Little Lady (A Dedicated To My Daughter)
Little lady.. my little baby
just lookin at ur pictures .. oh u make me go crazy
baby blue eyes.. ur tiny lips
that little cute smile and ur tiny hips
bein confused with the life that i got
my mistakes that put me on the spot where im at
i wonder how it would have been just three of us
but i guess this was the only way to leave one of us
im really sorry that ur life turned out to be this way
i pray to god to have his eyes on u everyday
u have my blessing .. my little lady
im really proud to say that u are my baby
i remember when i first saw u u didnt know what to say
i must have done something good that god payed me back this way
i love u little lady and that is true
lookin in the mirror and i see u
when things go wrong they really go wrong
but one thing u gotta learn is that u need to stay strong
where do u turn when u stuck in the crossroad
chose the direction tryna find the end of the world 2x
i remember the night i left i had u on my chest
almost drowned in all my tears and wishing u the best
i remember when i was tryin to make u walk
u look into my eyes as if u wanted to talk
life is like a picture so u draw it urself
when things go wrong u cant blame no one else
u cant bring back time so u learn from ur mistakes
tryna make it good man whateva it takes
i gave ma heart to each one of my friends
i should have known they sendin me to a dead end
look at my life now change the disaster
i cried when j.r said family first and friends after
runnin out of tears now i bleed before crying
now they say im heartless i wonder why
where do u turn when u cant see through the dark
a lonely tear now has left a deep mark
when things go wrong they really go wrong
but one thing u gotta learn is that u need to stay strong
where do u turn when u stuck in the crossroad
chose the direction tryna find the end of the world 2x
when things go wrong they really go wrong..
my little cutie u need to stay strong
life is rough so u watch where u walk
strangers around u,, now u know not to talk
i wonder how it sounds if u ever said my name
if i never get to hear it thenagain ill take the blame
u wonder if u cry would i feel it from a distance
of course that ima feel it cuz i love u from a distance
i always wanted u in case to say i never did
i was just amazed suddenly i had a kid
so no matter what it takes to keep things smooth
ill promise that one day u will find out the truth
little lady i see u in my dreams
with baby blue eyes and baby blue jeans
chubby lips with the little tiny hips
ur in me like a tattoo that way in never rips
when things go wrong they really go wrong
but one thing u gotta learn is that u need to stay strong
where do u turn when u stuck in the crossroad
chose the direction tryna find the end of the world 2x
just lookin at ur pictures .. oh u make me go crazy
baby blue eyes.. ur tiny lips
that little cute smile and ur tiny hips
bein confused with the life that i got
my mistakes that put me on the spot where im at
i wonder how it would have been just three of us
but i guess this was the only way to leave one of us
im really sorry that ur life turned out to be this way
i pray to god to have his eyes on u everyday
u have my blessing .. my little lady
im really proud to say that u are my baby
i remember when i first saw u u didnt know what to say
i must have done something good that god payed me back this way
i love u little lady and that is true
lookin in the mirror and i see u
when things go wrong they really go wrong
but one thing u gotta learn is that u need to stay strong
where do u turn when u stuck in the crossroad
chose the direction tryna find the end of the world 2x
i remember the night i left i had u on my chest
almost drowned in all my tears and wishing u the best
i remember when i was tryin to make u walk
u look into my eyes as if u wanted to talk
life is like a picture so u draw it urself
when things go wrong u cant blame no one else
u cant bring back time so u learn from ur mistakes
tryna make it good man whateva it takes
i gave ma heart to each one of my friends
i should have known they sendin me to a dead end
look at my life now change the disaster
i cried when j.r said family first and friends after
runnin out of tears now i bleed before crying
now they say im heartless i wonder why
where do u turn when u cant see through the dark
a lonely tear now has left a deep mark
when things go wrong they really go wrong
but one thing u gotta learn is that u need to stay strong
where do u turn when u stuck in the crossroad
chose the direction tryna find the end of the world 2x
when things go wrong they really go wrong..
my little cutie u need to stay strong
life is rough so u watch where u walk
strangers around u,, now u know not to talk
i wonder how it sounds if u ever said my name
if i never get to hear it thenagain ill take the blame
u wonder if u cry would i feel it from a distance
of course that ima feel it cuz i love u from a distance
i always wanted u in case to say i never did
i was just amazed suddenly i had a kid
so no matter what it takes to keep things smooth
ill promise that one day u will find out the truth
little lady i see u in my dreams
with baby blue eyes and baby blue jeans
chubby lips with the little tiny hips
ur in me like a tattoo that way in never rips
when things go wrong they really go wrong
but one thing u gotta learn is that u need to stay strong
where do u turn when u stuck in the crossroad
chose the direction tryna find the end of the world 2x
Vajze E Vogel (nje Dedikim Per Vajzen Time)
Vajze e vogel.. bebushi ime i vogel
Po shikoj fotot e tua.. oh me ben te cmendem
Syte e bebit blu.. buzet e tua te vogla
Ajo buzqeshja e bukur dhe beli jot i vogel
Jam konfuz per jeten qe po jetoj
Gabimet e mia qe me sollen deri ketu ku jam sot
Po mendoj si do te ishte po te ishim vetem ne te tre
Por prap kjo do ishte rruga vetme qe njeri te largohej
Me vjen shum keq qe jeta jote eshte ne kete menyre
I lutem zotit qe te te ruaj cdo dite
Ti ke bekimin tim... vajza ime e vogel
Jam shum krenar qe te them se ti je femija im
Mbaj mend kur te pash per here te pare ti nuk dije cfare te thoshe
Duhet te kem bere dicka te mire qe zoti ma kthehu mbrapsht ne kete menyre
Une te dua vajze e vogel dhe kjo eshte e vertet
Po shikoj ne pasqyr dhe po te shikoj ty
Kur gjerat shkojn keq, ato shkojn vertet keq
Por nje gje duhet te dish qe duhet te behesh e forte
Ku duhet te kthehesh kur ngec ne kryqzim
Zgjerdh drejtimin qe te con ne fundin e botes
Me kujtohet nata kur ika te kisha ty ne kraharorin tim
Perpak i mbytur nga lotet e mija dhe te urova miresi
Me kujtohet kur perpiqeshe te ecie
Ti me pe ne sy sikur doje te me flisje
Jeta eshte si nje piktur pra ti ngjyrose vet
Kur gjerat te shkojn keq, mos faqso njeri tjeter
Nuk mund ta kthesh kohen mbrapsht, mesoj nga gabimet qe kam bere
Perpiqem ti ndreq, cfare do qe te jet
E jap zemren per cdo njerin nga shokt e mi
Duhet ta dija qe ata do te me conin ne nje rruge pa kthim
Shiko jeten time dhe ndrysho shkatrimin
Kam qare kur JR tha familjen eshte e para pastaj vin shoket
Po me mbarojn lotet, tani gjakosem para se te qaj
Tani ata po thojn se nuk kam zemer, po pyes veten pse?
Ku kthehesh kur nuk shikon ne erresire
Nje lote i vetmuar tashme ka lene nje gjurm te thelle
Kur gjerat shkojn keq, ato shkojn vertet keq
Por nje gje duhet te dish qe duhet te behesh e forte
Ku duhet te kthehesh kur ngec ne kryqzim
Zgjerdh drejtimin qe te con ne fundin e botes
Kur gjerat shkojn keq, ato shkojn vertet keq..
Bukuroshja ime ti duhet te jesh e forte
Jeta eshte e veshtire pra ki kujdes ku ecen
Te huajt te rrethojn.. ti e di qe s'duhet te flasesh
Pyes veten si do te tingllonte po te thoje emrin tim
Po mos ta digjoj dhe nje here do ta kisha marrur te gjith fajin
Ti po mendon se kur po qan a e ndjej une ne distanc
Patjeter qe e ndjej se une te dua dhe nga kjo distanc
Gjithmon te kam dashur, por ti nuk e di
Thjesht isha i habitur kur papritur kisha nje femij
Pra cfare do qe te kushtoj qe gjerat te jen ne vij
Te premtoj qe nje dite do ta marresh vesh te verteten
Vajze e vogel te shoh ne endrrat e mia
Me sy blu dhe me xhinse blu
Buze te fryra dhe me bel te vogel
Ti je me mua si nje tattoo, ne kete menyre ti kurr s'do ikesh
Kur gjerat shkojn keq, ato shkojn vertet keq
Por nje gje duhet te dish qe duhet te behesh e forte
Ku duhet te kthehesh kur ngec ne kryqzim
Zgjerdh drejtimin qe te con ne fundin e botes
Po shikoj fotot e tua.. oh me ben te cmendem
Syte e bebit blu.. buzet e tua te vogla
Ajo buzqeshja e bukur dhe beli jot i vogel
Jam konfuz per jeten qe po jetoj
Gabimet e mia qe me sollen deri ketu ku jam sot
Po mendoj si do te ishte po te ishim vetem ne te tre
Por prap kjo do ishte rruga vetme qe njeri te largohej
Me vjen shum keq qe jeta jote eshte ne kete menyre
I lutem zotit qe te te ruaj cdo dite
Ti ke bekimin tim... vajza ime e vogel
Jam shum krenar qe te them se ti je femija im
Mbaj mend kur te pash per here te pare ti nuk dije cfare te thoshe
Duhet te kem bere dicka te mire qe zoti ma kthehu mbrapsht ne kete menyre
Une te dua vajze e vogel dhe kjo eshte e vertet
Po shikoj ne pasqyr dhe po te shikoj ty
Kur gjerat shkojn keq, ato shkojn vertet keq
Por nje gje duhet te dish qe duhet te behesh e forte
Ku duhet te kthehesh kur ngec ne kryqzim
Zgjerdh drejtimin qe te con ne fundin e botes
Me kujtohet nata kur ika te kisha ty ne kraharorin tim
Perpak i mbytur nga lotet e mija dhe te urova miresi
Me kujtohet kur perpiqeshe te ecie
Ti me pe ne sy sikur doje te me flisje
Jeta eshte si nje piktur pra ti ngjyrose vet
Kur gjerat te shkojn keq, mos faqso njeri tjeter
Nuk mund ta kthesh kohen mbrapsht, mesoj nga gabimet qe kam bere
Perpiqem ti ndreq, cfare do qe te jet
E jap zemren per cdo njerin nga shokt e mi
Duhet ta dija qe ata do te me conin ne nje rruge pa kthim
Shiko jeten time dhe ndrysho shkatrimin
Kam qare kur JR tha familjen eshte e para pastaj vin shoket
Po me mbarojn lotet, tani gjakosem para se te qaj
Tani ata po thojn se nuk kam zemer, po pyes veten pse?
Ku kthehesh kur nuk shikon ne erresire
Nje lote i vetmuar tashme ka lene nje gjurm te thelle
Kur gjerat shkojn keq, ato shkojn vertet keq
Por nje gje duhet te dish qe duhet te behesh e forte
Ku duhet te kthehesh kur ngec ne kryqzim
Zgjerdh drejtimin qe te con ne fundin e botes
Kur gjerat shkojn keq, ato shkojn vertet keq..
Bukuroshja ime ti duhet te jesh e forte
Jeta eshte e veshtire pra ki kujdes ku ecen
Te huajt te rrethojn.. ti e di qe s'duhet te flasesh
Pyes veten si do te tingllonte po te thoje emrin tim
Po mos ta digjoj dhe nje here do ta kisha marrur te gjith fajin
Ti po mendon se kur po qan a e ndjej une ne distanc
Patjeter qe e ndjej se une te dua dhe nga kjo distanc
Gjithmon te kam dashur, por ti nuk e di
Thjesht isha i habitur kur papritur kisha nje femij
Pra cfare do qe te kushtoj qe gjerat te jen ne vij
Te premtoj qe nje dite do ta marresh vesh te verteten
Vajze e vogel te shoh ne endrrat e mia
Me sy blu dhe me xhinse blu
Buze te fryra dhe me bel te vogel
Ti je me mua si nje tattoo, ne kete menyre ti kurr s'do ikesh
Kur gjerat shkojn keq, ato shkojn vertet keq
Por nje gje duhet te dish qe duhet te behesh e forte
Ku duhet te kthehesh kur ngec ne kryqzim
Zgjerdh drejtimin qe te con ne fundin e botes
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