Leonora Poloska
Forever You & Me

In my dream only you i see
and i realize that you are the one for me
no more games no more time to play keep it watch you have its nothing more to say dont pretend its not your style touch me up a while show me own your love kiss me baby dont be shy you my type of guy just go and let it run

I know you baby you drive me crazy
i wanna take you far away from here
you love is fire you my desire
forever my forever you and me 2x

In my dream only you i see
and i realize that you are the one for me
no more games no more time to play keep it watch you have its nothing more to say dont pretend its not your style touch me up a while show me own your love kiss me baby dont be shy you my type of guy just go and let it run

I know you baby you drive me crazy
i wanna take you far away from here
you love is fire you my desire
forever my forever you and me 2x

I know you baby you drive me crazy
i wanna take you far away from here
you love is fire you my desire
forever my forever you and me 2x

Melodia dhe okestracioni u punua nga Ocko Vasilkovski, teksa për këtë këngë ka punuar tekstin vetë artistja.