Nikollë Nikprelaj
Moj Kosovë Tu Njeftë E Mira

Moj kosove tu njefte e mira
apo i sheh do koh te vshtira
a po i sheh e a i ke pa e
djemt e ri o tue tu vra e
tuj tu vra e tuj helmua
me polic o jete tuj que o heeej
sokolesha e plot sokola
jan mush burgjet arkivola
mshelen shkollat e bahet dhune e
lehet puntori pa pune eee
fmit pa tamel, t’mdhejt pa buke
per t'na shkel o per tna tute, o heeej
(2x) Por nuk shkelet jo shqiptari
ky regjim nuk eshte i pari
kan provar krajl e mret e
se ka gjate as ky milet
Spo m'frigon qellimi i tij e
por do halle mrena nshpi e
c'na kan met kopil te dera
qe edhe sot u vjen era
c'naj ka sjelle ni ideologji e
me do njerz o stolaxhi o heeej
Asht dashte moti me ju dhan hakun,
se per stan kan rrzu oxhakun,
e ka mete kulla e çame
jashte e mreno mete e çame
jashte e mreno pa hari,
e çel dritaret shqiptari o heej
(2x( Ka linde dielli çel dritaret
se ndrrojme pamjen abetaret
tjera buste nsheshe tona
e ma nfund per to kendojna
apo i sheh do koh te vshtira
a po i sheh e a i ke pa e
djemt e ri o tue tu vra e
tuj tu vra e tuj helmua
me polic o jete tuj que o heeej
sokolesha e plot sokola
jan mush burgjet arkivola
mshelen shkollat e bahet dhune e
lehet puntori pa pune eee
fmit pa tamel, t’mdhejt pa buke
per t'na shkel o per tna tute, o heeej
(2x) Por nuk shkelet jo shqiptari
ky regjim nuk eshte i pari
kan provar krajl e mret e
se ka gjate as ky milet
Spo m'frigon qellimi i tij e
por do halle mrena nshpi e
c'na kan met kopil te dera
qe edhe sot u vjen era
c'naj ka sjelle ni ideologji e
me do njerz o stolaxhi o heeej
Asht dashte moti me ju dhan hakun,
se per stan kan rrzu oxhakun,
e ka mete kulla e çame
jashte e mreno mete e çame
jashte e mreno pa hari,
e çel dritaret shqiptari o heej
(2x( Ka linde dielli çel dritaret
se ndrrojme pamjen abetaret
tjera buste nsheshe tona
e ma nfund per to kendojna
Hey Kosovo

Hey Kosovo, do you foresee good days,
Or do you only glimpse darker ways?
Can you see, or have you seen before,
Your young men falling in war’s raw chore?
Falling, poisoned, in a deadly bind,
With police, they’re losing life, we find.
O hark! Falcons and falconesses so true,
Jails overflow, archives do accrue.
Schools are closed, and violence does flare,
The worker stands jobless in despair.
Children without shelter, elders without bread,
To trample us, or fill us with dread, they’ve led.
But no! The Albanian won’t be suppressed,
This regime isn’t the first, nor the best.
Kings and lords, they’ve tried and failed,
This tyrant too, his reign is assailed.
I’m not scared of his ultimate aim,
But troubles within our house inflame.
They’ve set bastards at our very door,
Their stench, even today, we abhor.
What ideology did usher in this plight?
With such men, of lowly might.
It was high time to grant us our right,
For the hearth, they’ve toppled the chimney’s height.
Towers and pines, outside and within,
Starving, the Albanian’s heart won’t give in.
He opens his windows wide and free,
Gazing at the land where he wishes to be.
Twice it’s said, the sun has arisen, so let in the beams!
Change our visage, break the dreams.
New statues on our squares will stand,
And for them, at last, we’ll sing in our land.
Or do you only glimpse darker ways?
Can you see, or have you seen before,
Your young men falling in war’s raw chore?
Falling, poisoned, in a deadly bind,
With police, they’re losing life, we find.
O hark! Falcons and falconesses so true,
Jails overflow, archives do accrue.
Schools are closed, and violence does flare,
The worker stands jobless in despair.
Children without shelter, elders without bread,
To trample us, or fill us with dread, they’ve led.
But no! The Albanian won’t be suppressed,
This regime isn’t the first, nor the best.
Kings and lords, they’ve tried and failed,
This tyrant too, his reign is assailed.
I’m not scared of his ultimate aim,
But troubles within our house inflame.
They’ve set bastards at our very door,
Their stench, even today, we abhor.
What ideology did usher in this plight?
With such men, of lowly might.
It was high time to grant us our right,
For the hearth, they’ve toppled the chimney’s height.
Towers and pines, outside and within,
Starving, the Albanian’s heart won’t give in.
He opens his windows wide and free,
Gazing at the land where he wishes to be.
Twice it’s said, the sun has arisen, so let in the beams!
Change our visage, break the dreams.
New statues on our squares will stand,
And for them, at last, we’ll sing in our land.
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