All Mine
All Mine
Ky produkt muzikor është prezantuar online i ilustruar edhe me videoklip muzikor, produksioni i të cilit është përgatitur nga Cinemadrums. Videoklipi u publikua më 5 Tetor 2020. Muzika dhe teksti kanë punuar së bashku si autorë Kristina Lufo & Contraband Gotti, teksa producenti audio i këngës është Contraband Gotti.
Teksti :: Song Lyrics
All my thoughts are clumping all together all at once
Getting through on my own, yeah all on my own, for months
I really thought we were in love, despite all your stunts
U took it all, heart, mind and soul, me as a whole with no second thoughts
And I, I felt hopeless and lost
U crossed so many lines
While thinking you were right
And now, yeah I’m all mine
I’m all mine
U got noone, do u think u can go up from me
Brave of you, brave to think you’ll finally be free, be free
U took it all, heart, mind and soul, me as a whole with no second thoughts
And I, I felt hopeless and lost
U crossed so many lines
While thinking you were right
And now, yeah I’m all mine
I’m all mine
Getting through on my own, yeah all on my own, for months
I really thought we were in love, despite all your stunts
U took it all, heart, mind and soul, me as a whole with no second thoughts
And I, I felt hopeless and lost
U crossed so many lines
While thinking you were right
And now, yeah I’m all mine
I’m all mine
U got noone, do u think u can go up from me
Brave of you, brave to think you’ll finally be free, be free
U took it all, heart, mind and soul, me as a whole with no second thoughts
And I, I felt hopeless and lost
U crossed so many lines
While thinking you were right
And now, yeah I’m all mine
I’m all mine
- Publikimi: 05/10/2020
- Ora: 18:00
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- Video produksion: Cinemadrums
- Video Editor: Dr.Brllok
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