Lady Gaga
Flag AnglishtAnglisht
We are the crowd
We're co-coming out
Got my flash on, it's true
Need that picture of you

It's so magical
We'd be so fantastical

Leather and jeans
Garage glamorous
Not sure what it means
But this photo of us

It don't have a price
Ready for those flashing lights
'Cause you know that, baby, I

I'm your biggest fan
I'll follow you until you love me

Baby, there's no other superstar
You know that I'll be

Promise I'll be kind
But I won't stop
Until that boy is mine

Baby, you'll be famous
down until you love me

I'll be your girl
Backstage at your show
Velvet ropes and guitars
Yeah, 'cause your my rockstar

In between the sets
Eyeliner and cigarettes

Shadow is burnt
Yellow dance in return
My lashes are dry
Purple teardrops I cry

It don't have a price
Loving you is cherry pie
'Cause you know that, baby, I

I'm your biggest fan
I'll follow you until you love me

Baby, there's no other superstar
You know that I'll be

Promise I'll be kind
But I won't stop
Until that boy is mine

Baby, you'll be famous
Chase you down until you love me

(Real good)
We're dancin' in the studio
(Snap, snap)
To that shit on the radio

(Don't stop)
For anyone
We're plastic but
We'll still have fun

I'm your biggest fan
I'll follow you until you love me

Baby, there's no other superstar
You know that I'll be

Promise I'll be kind
But I won't stop
Until that boy is mine

Baby, you'll be famous
Chase you down until you love me
Flag ShqipShqip
Ne jemi turma,
ne po d-dalim jashte
kam flash-in, eshte e vertete
me duhet ajo foto e jotja

eshte shume e magjishme
ne do jemi fantasike

lekure dhe xhins
garazh glamorous
Nuk e di cfare do te thote
dhe kjo fotoja jone

nuk ka cmim
gati per ato drita flash-i
sepse ti e di zemer , une

jam fansi yt me i madh
do te te ndjek derisa ti te me duash
papa paparaci

zemer ska asnje superyll
ti e di une do jem
papa paparaci

premtoj se do jem e mire
por nuk do ndaloj
derisa ai djale te jete i imi

zemer ti do jesh i famshem
derisa ti te jesh i imi
papa paparaci

do jem vajza jote
prapaskene ne shfaqjen tende
litare kadife dhe kitarra
sepse ti je rockstari im

midis seteve
laps sysh dhe cigare

hija eshte e djegur
kercim i verdhe ne rikthim
qerpiket e mi jane thare
lote lejla po qaj

kjo nuk ka cmim
te te duash ty eshte si nje kek qershie
sepse ti e di zemer qe une...

jam fansi yt me i madh
do te te ndjek derisa ti te me duash
papa paparaci

zemer ska asnje superyll
ti e di une do jem
papa paparaci

premtoj se do jem e mire
por nuk do ndaloj
derisa ai djale te jete i imi

zemer ti do jesh i famshem
derisa ti te jesh i imi
papa paparaci

( shume mire )
po kercejme ne studio
( snap snap )
ky m*t ne radio

mos ndalo
per askend
ne jemi plastike
dhe ende po bejme qejf

jam fansi yt me i madh
do te te ndjek derisa ti te me duash
papa paparaci

zemer ska asnje superyll
ti e di une do jem
papa paparaci

premtoj se do jem e mire
por nuk do ndaloj
derisa ai djale te jete i imi

zemer ti do jesh i famshem
derisa ti te jesh i imi
papa paparaci
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