
I think you wanna come over,
Yeah I heard it through the grapevine
Are you drunk or you sober?
Think about it, doesn’t matter
And if it makes you feel good then I say do it,
I don’t know what you’re waiting for
Feel my temperature rising
There’s too much heat I’m gonna lose control
Do you want to go higher,
Get closer to the fire,
I don’t know what you’re waiting for
Come join the party, yeah
Coz’ everybody just won’t do
Let’s get this started, yeah
Coz everybody wants to party with you
Boy you got a reputation,
But you’re gonna have to prove it
I see a little hesitation,
And Madonna have to show you that if
It feels right, get on your marks
Step to the beat boy that’s what it’s for
Put your arms around me
When it gets too hot we can go outside
But for now just come here, let me whisper in your ear
An invitation to the dance of life
Come join the party, it’s a celebration
Anybody just won’t do
Let’s get this started, no more hesitation
Coz everybody wants to party with you
Haven’t I seen you somewhere before?
You look familiar
You wanna dance?, Yeah…
I guess I just don’t recognize you with your clothes on (laughs)
What are you waiting for?
Boy you’ve got it
Coz anybody just won’t do
Let’s get it started, no more hesitation
Coz everybody wants to party with you
Come join the party, it’s a celebration
Anybody just won’t do
Let’s get this started, no more hesitation
Coz everybody wants to party with you
Come join the party, it’s a celebration
Anybody just won’t do
Let’s get this started, no more hesitation
Coz everybody wants to party with you
Boy you’ve got it
Coz anybody just won’t do
Let’s get it started, no more hesitation
Coz everybody wants to party with you.
Yeah I heard it through the grapevine
Are you drunk or you sober?
Think about it, doesn’t matter
And if it makes you feel good then I say do it,
I don’t know what you’re waiting for
Feel my temperature rising
There’s too much heat I’m gonna lose control
Do you want to go higher,
Get closer to the fire,
I don’t know what you’re waiting for
Come join the party, yeah
Coz’ everybody just won’t do
Let’s get this started, yeah
Coz everybody wants to party with you
Boy you got a reputation,
But you’re gonna have to prove it
I see a little hesitation,
And Madonna have to show you that if
It feels right, get on your marks
Step to the beat boy that’s what it’s for
Put your arms around me
When it gets too hot we can go outside
But for now just come here, let me whisper in your ear
An invitation to the dance of life
Come join the party, it’s a celebration
Anybody just won’t do
Let’s get this started, no more hesitation
Coz everybody wants to party with you
Haven’t I seen you somewhere before?
You look familiar
You wanna dance?, Yeah…
I guess I just don’t recognize you with your clothes on (laughs)
What are you waiting for?
Boy you’ve got it
Coz anybody just won’t do
Let’s get it started, no more hesitation
Coz everybody wants to party with you
Come join the party, it’s a celebration
Anybody just won’t do
Let’s get this started, no more hesitation
Coz everybody wants to party with you
Come join the party, it’s a celebration
Anybody just won’t do
Let’s get this started, no more hesitation
Coz everybody wants to party with you
Boy you’ve got it
Coz anybody just won’t do
Let’s get it started, no more hesitation
Coz everybody wants to party with you.

Mendoj se do te vish nga une
e degjova nga thashethemet
je i pire apo je esell?
mendoje, ska rendesi
dhe nqs te ben te ndihesh mire ather une them ta besh
nuk e di per ca po pret
ndejej temperaturen te me cohet
ka shume nxehtesi do humbas kontrollin
do te cohesh me lart
te afrohesh me zjarrin
se di per cfare po pret
hajde ne party
se jo te gjithe mund te vijne
le ta fillojme
se te gjithe duan te festojne me ty
djal ke nje reputacion
por duhet ta provosh
shoh pak hesitim
dhe madonna do te te tregoj se nqs
ndihet e mire cohu ne kembe
ndjeje ritmin per ate pune esht
veri duart rreth meje
kur te behet shume nxehte do dalim jasahte
por per tani hajde ketu me ler te te peshperis ne vesh
nje ftese per kercimin e jetes
hajde bashkohu ne party eshte nje festim
se jo te gjithe mund te vijne
le ta fillojme jo me hesitim
se te gjithe duan te festojne me ty
a ste kam pare diku me pare?
dukesh si i pare
do te kercesh?
me duket se ste dalloj dot me rrobat e veshura
per cfare po pret?
djal ti i ke te gjitha
se jo te gjithe mund te vijne
le ta fillojme jo me hesitim
se te gjithe duan te festojne me ty
hajde bashkohu ne party eshte nje festim
se jo te gjithe mund te vijne
le ta fillojme jo me hesitim
se te gjithe duan te festojne me ty
hajde bashkohu ne party eshte nje festim
se jo te gjithe mund te vijne
le ta fillojme jo me hesitim
se te gjithe duan te festojne me ty
djal ti i ke te gjitha
se jo te gjithe mund te vijne
le ta fillojme jo me hesitim
se te gjithe duan te festojne me ty
e degjova nga thashethemet
je i pire apo je esell?
mendoje, ska rendesi
dhe nqs te ben te ndihesh mire ather une them ta besh
nuk e di per ca po pret
ndejej temperaturen te me cohet
ka shume nxehtesi do humbas kontrollin
do te cohesh me lart
te afrohesh me zjarrin
se di per cfare po pret
hajde ne party
se jo te gjithe mund te vijne
le ta fillojme
se te gjithe duan te festojne me ty
djal ke nje reputacion
por duhet ta provosh
shoh pak hesitim
dhe madonna do te te tregoj se nqs
ndihet e mire cohu ne kembe
ndjeje ritmin per ate pune esht
veri duart rreth meje
kur te behet shume nxehte do dalim jasahte
por per tani hajde ketu me ler te te peshperis ne vesh
nje ftese per kercimin e jetes
hajde bashkohu ne party eshte nje festim
se jo te gjithe mund te vijne
le ta fillojme jo me hesitim
se te gjithe duan te festojne me ty
a ste kam pare diku me pare?
dukesh si i pare
do te kercesh?
me duket se ste dalloj dot me rrobat e veshura
per cfare po pret?
djal ti i ke te gjitha
se jo te gjithe mund te vijne
le ta fillojme jo me hesitim
se te gjithe duan te festojne me ty
hajde bashkohu ne party eshte nje festim
se jo te gjithe mund te vijne
le ta fillojme jo me hesitim
se te gjithe duan te festojne me ty
hajde bashkohu ne party eshte nje festim
se jo te gjithe mund te vijne
le ta fillojme jo me hesitim
se te gjithe duan te festojne me ty
djal ti i ke te gjitha
se jo te gjithe mund te vijne
le ta fillojme jo me hesitim
se te gjithe duan te festojne me ty
Zgjidhni me sa yje do votoni
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