Mevlan Kurtishi
Për melodinë dhe për produksionin është kujdesur vetë këngëtari, kënga vjen me tekst të shkruar nga Bakr Saeed, ndërsa për orkestrimin është përkujdesur Studiona Records.
Teksti :: Song Lyrics
ور??عت عيني للسماءأرىبها
شهوباًتطرّز بالسماءجمالا
ورأيت بدراً نوره يحكي لنا
أنّ خلائقَ من يديه تعالى
سبحان الله ، والحمد لله ، لا اله الا الله ، والله اكبر ،
يا سيّدي هذا الجمال وَن??ور??ه??
م??ن ص??نع??كَ الأبهَى أضا?? دلالا
من ص??نع?? ربي جلّ ??ي عليائ??ه
وتبارك الإ سم العظيم?? كمالا
سبحان الله ، والحمد لله ، لا اله الا الله ، والله اكبر
English Translation:
I looked up to the sky,
staring at it, staring at it,
and saw a great universe, beautifying it.
I saw the moon too, whose light tells us
that every creation is from Allah.
Wa Alhamdulillah
La ilaha illallah
WAllahu Akbar
Oh Lord, the beauty and magnificence of Your creation
makes everything beautiful.
God – the Supreme One.
Glorified be His Name. The Perfect.
Wa Alhamdulillah
La ilaha illallah
WAllahu Akbar
شهوباًتطرّز بالسماءجمالا
ورأيت بدراً نوره يحكي لنا
أنّ خلائقَ من يديه تعالى
سبحان الله ، والحمد لله ، لا اله الا الله ، والله اكبر ،
يا سيّدي هذا الجمال وَن??ور??ه??
م??ن ص??نع??كَ الأبهَى أضا?? دلالا
من ص??نع?? ربي جلّ ??ي عليائ??ه
وتبارك الإ سم العظيم?? كمالا
سبحان الله ، والحمد لله ، لا اله الا الله ، والله اكبر
English Translation:
I looked up to the sky,
staring at it, staring at it,
and saw a great universe, beautifying it.
I saw the moon too, whose light tells us
that every creation is from Allah.
Wa Alhamdulillah
La ilaha illallah
WAllahu Akbar
Oh Lord, the beauty and magnificence of Your creation
makes everything beautiful.
God – the Supreme One.
Glorified be His Name. The Perfect.
Wa Alhamdulillah
La ilaha illallah
WAllahu Akbar
- Publikimi: 18/01/2019
- Ora: 12:57
- Korrigjo tekstin
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- Shtoje në playlist
- Artist kryesor:
- Muzika:
- Producent:
- Teksti:
Bakr Saeed
- Orkestrimi:
Studiona Records
- Violonçel:
Emad Morsi
- Mix:
Eng. Amr Akkad
- Master:
Eng. Amr Akkad
- Rec:
Eng. Amr Akkad
- Video Editor:
Mohammad (Sweven Records)
- Më shumë info:
Creative Director: Amr Akkad
Duduk: Can Demir
English Translation By: Dr. Osman Osmani
Supervisor: Leyla @ Sweven Records
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