Argjentina Ramosaj
Jeta Vazhdon
Flag ShqipShqip
S'te kam prane dhe malli tret
Kur e di jo nuk eshte e thjeshte
Te mos dua asgje sot ,sa ftohte
Dhe mbeshtillem ne erresire
Me kujtimin me te mire
Dhe marr force une te jetoj, besoj

2x refrenin

Ai nuk iku pa kthim
Jam duke pritu-r dot vije
Duhet te mesohem pa ty
Se po me thone
Jeta vazhdon

Nuk degjoj me nje fjale te mire
Dhe nuk kam asnje deshire
Vetem ty vazhdoj te pres
Une pres..
Dhe mbeshtillem ne erresire
Me kujtimin me te mire
Dhe marr force une te jetoj, besoj

3x refrenin

Ai nuk iku pa kthim
Jam duke pritu-r dot vije
Duhet te mesohem pa ty
Se po me thone
Jeta vazhdon
Life Goes On
Flag AnglishtAnglisht
Featureless and I miss being close to the grill
I know, there is simply no
Not want anything today
how cool

And convolute in the dark
With the best memory
And I get strength to live
I believe

He did not left without return
I am waiting to come
I have to get used without you
Why tell me
life goes on

No longer hear a good word
And I have no desire
Just continue to wait
I only wait

And convolute in the dark
With the best memory
And I get strength to live
I believe

He did not left without return
I am waiting to come
I have to get used without you
Why tell me
life goes on
Komente 2