Vserlo - Nothing But Love
Nothing But Love

Jo vetëm radio dhe audio streaming, sepse ky projekt erdhi para shikuesve i ilustruar në dimensionin vizual me klip muzikor, për të cilin është bashkëpunuar me Mserxho. Videoklipi u publikua më 22 Maj 2021. Komponues i muzikës dhe autor i tekstit është vetë këngëtari.
Teksti :: Song Lyrics
Maybe I’ll never feel love for somebody
Maybe I’m a "maybe" for you, and you just hide it
I have an empty pocket
You live a life I can’t afford it
But no, I’ve never spoken
Cause I’ve been afraid

You sometimes gotta choose
If you love to lose
If you want or not to be used
You sometimes gotta feel
That you’re lonely still
And your heart will be his for real

Oh I’m afraid to lose a car that I don’t have
Dreaming about trips on a summer sunday
I’m afraid to lose you, even if I don’t have
Nothing but love I can give

When you think you’re not enough
Take a look or take it twice
You’re the queen of broken hearts
You’re not scared about
When somebody says it’s yours
You don’t belong anywhere
You’re of a hundred boys
You’re not just a one night stand

Oh I’m afraid to lose a car that I don’t have
Dreaming about trips on a summer sunday
I’m afraid to lose you, even if I don’t have
Nothing but love I can give

Take me back to the city where we met
Take me back to that city
Take me back to the city where we met
Take me back to that city

I have an empty pocket
You live a life I can’t afford it
But no, I’ve never spoken
Cause I’ve been afraid


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