Nicki Minaj Ft. Rihanna

I came to win, to fight, to conquer, to thrive
I came to win, to survive, to prosper, to rise
To fly
To fly
[Nicki Minaj]
I wish today it will rain all day
Maybe that will kinda make the pain go away
Trying to forgive you for abandoning me
Praying but I think I'm still an angel away
Angel away, yeah strange in a way
Maybe that is why I chase strangers away
They got their guns out aiming at me
But I become near when they aiming at me
Me, me, me against them
Me against enemies, me against friends
Somehow they both seem to become one
A sea full of sharks and they all see blood
They start coming and I start rising
Must be surprising, I'm just summising
Win, thrive, soar, higher, higher, higher
More fire
I came to win, to fight, to conquer, to thrive
I came to win, to survive, to prosper, to rise
To fly
To fly
[Nicki Minaj]
Everybody wanna try to box me in
Suffocating everytime it locks me in
Paint they own pictures than they crop me in
But I will remain where the top begins
Cause I am not a word, I am not a line
I am not a girl that can every be defined
I am not fly, I am levitation
I represent an entire generation
I hear the criticism loud and clear
That is how I know that the time is near
So we become alive in a time of fear
And I aint got no muthaf-cking time to spare
Cry my eyes out for days upon days
Such a heavy burden placed upon me
But when you go hard your nay's become yay's
Yankee Stadium with Jay's and Kanye's
I came to win, to fight, to conquer, to thrive
I came to win, to survive, to prosper, to rise
To fly
To fly
[Nicki Minaj]
Get ready for it
Get ready for it
Get ready for it
I came to win
Get ready for it
Get ready for it
I came to win
I came to win, to fight, to conquer, to thrive
I came to win, to survive, to prosper, to rise
To fly
To fly.
I came to win, to fight, to conquer, to thrive
I came to win, to survive, to prosper, to rise
To fly
To fly
[Nicki Minaj]
I wish today it will rain all day
Maybe that will kinda make the pain go away
Trying to forgive you for abandoning me
Praying but I think I'm still an angel away
Angel away, yeah strange in a way
Maybe that is why I chase strangers away
They got their guns out aiming at me
But I become near when they aiming at me
Me, me, me against them
Me against enemies, me against friends
Somehow they both seem to become one
A sea full of sharks and they all see blood
They start coming and I start rising
Must be surprising, I'm just summising
Win, thrive, soar, higher, higher, higher
More fire
I came to win, to fight, to conquer, to thrive
I came to win, to survive, to prosper, to rise
To fly
To fly
[Nicki Minaj]
Everybody wanna try to box me in
Suffocating everytime it locks me in
Paint they own pictures than they crop me in
But I will remain where the top begins
Cause I am not a word, I am not a line
I am not a girl that can every be defined
I am not fly, I am levitation
I represent an entire generation
I hear the criticism loud and clear
That is how I know that the time is near
So we become alive in a time of fear
And I aint got no muthaf-cking time to spare
Cry my eyes out for days upon days
Such a heavy burden placed upon me
But when you go hard your nay's become yay's
Yankee Stadium with Jay's and Kanye's
I came to win, to fight, to conquer, to thrive
I came to win, to survive, to prosper, to rise
To fly
To fly
[Nicki Minaj]
Get ready for it
Get ready for it
Get ready for it
I came to win
Get ready for it
Get ready for it
I came to win
I came to win, to fight, to conquer, to thrive
I came to win, to survive, to prosper, to rise
To fly
To fly.

Erdha te fitoj, te luftoj, te josh,te lulezoj
erdha te fitoj, te mbijetoj, te lulezoj, te rri ne kembe
te fluturoj
te fluturoj
[Nicki Minaj]
Dua sot te bie shi gjith diten
ndoshta pak nga kjo, do e zhduk dhimbjen
tentoj tet fali, qe me braktise
lutem, por filloj te mendoj se jam nje engjell ne largesi
nje engjell ne largesi, po, nje e huaj ne rruge
ndoshta kjo eshte arsyeja qe ndjeki cdo te huaj
ata duhet te drejtojn armet kah meje
dhe un, un ,un mundehemi ti perballoj
jam kundra armiqeve te mi, kundra miqve te mir
ne nje far menyre ato me ben te jem vetjake
ne nje det me peshkaqen dhe me shikojn te gjakosur
fillojn te vin dhe un ngrihem ne kembe
duhet te jem e surprizuar, thjesht e habitur
te fitoj, te lulezoj, te hidhem lart, lart e me lart
me shum zjarr
Erdha te fitoj, te luftoj, te josh,te lulezoj
erdha te fitoj, te mbijetoj, te lulezoj, te rri ne kembe
te fluturoj
te fluturoj
[Nicki Minaj]
E gjtih bota duan te me fusin ne nje kuti
*** cdo her qe me len mbrenda saj
vizatojn karikaturat e veta, ato qe ma marin
por do zgjohem ne fillimin e dimrit
sepse nuk jam ne fjal, nuk jam nje drejtim
nuk jam nje vajz qe gjithkush mund ta definon
nuk jam nje mize, jam ne mes te nji levitimi
przantoj nje gjenerat te ter
kam degjuar kritikat te forta dhe te qarta
kjo eshte arsueja se perse mendoj se momento eshte afer
ne kohe terrori kthehemi ne jet
dhe nuk kam asnje moment teper
syt e mi qajn dit per dit
si nje barr e rende mbi mua
qe nga dita kur nderrova "aya" per coca
nga nje staduim me Jay's dhe Kanye's
Erdha te fitoj, te luftoj, te josh,te lulezoj
erdha te fitoj, te mbijetoj, te lulezoj, te rri ne kembe
te fluturoj
te fluturoj
[Nicki Minaj]
Behu gati
behu gati
behu gati
erdha te fitoj
behu gati
behu gati
erdha te fitoj
Erdha te fitoj, te luftoj, te josh,te lulezoj
erdha te fitoj, te mbijetoj, te lulezoj, te rri ne kembe
te fluturoj
te fluturoj
erdha te fitoj, te mbijetoj, te lulezoj, te rri ne kembe
te fluturoj
te fluturoj
[Nicki Minaj]
Dua sot te bie shi gjith diten
ndoshta pak nga kjo, do e zhduk dhimbjen
tentoj tet fali, qe me braktise
lutem, por filloj te mendoj se jam nje engjell ne largesi
nje engjell ne largesi, po, nje e huaj ne rruge
ndoshta kjo eshte arsyeja qe ndjeki cdo te huaj
ata duhet te drejtojn armet kah meje
dhe un, un ,un mundehemi ti perballoj
jam kundra armiqeve te mi, kundra miqve te mir
ne nje far menyre ato me ben te jem vetjake
ne nje det me peshkaqen dhe me shikojn te gjakosur
fillojn te vin dhe un ngrihem ne kembe
duhet te jem e surprizuar, thjesht e habitur
te fitoj, te lulezoj, te hidhem lart, lart e me lart
me shum zjarr
Erdha te fitoj, te luftoj, te josh,te lulezoj
erdha te fitoj, te mbijetoj, te lulezoj, te rri ne kembe
te fluturoj
te fluturoj
[Nicki Minaj]
E gjtih bota duan te me fusin ne nje kuti
*** cdo her qe me len mbrenda saj
vizatojn karikaturat e veta, ato qe ma marin
por do zgjohem ne fillimin e dimrit
sepse nuk jam ne fjal, nuk jam nje drejtim
nuk jam nje vajz qe gjithkush mund ta definon
nuk jam nje mize, jam ne mes te nji levitimi
przantoj nje gjenerat te ter
kam degjuar kritikat te forta dhe te qarta
kjo eshte arsueja se perse mendoj se momento eshte afer
ne kohe terrori kthehemi ne jet
dhe nuk kam asnje moment teper
syt e mi qajn dit per dit
si nje barr e rende mbi mua
qe nga dita kur nderrova "aya" per coca
nga nje staduim me Jay's dhe Kanye's
Erdha te fitoj, te luftoj, te josh,te lulezoj
erdha te fitoj, te mbijetoj, te lulezoj, te rri ne kembe
te fluturoj
te fluturoj
[Nicki Minaj]
Behu gati
behu gati
behu gati
erdha te fitoj
behu gati
behu gati
erdha te fitoj
Erdha te fitoj, te luftoj, te josh,te lulezoj
erdha te fitoj, te mbijetoj, te lulezoj, te rri ne kembe
te fluturoj
te fluturoj
Komente 1