Yll Limani
Flag ShqipShqip
I kom majt sytë mshel për mos me t'pa tu ik
E kom majt kryt nalt edhe pse komt mu kane dridh
Jom munu me marrë frymë thell, edhe shpirtin me qetsu
E me t'lon me shku, e me t'lon me shku
e me t'lon me shku

Po nëse dhimbja vjen mirësevjen veç me kon me ardh ma shpejt
mem pushtu sa ma herët qaq ma mirë, se nuk muj e s'po du
ditët njo ka njo mem shku tu menu per ty

Nëse muj unë me t'harru najher,
Nese muj unë zemrën prapë me qel,
e me dal dielli me ndriqu najher,
najher, e najher
Najher nëse malli për mu t'merr,
Dije dyrt e zemrës teme jon qel
Jom n'venin e njejt ku m'ke lon at'her, najher, najher

E peshën e dashnis vet e kom majt n'krah, s'kom lyp prej teje kurrë kurgjo
E n'rrugën që je nis nuk o rruga e dashnis,
nuk ki me mrri kurrë fundin e saj
E nëse një ditë m'kujton, shpresoj që ka me kane për t'mirë
Mos meno për mu qysh jom

Po nëse dhimbja vjen mirësevjen veç me kon me ardh ma shpejt
mem pushtu sa ma herët qaq ma mirë, se nuk muj e s'po du
ditët njo ka njo mem shku tu menu per ty

REF. x3:
Nëse muj unë me t'harru najher,
Nese muj unë zemrën prapë me qel,
e me dal dielli me ndriqu najher,
najher, e najher
Najher nëse malli për mu t'merr,
Dije dyrt e zemrës teme jon qel
Jom n'venin e njejt ku m'ke lon at'her, najher, najher
Flag AnglishtAnglisht
I kept my eyes closed, so that I couldn't see you leaving
I kept my head high, even though my feet were shaking
I tried to breath deeply, and to calm my soul
And to let you leave, and to let you leave, and to let you leave
But if the hurting comes, it's welcome, so long as it comes faster
To conquer me--the sooner, the better--because I can't and don't want to
Waste all my days thinking about you
And if some-time I can forget you
If sometime I can, once again, open my heart
And have the sun shine
Some-time, Some-time, Some-time
If some-time you long for my company
Know that door of my heart are open (for you)
I'm in the same place you left me that time
Sometime, sometiiiiiime
And the weight of love, I myself carried upon my shoulders,
I never asked you for anything
And the road that you chosen,
Isn't one of love--you're never going to reach your destination
And if one day you remember me, I hope it's for good
Don't think of how I am (now)
But if the hurting comes, it's welcome, so long as it comes faster
To conquer me--the sooner, the better--because I can't and don't want to
Waste all my days thinking about you
If I can forget you some-time
If I can open my heart once again
And let the sun shine some-time
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