Rihanna Ft. Drake

[Chorus - Rihanna:]
Work, work, work, work, work, work
He said me haffi
Work, work, work, work, work, work!
He see me do me
Dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt!
So me put in
Work, work, work, work, work, work
When you ah gon'
Learn, learn, learn, learn, learn
Meh nuh care if him
Hurt, hurt, hurt, hurt, hurting
[Verse 1 - Rihanna:]
Dry!... Me a desert him
No time to have you lurking
Him ah go act like he don't like it
You know I dealt with you the nicest
Nobody touch me you nuh righteous
Nobody text me in a crisis
I believed all of your dreams, adoration
You took my heart and my keys and my patience
You took my heart on my sleeve for decoration
You mistaken my love I brought for you for foundation
All that I wanted from you was to give me
Something that I never had
Something that you've never seen
Something that you've never been!
But I wake up and act like nothing's wrong
Just get ready fi...
[Chorus - Rihanna:]
Work, work, work, work, work, work
He said me haffi
Work, work, work, work, work, work!
He see me do me
Dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt!
So me put in
Work, work, work, work, work, work
Ner ner ner ner ner ner!
When you a gon' learn, learn, learn, learn, learn!
Before the tables turn, turn, turn, turn, turn, turn!
[Verse 2 - Rihanna:]
Beg you something please
Baby don't you leave
Don't leave me stuck here in the streets, uh huh
If I get another chance to
I will never, no never neglect you
I mean who am I to hold your past against you?
I just hope that it gets to you
I hope that you see this through
I hope that you see this true
What can I say?
Please recognize I'm tryin', babe!
I have to
[Chorus - Rihanna:]
Work, work, work, work, work, work
He said me haffi
Work, work, work, work, work, work!
He see me do me
Dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt!
So me put in
Work, work, work, work, work, work
When you ah gon'
Learn, learn, learn, learn, learn
Meh nuh care if him
Hurt, hurt, hurt, hurt, hurting
[Verse 3 - Drake:]
Yeah, okay
You need to get done, done, done, done at work, come over
We just need to slow the motion
Don't give that away to no one
Long distance, I need you
When I see potential I just gotta see it through
If you had a twin, I would still choose you
I don't wanna rush into it, if it's too soon
But I know you need to get done, done, done, done
If you come over
Sorry if I'm way less friendly
I got niggas tryna end me, oh
I spilled all my emotions tonight, I'm sorry
Rollin', rollin', rollin', rollin', rollin'
How many more shots until you're rollin'?
We just need a face to face
You could pick the time and the place
You spent some time away
Now you need to forward and give me all the...
[Chorus - Rihanna & Drake:]
Work, work, work, work, work, work
He said me haffi
Work, work, work, work, work, work
He see me do me
Dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt!
So me put in
Work, work, work, work, work, work
When you ah gon'
Learn, learn, learn, learn, learn
Meh nuh care if him
Hurt, hurt, hurt, hurt, hurting
[Outro - Rihanna:]
Mmmmm, mmmmm
Mmmmm, mmmmm
Work, work, work, work, work, work
Mmmmm, mmmmm
Work, work, work, work, work, work
He said me haffi
Work, work, work, work, work, work!
He see me do me
Dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt!
So me put in
Work, work, work, work, work, work
When you ah gon'
Learn, learn, learn, learn, learn
Meh nuh care if him
Hurt, hurt, hurt, hurt, hurting
[Verse 1 - Rihanna:]
Dry!... Me a desert him
No time to have you lurking
Him ah go act like he don't like it
You know I dealt with you the nicest
Nobody touch me you nuh righteous
Nobody text me in a crisis
I believed all of your dreams, adoration
You took my heart and my keys and my patience
You took my heart on my sleeve for decoration
You mistaken my love I brought for you for foundation
All that I wanted from you was to give me
Something that I never had
Something that you've never seen
Something that you've never been!
But I wake up and act like nothing's wrong
Just get ready fi...
[Chorus - Rihanna:]
Work, work, work, work, work, work
He said me haffi
Work, work, work, work, work, work!
He see me do me
Dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt!
So me put in
Work, work, work, work, work, work
Ner ner ner ner ner ner!
When you a gon' learn, learn, learn, learn, learn!
Before the tables turn, turn, turn, turn, turn, turn!
[Verse 2 - Rihanna:]
Beg you something please
Baby don't you leave
Don't leave me stuck here in the streets, uh huh
If I get another chance to
I will never, no never neglect you
I mean who am I to hold your past against you?
I just hope that it gets to you
I hope that you see this through
I hope that you see this true
What can I say?
Please recognize I'm tryin', babe!
I have to
[Chorus - Rihanna:]
Work, work, work, work, work, work
He said me haffi
Work, work, work, work, work, work!
He see me do me
Dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt!
So me put in
Work, work, work, work, work, work
When you ah gon'
Learn, learn, learn, learn, learn
Meh nuh care if him
Hurt, hurt, hurt, hurt, hurting
[Verse 3 - Drake:]
Yeah, okay
You need to get done, done, done, done at work, come over
We just need to slow the motion
Don't give that away to no one
Long distance, I need you
When I see potential I just gotta see it through
If you had a twin, I would still choose you
I don't wanna rush into it, if it's too soon
But I know you need to get done, done, done, done
If you come over
Sorry if I'm way less friendly
I got niggas tryna end me, oh
I spilled all my emotions tonight, I'm sorry
Rollin', rollin', rollin', rollin', rollin'
How many more shots until you're rollin'?
We just need a face to face
You could pick the time and the place
You spent some time away
Now you need to forward and give me all the...
[Chorus - Rihanna & Drake:]
Work, work, work, work, work, work
He said me haffi
Work, work, work, work, work, work
He see me do me
Dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt!
So me put in
Work, work, work, work, work, work
When you ah gon'
Learn, learn, learn, learn, learn
Meh nuh care if him
Hurt, hurt, hurt, hurt, hurting
[Outro - Rihanna:]
Mmmmm, mmmmm
Mmmmm, mmmmm
Work, work, work, work, work, work
Mmmmm, mmmmm

puno, puno, puno, puno, puno, puno
ai me tha un duhet te
punoj, punoj, punoj, punoj, punoj, punoj
ai me shikon mua un duke ber
pisllek, pisllek, pisllek
keshtuqe me vendos ne
pune, pune, pune
kur ti iken
meso, meso, meso
mua sme intereson nese ai
lendon, lendon, lendon, te dhemb
E thatë!.. un e kam braktisur
ska koh per te pasur ty duke fshehur (genjyer)
ai vazhdon te sillet sikur nuk i pelqen
ti e di kishin te benin me ty me te miret
askush nuk me prek, ti je i duhuri
askush nuk me fol per krizen
un i besova te gjitha endrrave tua, adhurimin
ti ma more zemren,qilsat dhe durimin tim
ti ma more zemren ne mengen time per dekorim
ti po gabon dashuria ime un prura per ty per fondacion
te gjitha cfare doja prej teje ishte te me dhuroni
dicka qe kurr se kam pasur
kurr se ke par
kurr nuk ke qen
por un zgjohem dhe sillem sikur ska asnje gabim
vetem behu gati per
puno, puno, puno..
ai me tha un duhet
te punoj punoj, punoj, punoj..
ai me shikon un duke ber
pisllek, pisllek, pisllek..
keshtuqe me vendos ne
pune, pune, pune..
ner, ner, ner, ner..
kur ti iken
meso meso meso..
para se tavolinat te kthehen, kthehen, kthen..
te lutem diqka
zemer mos u largo
mos me lere ketu neper rruge
uh huh
nese marr perseri nje shanc tjeter
un kurr, jo kurr nuk do te shperthuri
dua te them kush jam un ta mbaj te kaluaren tende kunder teje
vetem shpresoj qe do arrin tek ti
shpresoj qe do ta shohesh kete permes
shpresoj qe do ta shohesh kete te vertet
qfar mund te them
te lutem pranoje qe jam duke u perpjekur zemer
un duhet te
punoj, punoj, punoj, punoj, punoj, punoj
ai me tha un duhet te
punoj, punoj, punoj..
ai me shikon mua un duke ber
pisllek, pisllek, pisllek
kshtuqe me vendos ne
pune, pune, pune
kur ti iken
meso, meso, meso
mua sme intereson nese ai
lendon, lendon, lendon, te dhemb
pra, ne rregull
duhet te mbarosh, mbarosh mbarosh ne pun, hajde
ne duhet te ngadalsojm
mos i jep askuj kete
distanc e gjat, me duhesh
kur e shoh potencialin vetem me duhet te shoh perball
nese do kishe nje binjake, un perseri do te kisha zgjedhur ty
sdua te nxitoj ketu, nese eshte shum afer
por un e di qe ti duhet te mbarosh, mbarosh, mbarosh pune
nese vjen ketu
me fal nese jam me pak se shok
kam zezaka qe mundohen te me mposhtin
ohh, un i shfaqa te gjitha ndjenjat sonte
me fal
duke mbeshtjellur, mbeshtjellur..
edhe sa gjuajtje derisa ti je duke mbeshtjellur
ne duhet fytyr me fytyr
ti merr kohen dhe vendin
tani ti duhet te vazhdosh para dhe tme japesh kreit
punen, punen, punen, punen, punen, punen
ai me tha un duhet te
punoj, punoj, punoj, punoj, punoj, punoj
ai me shikon mua un duke ber
pisllek, pisllek, pisllek
kshtuqe me vendos ne
pune, pune, pune
kur ti iken
meso, meso, meso
mua sme intereson nese ai
lendon, lendon, lendon, te dhemb
puno, puno, puno, puno, puno, puno
ai me tha un duhet te
punoj, punoj, punoj, punoj, punoj, punoj
ai me shikon mua un duke ber
pisllek, pisllek, pisllek
keshtuqe me vendos ne
pune, pune, pune
kur ti iken
meso, meso, meso
mua sme intereson nese ai
lendon, lendon, lendon, te dhemb
E thatë!.. un e kam braktisur
ska koh per te pasur ty duke fshehur (genjyer)
ai vazhdon te sillet sikur nuk i pelqen
ti e di kishin te benin me ty me te miret
askush nuk me prek, ti je i duhuri
askush nuk me fol per krizen
un i besova te gjitha endrrave tua, adhurimin
ti ma more zemren,qilsat dhe durimin tim
ti ma more zemren ne mengen time per dekorim
ti po gabon dashuria ime un prura per ty per fondacion
te gjitha cfare doja prej teje ishte te me dhuroni
dicka qe kurr se kam pasur
kurr se ke par
kurr nuk ke qen
por un zgjohem dhe sillem sikur ska asnje gabim
vetem behu gati per
puno, puno, puno..
ai me tha un duhet
te punoj punoj, punoj, punoj..
ai me shikon un duke ber
pisllek, pisllek, pisllek..
keshtuqe me vendos ne
pune, pune, pune..
ner, ner, ner, ner..
kur ti iken
meso meso meso..
para se tavolinat te kthehen, kthehen, kthen..
te lutem diqka
zemer mos u largo
mos me lere ketu neper rruge
uh huh
nese marr perseri nje shanc tjeter
un kurr, jo kurr nuk do te shperthuri
dua te them kush jam un ta mbaj te kaluaren tende kunder teje
vetem shpresoj qe do arrin tek ti
shpresoj qe do ta shohesh kete permes
shpresoj qe do ta shohesh kete te vertet
qfar mund te them
te lutem pranoje qe jam duke u perpjekur zemer
un duhet te
punoj, punoj, punoj, punoj, punoj, punoj
ai me tha un duhet te
punoj, punoj, punoj..
ai me shikon mua un duke ber
pisllek, pisllek, pisllek
kshtuqe me vendos ne
pune, pune, pune
kur ti iken
meso, meso, meso
mua sme intereson nese ai
lendon, lendon, lendon, te dhemb
pra, ne rregull
duhet te mbarosh, mbarosh mbarosh ne pun, hajde
ne duhet te ngadalsojm
mos i jep askuj kete
distanc e gjat, me duhesh
kur e shoh potencialin vetem me duhet te shoh perball
nese do kishe nje binjake, un perseri do te kisha zgjedhur ty
sdua te nxitoj ketu, nese eshte shum afer
por un e di qe ti duhet te mbarosh, mbarosh, mbarosh pune
nese vjen ketu
me fal nese jam me pak se shok
kam zezaka qe mundohen te me mposhtin
ohh, un i shfaqa te gjitha ndjenjat sonte
me fal
duke mbeshtjellur, mbeshtjellur..
edhe sa gjuajtje derisa ti je duke mbeshtjellur
ne duhet fytyr me fytyr
ti merr kohen dhe vendin
tani ti duhet te vazhdosh para dhe tme japesh kreit
punen, punen, punen, punen, punen, punen
ai me tha un duhet te
punoj, punoj, punoj, punoj, punoj, punoj
ai me shikon mua un duke ber
pisllek, pisllek, pisllek
kshtuqe me vendos ne
pune, pune, pune
kur ti iken
meso, meso, meso
mua sme intereson nese ai
lendon, lendon, lendon, te dhemb
puno, puno, puno, puno, puno, puno
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