Kur Vdekja Therret
Ëndërrova një ditë
se ishe këtu.
Më përqafove
me lot ne sy.
Pasi u zgjova
ti humbe prapë,
mbeta i vetmuar
e i humbur pa ty.
Zemrën time
zjarri e kaploi.
Zgjohem natën,
të ndiej duke qarë.
Engjëjt e natës
afër meje kalojnë,
ma rrëmbyen dashurinë
që unë s'e pashë.
Hijet e errësirës
mua më zgjonin.
Kalorësit e vdekjes
at e vështronin.
Dhe mos qaj
kur vdekja thrret
kur vdekja thërret.
se ishe këtu.
Më përqafove
me lot ne sy.
Pasi u zgjova
ti humbe prapë,
mbeta i vetmuar
e i humbur pa ty.
Zemrën time
zjarri e kaploi.
Zgjohem natën,
të ndiej duke qarë.
Engjëjt e natës
afër meje kalojnë,
ma rrëmbyen dashurinë
që unë s'e pashë.
Hijet e errësirës
mua më zgjonin.
Kalorësit e vdekjes
at e vështronin.
Dhe mos qaj
kur vdekja thrret
kur vdekja thërret.
When Death's Calling
I dreamed one day
that you were here.
Hugging me
with tears in your eyes.
Once I woke up
you dissappeared
And I remained lonely
and lost without you.
My heart is
conquered by fire.
I wake up at nights
and hear you crying.
The angels of the night
pass by my side,
they took my loving
and I didn't see anything.
Shadows of the darkness
Keep waking me up.
Knights of the death
are staring at her.
And don't cry
when death's calling,
when death's calling.
that you were here.
Hugging me
with tears in your eyes.
Once I woke up
you dissappeared
And I remained lonely
and lost without you.
My heart is
conquered by fire.
I wake up at nights
and hear you crying.
The angels of the night
pass by my side,
they took my loving
and I didn't see anything.
Shadows of the darkness
Keep waking me up.
Knights of the death
are staring at her.
And don't cry
when death's calling,
when death's calling.
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