Belistar Ft. Tiki
Harroje Emrin Tem
Flag ShqipShqip
uuuu ejjj harroije emrin tem uu heiiiiiii harroie emrin tem RF Harroie emrin tem harroi po te them harroie pergjithmon se per ne u bo von....?

-Nese nje dit loti te pikon harroi takimet mos me thirr ne telefon nese kjo nat te duket e gjat un aty sdo jem qe te kem ty ma ngat harroi kujtimet qe i kishe ti me mu harroi tkalumet se spo du mo mi kujtu fshiju nga jeta se per ty nuk vlej shko tash me tjetrin se tjetren un e gjejj...

RF2#- harroje emrin tem harroje po te them harroje pergjithmon s e per ne u bo von..?

-Harroma emrin harro gjdo kujtim harroi te gjitha se nuk ka mo kthim tmirat ti dhash ti nuk i pranove tash je me tjeter me mu deshtove sa shum ke bo mu kthy si at here tpakten nuk mujte edhe ni here sikur gjdo here ti prap e deshtume ditet me ty tash jan te harrume shum e kerkume mas meje ti ke dal se per ty jam kan une i pari djal kurgja ski dit krejt te une i ke msu tash jan ba shum spo munesh mi numru mvjen keq qa thu kur menon ti per mu sma dite vleren tash shum je pendu harroi te gjitha se te une nuk ki ven harroi kujtimet tash harroie emrin temm ...?

RF2#- harroje emrin tem harroie po te them harroie pergjithmon se per ne u bo von

-Nuk kam penges as nje iluzion skom deshira tashme per askond nese najher ne jet ty te kujtoj sdo tjem i humbur po si ti nuk dot lotoj un e pranoj qe faji smbet jetim ti je me tjeter tash ne perqafim per mu ske ndjenja te le tash provo tash je me tjeter te lutem me harrooooo....

RF2..- haarroie emrin tem harroie po te them harroie pergjithmon se per ne u bo von..
Forget My Name
Flag AnglishtAnglisht
uuu heyy, forget my name, forget my name
ref x2
Forget my name, forget it I'm telling you
Forget it forever cur for us it's too late

If someday, your tears fall
Forget our dates, don't call me anymore
If this night seems you long
I won't be there beside you
Forget the memories you had with me
Forget the past cuz I don't want to remember it
Erase me from your life cuz I'm not worth for you
Go with an other cuz I will find a new girl

ref x2
Forget my name, forget it I'm telling you
Forget it forever cur for us it's too late

Forget my name, forget every memory
Forget everything cuz they won't come back
I gave you the best, you didn't accept it
Now you're with another cuz you failed with me
You've took many time to become as you were
You couldn't do it at least one more time
As every time, you've failed
The days with me now are forgotten
I have wanted you for many times
Cuz for you I was the fisrt boy
You knew nothing, you've learn everything with me
Now there are so much that you can't count them
I'm sorry for the words you say when you think of me
You didn't knew my value and now you regret it
Forget everything cuz you have no place to me
Forget the memories now forget my name

ref x2
Forget my name, forget it I'm telling you
Forget it forever cur for us it's too late

I have no more obstacles, no more illusions
I have no more wishes now for nobody
If anytime in my life I remember you
I won't be lost but I won't cry like you !
I accept the fact that the the falut is not fatherless
Now you're wioth another for your hugs..
For me, you have no more feelings, I will let you try now
Now you're with an other, please forget me !!

ref x2
Forget my name, forget it I'm telling you
Forget it forever cur for us it's too late
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