Hajde Luj O Shpirti Jem

Sot harroj te gjitha hallet kjo nate me na shku huq nuk na falet bonu gati veshu mir kem me shku si mysafir
mos mendo per kurrgjo tjeter knaqu mori zemer ndrreqma jeten nuk po dihet qka po bohet sot po luhet sot po knohet
Hajde luj o shpirti jem ksi shyreti smahet mend tash e di se ne ket nate ty te paskem pas nafak (2X)
Sonte du me te pas ma afer ja vjen ti me qef ja vjen me hater nese ka pak dashuri ska qka bohet nomi zi
Ma jep doren ta jap belin sa sja kena pa dikujna sherrin me ti fal buzet zguxova po prej dore kurre ste leshova
mos mendo per kurrgjo tjeter knaqu mori zemer ndrreqma jeten nuk po dihet qka po bohet sot po luhet sot po knohet
Hajde luj o shpirti jem ksi shyreti smahet mend tash e di se ne ket nate ty te paskem pas nafak (2X)
Sonte du me te pas ma afer ja vjen ti me qef ja vjen me hater nese ka pak dashuri ska qka bohet nomi zi
Ma jep doren ta jap belin sa sja kena pa dikujna sherrin me ti fal buzet zguxova po prej dore kurre ste leshova
Come Dance My Sweetheart

Today i'll forget all of my problems
we cannot let this night pass us
get ready, dress nicely
we will go out as guests
don't think of anything else
make my heart happy, straighten out my life
no one knows what will happen
today we shall dance, and sing
come dance my sweetheart
like shyreti you won't remember
now i know that this night
brought us together by fate
today i want to have you closer
you will come by your own desire, or just come to be nice
if theres little love
there's nothing we can do, bad luck
give me your hand i'll give you my waist
there is fate there are no arguments
i didn't dare to kiss your lips
but i never let go of your hand
we cannot let this night pass us
get ready, dress nicely
we will go out as guests
don't think of anything else
make my heart happy, straighten out my life
no one knows what will happen
today we shall dance, and sing
come dance my sweetheart
like shyreti you won't remember
now i know that this night
brought us together by fate
today i want to have you closer
you will come by your own desire, or just come to be nice
if theres little love
there's nothing we can do, bad luck
give me your hand i'll give you my waist
there is fate there are no arguments
i didn't dare to kiss your lips
but i never let go of your hand
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