Bill Bero
The Sun Is Turned Off
The Sun Is Turned Off
Muzikën e këngës e kompozoi vetë artisti, ndërsa teksti u punua nga Irma Kurti.
Teksti :: Song Lyrics
Quietness invades my body,
strangely, I hear no sound.
No shouts coming from the present,
no memories in my mind.
Not a cloud on the horizon;
the sun is turned off.
No one can rescue me
from this darkness where I’m lost.
I can’t find the strength to ask
if these days I’m living at all;
does anyone see and touch me?
can anyone hear my call?
No one sends a message.
My phone seems to be dead.
I can’t tell if it’s day or night.
I don’t know when I am awake.
Darkness in and around me,
my heart encased in frost,
where can you go
when the sun is turned off.
strangely, I hear no sound.
No shouts coming from the present,
no memories in my mind.
Not a cloud on the horizon;
the sun is turned off.
No one can rescue me
from this darkness where I’m lost.
I can’t find the strength to ask
if these days I’m living at all;
does anyone see and touch me?
can anyone hear my call?
No one sends a message.
My phone seems to be dead.
I can’t tell if it’s day or night.
I don’t know when I am awake.
Darkness in and around me,
my heart encased in frost,
where can you go
when the sun is turned off.
- Publikimi: 31/10/2024
- Ora: 21:37
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