A Girl Like Me

Some girls play the game
They all walk and talk
And they dress the same
Nothin' New To Say
Don't they realize
That it's so easy to see
Right though there disguise
Makes me wonder why
When the whole worlds turnin left
It's when I'm goin right
I need someone to let me be
Just who I am inside
`Cause a girl like me
Is just a lil' different from all the rest
And a girl likes me
Never Settles for Second Best
Could it be a boy like you
That would give me anything
If I asked him to
To take all my dreams
And Make them true
Show me all the reasons that you
Ought to be with a girl like me
Just like me
Got me trippin'
Thinkin' of what could be
Between you and me
Still I need to know
Should I keep this feelin'
Or let it go
I can't wait no more
So now's the time
To speak your mind
And Show me what you feel
So tell me if you
Want to take a chance
On something real
`Cause a girl like me
Is just a lil' different from all the rest
And a girl likes me
Never Settles for Second Best
Could it be a boy like you
That would give me anything
If I asked him to
To take all my dreams
And Make them true
Show me all the reasons that you
Ought to be with a girl like me
Just like me
Mirror Mirror on the wall
Catch me now before I fall
I wish I may, I wish I might
Find the Answer here tonight
Mirror Mirror on the wall
Catch me now before I fall
I wish I may, I wish I might
Find the Answer here tonight
When the whole world's turnin left
It's when I'm going right
I need someone to let me be
Just who I am inside
`Cause a girl like me
Is just a lil' different from all the rest
And a girl likes me
Never Settles for Second Best
Could it be a boy like you
That would give me anything
If I asked him to
To take all my dreams
And Make them true
Show me all the reasons that you
Ought to be with a girl like me
Just like me
They all walk and talk
And they dress the same
Nothin' New To Say
Don't they realize
That it's so easy to see
Right though there disguise
Makes me wonder why
When the whole worlds turnin left
It's when I'm goin right
I need someone to let me be
Just who I am inside
`Cause a girl like me
Is just a lil' different from all the rest
And a girl likes me
Never Settles for Second Best
Could it be a boy like you
That would give me anything
If I asked him to
To take all my dreams
And Make them true
Show me all the reasons that you
Ought to be with a girl like me
Just like me
Got me trippin'
Thinkin' of what could be
Between you and me
Still I need to know
Should I keep this feelin'
Or let it go
I can't wait no more
So now's the time
To speak your mind
And Show me what you feel
So tell me if you
Want to take a chance
On something real
`Cause a girl like me
Is just a lil' different from all the rest
And a girl likes me
Never Settles for Second Best
Could it be a boy like you
That would give me anything
If I asked him to
To take all my dreams
And Make them true
Show me all the reasons that you
Ought to be with a girl like me
Just like me
Mirror Mirror on the wall
Catch me now before I fall
I wish I may, I wish I might
Find the Answer here tonight
Mirror Mirror on the wall
Catch me now before I fall
I wish I may, I wish I might
Find the Answer here tonight
When the whole world's turnin left
It's when I'm going right
I need someone to let me be
Just who I am inside
`Cause a girl like me
Is just a lil' different from all the rest
And a girl likes me
Never Settles for Second Best
Could it be a boy like you
That would give me anything
If I asked him to
To take all my dreams
And Make them true
Show me all the reasons that you
Ought to be with a girl like me
Just like me
Një Vajzë Si Unë

Disa vajza luajn lojen
ato te gjitha ecin dhe flasin
dhe vishen njesoj
asgje e re per tu thene
ato nuk e kuptojne
kjo eshte shum e leht per tu pare
drejte edhe pse ka fshehje
me ben te pyes veten pse
kur tere boterat kane kthesa majtas
eshte kur une po shkoj drejte
une kam nevoj epr dike te me ler te jem
thjesht ajo qe jam brenda
sepse nje vajz si un
eshte vetem pak ndryshe nga te gjitha te tjerat
dhe nje vajz me pelqen mua
kurre mos e zgjidh te dytin me te mir
mund te jet nje djal si ti
qe do me jepte mua gjithqka
nese do ta pyesja ate qe
ti merr te gjitha endrrat e mia
dhe ti bej ato realitet
mi trego te gjitha arsyet qe ti
duhet te jesh me nje vajz si un
thjesht si un
E mundur
te më merr mua shume leht
duke menduar per ate qe mund te jetë
ne mes teje dhe meje
vazhdoj te kem nevoj ta di
a duhet te vazhdoj me kete ndienje
apo ta le te shkoj
une nuk mund te pres me shum
pra tani eshte koha
qe mendja jote te flas
dhe te me tregoj se çfar ti ndjen
pra me thuaj nese ti
deshiron ta kesh nje shanc
ne diqka te vertet
Sepse nje vajz si un...
Pasqyr pasqyr ne mur
me kap perpara se te bie
un kam deshir te,un kam deshir mund te
gjej pergjigjen ketu sonte
pasqyr pasqyr ne mur...
kur tere boterat...
Sepse nje vajz si un...
ato te gjitha ecin dhe flasin
dhe vishen njesoj
asgje e re per tu thene
ato nuk e kuptojne
kjo eshte shum e leht per tu pare
drejte edhe pse ka fshehje
me ben te pyes veten pse
kur tere boterat kane kthesa majtas
eshte kur une po shkoj drejte
une kam nevoj epr dike te me ler te jem
thjesht ajo qe jam brenda
sepse nje vajz si un
eshte vetem pak ndryshe nga te gjitha te tjerat
dhe nje vajz me pelqen mua
kurre mos e zgjidh te dytin me te mir
mund te jet nje djal si ti
qe do me jepte mua gjithqka
nese do ta pyesja ate qe
ti merr te gjitha endrrat e mia
dhe ti bej ato realitet
mi trego te gjitha arsyet qe ti
duhet te jesh me nje vajz si un
thjesht si un
E mundur
te më merr mua shume leht
duke menduar per ate qe mund te jetë
ne mes teje dhe meje
vazhdoj te kem nevoj ta di
a duhet te vazhdoj me kete ndienje
apo ta le te shkoj
une nuk mund te pres me shum
pra tani eshte koha
qe mendja jote te flas
dhe te me tregoj se çfar ti ndjen
pra me thuaj nese ti
deshiron ta kesh nje shanc
ne diqka te vertet
Sepse nje vajz si un...
Pasqyr pasqyr ne mur
me kap perpara se te bie
un kam deshir te,un kam deshir mund te
gjej pergjigjen ketu sonte
pasqyr pasqyr ne mur...
kur tere boterat...
Sepse nje vajz si un...
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