Stanaj - Reason

Autor i muzikës dhe autor i fjalëve të tekstit rezulton të jetë vetë artisti, teksa producentë të këngës janë Stanaj & Mick Schultz. Nisur nga dëshira për të dhuruar sa më shumë emocione, ky projekt i ri lansohet tek audienca i kompletuar me vlera artistike edhe me videoklip muzikor, i cili është krijuar nga Sekuencë, ndërsa xhirimet e videos u realizuan nën regjinë e Rita Krasniqi. Ky videoklip erdhi në platformat online më 30 Maj 2023 dhe u vlerësua për atmosferën elektrizuese që krijoi.
Teksti :: Song Lyrics
I hate to think we can't be friends
'Cause I won't be fine once it ends
Why can't things be different
Had we crossed the line before it began

Now my daylights gone
This crying heart won't beat the same
Nooo... Mmmmm
You're every breath I've taken
Now you're gone, I'm devastated
Ohhhh... Mmmmm
So tell me was it your or me or something in between us
'Cause I need a reason, give me a reason
So tell me was it you or me or something in between us
'Cause I need a reason, give me a reason

Can I stay, I won't be long
Can you find something like holding on
I'll keep my demons far away
I still love you girl anyway

Now my daylights gone
This crying heart won't beat the same
Nooo... Mmmmm
You're every breath I've taken
Now you're gone, I'm devastated
Ohhhh... Mmmmm
So tell me was it your or me or something in between us
'Cause I need a reason, give me a reason
So tell me was it you or me or something in between us
'Cause I need a reason, give me a reason


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