Muzikën e këngës e kompozuan bashkarisht Endrit Goga & Olsi Gjondedaj, ndërsa për tekstin u përkujdes Endrit Goga.
Teksti :: Song Lyrics
Death awaits smiling up ahead, I cannot understand
All my life passing before my eyes, can’t open anymore
Voices screaming telling not to leave, like never before
All I can do, give back that smile it's not my time to go
You can wait for my soul
I won’t come now it’s too soon
Too much work, I still have a goal
Have to write down history
All my life passing before my eyes, can’t open anymore
Voices screaming telling not to leave, like never before
All I can do, give back that smile it's not my time to go
You can wait for my soul
I won’t come now it’s too soon
Too much work, I still have a goal
Have to write down history
- Publikimi: 01/12/2012
- Ora: 00:00
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