Never Ending

Ghost in the mirror
I knew your face once, but now it's unclear
And I can't feel my body now
I'm separate from here and now
A drug and a dream
A lost connection, oh come back to me
So I can feel alive again
A soul and body try to mend
It's pulling me apart this time
Everything is never ending
Slipped into a parallel
I'll never understand
This feeling always gets away
Wishing I could hold on longer
It doesn't have to feel so strange
To be in love again
To be in love again
To be in love again
Ghost in the mirror
I knew your face once, but now it's unclear
And I can't feel my body now
I separate from here and now
It's pulling me apart this time
Everything is never ending
Slipped into a parallel
I'll never understand
This feeling always gets away
Wishing I could hold on longer
It doesn't have to feel so strange
To be in love again
To be in love again
To be in love again
Ghost in the mirror
I knew your face once, but now it's unclear
And I can't feel my body now
I'm separate from here and now
A drug and a dream
A lost connection, oh come back to me
So I can feel alive again
A soul and body try to mend
It's pulling me apart this time
Everything is never ending
Slipped into a parallel
I'll never understand
This feeling always gets away
Wishing I could hold on longer
It doesn't have to feel so strange
To be in love again
To be in love again
To be in love again
Ghost in the mirror
I knew your face once, but now it's unclear
And I can't feel my body now
I separate from here and now
It's pulling me apart this time
Everything is never ending
Slipped into a parallel
I'll never understand
This feeling always gets away
Wishing I could hold on longer
It doesn't have to feel so strange
To be in love again
To be in love again
To be in love again
Nuk Mbaron Kurrë

fantazma ne pasqyr
e kom njoft me pare fytyren tende, por tani eshte e paqart
dhe une smund ta ndjej trupin tim tani
un jam e ndar nga ketu dhe tash...
droga dhe endrra
lidhje te humbur, oh kthehu te un
ateher un mund te ndihem e gjall perseri
shpirti dhe trupin perpiqen te riparojn
eshte duke me ndar kete here
gjithqka eshte pa mbarim
kishte rreqitur ne nje paralele
un kurr nuk do ta kuptoj
kjo ndjenj gjithmon me vete
duke shpresuar se mund te duroj dhe me shum
ske perse te ndihesh aq i fort
te dashurohesh perseri
te dashurohesh perseri
fantazma ne pasqyr
e kom njoft me pare fytyren tende, por tani eshte e paqart
dhe une smund ta ndjej trupin tim tani
un jam e ndar nga ketu dhe tash...
eshte duke me ndar kete here
gjithqka eshte pa mbarim
kishte rreqitur ne nje paralele
un kurr nuk do ta kuptoj
kjo ndjenj gjithmon me vete
duke shpresuar se mund te duroj dhe me shum
ske perse te ndihesh aq i fort
te dashurohesh perseri
te dashurohesh perseri
fantazma ne pasqyr
e kom njoft me pare fytyren tende, por tani eshte e paqart
dhe une smund ta ndjej trupin tim tani
un jam e ndar nga ketu dhe tash...
droga dhe endrra
lidhje te humbur, oh kthehu te un
ateher un mund te ndihem e gjall perseri
shpirti dhe trupin perpiqen te riparojn
eshte duke me ndar kete here
gjithqka eshte pa mbarim
kishte rreqitur ne nje paralele
un kurr nuk do ta kuptoj
kjo ndjenj gjithmon me vete
duke shpresuar se mund te duroj dhe me shum
ske perse te ndihesh aq i fort
te dashurohesh perseri
te dashurohesh perseri
fantazma ne pasqyr
e kom njoft me pare fytyren tende, por tani eshte e paqart
dhe une smund ta ndjej trupin tim tani
un jam e ndar nga ketu dhe tash...
eshte duke me ndar kete here
gjithqka eshte pa mbarim
kishte rreqitur ne nje paralele
un kurr nuk do ta kuptoj
kjo ndjenj gjithmon me vete
duke shpresuar se mund te duroj dhe me shum
ske perse te ndihesh aq i fort
te dashurohesh perseri
te dashurohesh perseri
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