Arif Vladi
Jam Kosova E Shqiptarisë
Flag ShqipShqip
Ç'janë këto xhamë, o si here te tjera
n'atë Drenicë ooo o na u ndal pranvera.
Janë shembë kulla, o e djeg livadhe
ka dal serbi, e po na hap varre.

Flet Prakazi n'dhâmb prej gjaku
Likoshansit ja prenë pragun
sa t'ketë diell e sa t'ketë hanë
jam Drenica o që më kanë thanë

Kur derdh lot o e gjak Kosova (o e gjak)
jemi bashkë ooooo o si mali e bora(jemi bashkë)
jam Kosova e shqiptarisë
njëqind vjet po i thërras lirisë
po kërkush liri s'po më jep
tym e flak o po më shkon kjo jetë
Boll durova moj Evropë
kam Drenicen gropë mbi gropë
unë jam bij e tokës së lashtë
qoftë mallkue o kush s'na do bashkë

Bajn kuvendo ooo o sot mali e fusha
kur pom del oo o Shaban Polluzha
Kaçaniku more n'ato gryka
Prape pisket oooo o Azem Galica

moj Kosova pashë syt e ballit
pashë atë kullë t'Adem Jasharit
pashë atë qiell që nxinë e kthejellet
mos i lësho o për jetë themelet

kur derdh lot o e gjak Kosova(mori gjak)
jemi bashkë o o si mal e bora(jemi bashk)

jam Kosova e shqiptarisë
njëqind vjet po i thërrasë lirisë
po kërkush liri s'pom jep
tym e flak o po më shkon kjo jetë
boll durova moj Evropë
kam Drenicën gropë mbi gropë
unë jam bij e tokës lashtë
qoftë mallkue o kush s'na do bashkë

I Am Kosovo of Albania
Flag AnglishtAnglisht
What are these rumbling oh like the other times
In that Drenica oh the spring has stopped
Towers have crashed and fields burned
The serb has come, and is opening graves for u.

Prekaz speaks with teeth full of blood
Likoshansit have come in it’s doorstep
For as long as the sun and moon shine ooh
I’m Drenica, that’s how they called me

When Kosovo sheds tears and blood (oh and blood)
We’re together ooh like the mountain and snow (we’re together)
I’m Kosovo of Albania
100 years calling for freedom
But no one is giving freedom to me
In smoke and flames, my whole life has been
Enough I’ve waited oh Europe
I have Drenica standing pit upon pit
I’m the daughter of ancient land
Cursed the one who doesn’t want us together

Hold assembly ooh today mountains and fields
Then I see oh Shaban Polluzha
Kaçanik oohh in those holes
Is calling again ooohh for Azem Galica

Oh Kosovo for the eyes in the forehead
For that tower of Adem Jashari
For that sky that blackens and sobers
Don’t ever leave ohh your foundations

When Kosovo sheds tears and blood (oh and blood),
We’re together ooh like the mountain and snow (we’re together)

I’m Kosovo of Albania
100 years calling for freedom
But no one is giving freedom to me
In smoke and flames, my whole life has been
Enough I’ve waited oh Europe
I have Drenica standing pit upon pit
I’m the daughter of ancient land
Cursed the one who doesn’t want us together