gare per pasuri
dhe je me i miri nese ti ke lek me shum se çdo njeri
enderrojm endrren se per ta ndjekur ate ne gjithmon pritojm
mendojm fundin dhe jo rrugen se si duhet ta realizojm
kemi kohe sa te duash qe ne endrrat ti realizojm
dhe nje dit si pa kuptuar vdekja nuk na le t'jetojm
e kjo semundje mendjet e shume njerzve i ka zaptuar dhe
jane te rralle ata qe e gjejn ilaçin per ta larguar
nuk degjojn askend kur ju flasin per ti mesuar
se mendojn se mund t'arrijn suskses edhe pa punuar
bejn ate cfare u do trupi te gjitha kenaqesit ja plotesojn
dhe kjo vazhdon derisa print e tyre te jetojn
se duhet ta pesojn qe ta kuptojn se keshtu po gabojn
dhe kur papritur bien ne hall ndihme prej dikujt tjeter kerkojn
se t'gjithe duan qe n'fillim nje dore e huaj ti ndihmoj
t'ju gjej nje pune dhe nje shtepi atje jasht shtetit ti strehoj
por me vone pasi te ngrihen ateher gjerat shum ndryshojn
nga erdhi gjithe ky nder ket te gjithe e harrojn
dhe keshtu na kalon jeta si sherbetor te mendjes ton
dhe me cudi e pyesim zotin pse keshtu kjo jeta jon
une pritoj por ai s'priton pse gjithmon zot ai fiton
ku o zot kam bere gabime qe ti per mua nuk po mendon
nuk jam i ngopur me kte jete sado qe te zgjase
se per te realizur endrrat shpejt ne vdekje has
gabime kam bere shum po kujt po i plas se
po t'rikthehem perseri e di qe do gaboj pa mase
rrugen time un do vazhdoj deri fund te jetes
dhe e di qe do arrij se i besoj shum vetes
ata qe me urrejn per mua jane ne fund te rrjetes
ata qe nuk me duan jane nje pike ne mes te fletes
ndoshta ty gjithmon t'kan then qe ti per asgje nuk vlen
nuk di nuk flet nuk jep as merr fatin tend ti nuk e gjen
e ndoshta te gjitha keto gjykime te pershtaten ty
ose ata po gabojn se nuk e dine cfare ke ne kry
kur ne zemer je frigacak pse hiqesh kot sikur i fort
pse gjith ai inat me tjeret qe s'mund ti mundesh dot
bej ate cfare ke ne zemer e ai sukses te t'bej ty t'fort
se asnjeher s'mund ti mundesh me trimeri inatqort
se sado trim qe ti te jesh eshte dikush me lart se ti
e prandaj vrasjet ketu ne kte bote nuk kane kufi
se eshte nje kohe ku peshkun e vogel sot e ha i madhi
e ne mendojm se keto vrasje te gjitha jane nga halli
keshtu qe lere inatin qe ti ke se me te asgje s'fiton
e falendero zotin per ato gjera qe ti zoteron
se ka shum njerez neper bote qe nuk i kane ato qe ke
ka shume njerez neper bote qe jane me aftesi ndryshe nga ne
se po te shikosh reth e rrotull ka njerez pa kembe pa duar
qe s'mund t'bejn asgje ne jet se zoti i ka denuar
dhe preferojn te vdesin me mire se per t'jetuar
por ty ta dha jeten me cdo gje ne rregull per ta shfrytzuar
prandaj gjej qellimin qe eshte fshehur ne jeten tende
e kthej ne veprime ato qe bluan ne mendjen tende
dhe po te kesh vullnet durim ateher do kesh fitim
e pa deshtim edhe trishtim fitorja s'ka kuptim
nuk jam i ngopur me kte jete sado qe te zgjase
se per te realizur endrrat shpejt ne vdekje has
gabime kam bere shum po kujt po i plas se
po t'rikthehem perseri e di qe do gaboj pa mase
rrugen time un do vazhdoj deri fund te jetes
dhe e di qe do arrij se i besoj shum vetes
ata qe me urrejn per mua jane ne fund te rrjetes
ata qe nuk me duan jane nje pike ne mes te fletes
dhe askush nuk ka pergjigje se pse ne njerzit egzistojm
mos kemi lindur qe te jemi te gjith ne gare per pasuri
dhe je me i miri nese ti ke lek me shum se çdo njeri
enderrojm endrren se per ta ndjekur ate ne gjithmon pritojm
mendojm fundin dhe jo rrugen se si duhet ta realizojm
kemi kohe sa te duash qe ne endrrat ti realizojm
dhe nje dit si pa kuptuar vdekja nuk na le t'jetojm
e kjo semundje mendjet e shume njerzve i ka zaptuar dhe
jane te rralle ata qe e gjejn ilaçin per ta larguar
nuk degjojn askend kur ju flasin per ti mesuar
se mendojn se mund t'arrijn suskses edhe pa punuar
bejn ate cfare u do trupi te gjitha kenaqesit ja plotesojn
dhe kjo vazhdon derisa print e tyre te jetojn
se duhet ta pesojn qe ta kuptojn se keshtu po gabojn
dhe kur papritur bien ne hall ndihme prej dikujt tjeter kerkojn
se t'gjithe duan qe n'fillim nje dore e huaj ti ndihmoj
t'ju gjej nje pune dhe nje shtepi atje jasht shtetit ti strehoj
por me vone pasi te ngrihen ateher gjerat shum ndryshojn
nga erdhi gjithe ky nder ket te gjithe e harrojn
dhe keshtu na kalon jeta si sherbetor te mendjes ton
dhe me cudi e pyesim zotin pse keshtu kjo jeta jon
une pritoj por ai s'priton pse gjithmon zot ai fiton
ku o zot kam bere gabime qe ti per mua nuk po mendon
nuk jam i ngopur me kte jete sado qe te zgjase
se per te realizur endrrat shpejt ne vdekje has
gabime kam bere shum po kujt po i plas se
po t'rikthehem perseri e di qe do gaboj pa mase
rrugen time un do vazhdoj deri fund te jetes
dhe e di qe do arrij se i besoj shum vetes
ata qe me urrejn per mua jane ne fund te rrjetes
ata qe nuk me duan jane nje pike ne mes te fletes
ndoshta ty gjithmon t'kan then qe ti per asgje nuk vlen
nuk di nuk flet nuk jep as merr fatin tend ti nuk e gjen
e ndoshta te gjitha keto gjykime te pershtaten ty
ose ata po gabojn se nuk e dine cfare ke ne kry
kur ne zemer je frigacak pse hiqesh kot sikur i fort
pse gjith ai inat me tjeret qe s'mund ti mundesh dot
bej ate cfare ke ne zemer e ai sukses te t'bej ty t'fort
se asnjeher s'mund ti mundesh me trimeri inatqort
se sado trim qe ti te jesh eshte dikush me lart se ti
e prandaj vrasjet ketu ne kte bote nuk kane kufi
se eshte nje kohe ku peshkun e vogel sot e ha i madhi
e ne mendojm se keto vrasje te gjitha jane nga halli
keshtu qe lere inatin qe ti ke se me te asgje s'fiton
e falendero zotin per ato gjera qe ti zoteron
se ka shum njerez neper bote qe nuk i kane ato qe ke
ka shume njerez neper bote qe jane me aftesi ndryshe nga ne
se po te shikosh reth e rrotull ka njerez pa kembe pa duar
qe s'mund t'bejn asgje ne jet se zoti i ka denuar
dhe preferojn te vdesin me mire se per t'jetuar
por ty ta dha jeten me cdo gje ne rregull per ta shfrytzuar
prandaj gjej qellimin qe eshte fshehur ne jeten tende
e kthej ne veprime ato qe bluan ne mendjen tende
dhe po te kesh vullnet durim ateher do kesh fitim
e pa deshtim edhe trishtim fitorja s'ka kuptim
nuk jam i ngopur me kte jete sado qe te zgjase
se per te realizur endrrat shpejt ne vdekje has
gabime kam bere shum po kujt po i plas se
po t'rikthehem perseri e di qe do gaboj pa mase
rrugen time un do vazhdoj deri fund te jetes
dhe e di qe do arrij se i besoj shum vetes
ata qe me urrejn per mua jane ne fund te rrjetes
ata qe nuk me duan jane nje pike ne mes te fletes

In my mind i have a question that we always underestimate
And nobody has a answer why do we humans exist
Are we born that all of us to be in a race for richness
And your the best if you have money more than every people
We dream the dream because to follow it we are lazy
We think the end, not the way how we should archive it
We have enough time to archive our dreams
And one day without realizing the death doesn't let us live
And this sickness a lot of people minds has taken over
And the one who finds the cure to banish it are rare
They don't hear anyone who teaches them
Because they think that they can reach success even without working
They do what their body wants, they give any pleasure
And this goes one until parents are still alive
Why we have to get punished to understand that we are wrong
And when suddenly are in a problem, we ask help from someone else
Because everyone wants in the beginning a foreign hand to help them
To find them a job and there aboard the country to give them shelter
But later after they stand up, a lot of things changes
Where all this honor where it came from, we all forget it
And like this our life goes on like a slave of our mind
And wondering we ask the god why like this our life
I am lazy but he isn't why god he always wins
Where god i did mistakes that you don't think for me
I'm not saturated with this life as long as it lasts
Because to realize the dreams, fast the death u meet
Mistakes i have done a lot, but who care
Because i'll return again even though i know i'm mistaking a lot
I'll continue my way till the end of my life
And i know that i will archive because i trust my self
The one who hates me for me are in the end of the grid
The one who doesn't love me are a point in the middle of the sheet
Maybe you've always been told that ur worth nothing
You don't know you don't talk, you don't give or get even ur luck u can't find it
And maybe this judgments are suitable for you
Or they are because they don't know what's in ur head
When in your heart ur a coward why you act like you are strong
Why all that hate with the others that u can't beat
Do what's in your heart and that success to make you strong
Because you can never beat your hater with bravery
No matter how brave, there is someone higher than you
And that's why those kills in this world doesn't end
Because there is a time where the big fish eats the small fish
And we all think those kills are with a reason
So leave the hate that you have with it you win nothing
And thank the god for the things you own
Because there is a lot of people in world that are with different abilities from us
Because if you see around there is people without legs hands
That can do nothing in life because god punished them
And they prefer to die better than living
But you he gave the life with everything normal to use it
That's why i say find the purpose, wich is hidden in your life
And turn in actions your thoughts your thinking
And if you have willpower and patience, you will win
Even without failure and sadness the victory has no sense
And nobody has a answer why do we humans exist
Are we born that all of us to be in a race for richness
And your the best if you have money more than every people
We dream the dream because to follow it we are lazy
We think the end, not the way how we should archive it
We have enough time to archive our dreams
And one day without realizing the death doesn't let us live
And this sickness a lot of people minds has taken over
And the one who finds the cure to banish it are rare
They don't hear anyone who teaches them
Because they think that they can reach success even without working
They do what their body wants, they give any pleasure
And this goes one until parents are still alive
Why we have to get punished to understand that we are wrong
And when suddenly are in a problem, we ask help from someone else
Because everyone wants in the beginning a foreign hand to help them
To find them a job and there aboard the country to give them shelter
But later after they stand up, a lot of things changes
Where all this honor where it came from, we all forget it
And like this our life goes on like a slave of our mind
And wondering we ask the god why like this our life
I am lazy but he isn't why god he always wins
Where god i did mistakes that you don't think for me
I'm not saturated with this life as long as it lasts
Because to realize the dreams, fast the death u meet
Mistakes i have done a lot, but who care
Because i'll return again even though i know i'm mistaking a lot
I'll continue my way till the end of my life
And i know that i will archive because i trust my self
The one who hates me for me are in the end of the grid
The one who doesn't love me are a point in the middle of the sheet
Maybe you've always been told that ur worth nothing
You don't know you don't talk, you don't give or get even ur luck u can't find it
And maybe this judgments are suitable for you
Or they are because they don't know what's in ur head
When in your heart ur a coward why you act like you are strong
Why all that hate with the others that u can't beat
Do what's in your heart and that success to make you strong
Because you can never beat your hater with bravery
No matter how brave, there is someone higher than you
And that's why those kills in this world doesn't end
Because there is a time where the big fish eats the small fish
And we all think those kills are with a reason
So leave the hate that you have with it you win nothing
And thank the god for the things you own
Because there is a lot of people in world that are with different abilities from us
Because if you see around there is people without legs hands
That can do nothing in life because god punished them
And they prefer to die better than living
But you he gave the life with everything normal to use it
That's why i say find the purpose, wich is hidden in your life
And turn in actions your thoughts your thinking
And if you have willpower and patience, you will win
Even without failure and sadness the victory has no sense
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