Bill Bero
Winter Of Love
Winter Of Love
Muzikën e këngës e kompozoi vetë këngëtari, ndërsa teksti është sjellë tek publiku nga Irma Kurti.
Teksti :: Song Lyrics
I lived a frigid winter of love
with chilliness, rain, and snow;
I didn’t know there were
four seasons in this world.
Immersed in an abyss,
I felt shivers and coldness.
Above me—an endless gray sky;
I lost the music and the light.
This severe period robbed
all my happiness and joy.
I forgot about the other seasons.
I was with you, but still alone.
In that winter without a caress,
I desperately needed some fire;
but you could not give it to me;
you didn’t say even “good-bye.”
I lived a frigid winter of love
with chilliness, rain and snow.
I knew only the gray sky.
with chilliness, rain, and snow;
I didn’t know there were
four seasons in this world.
Immersed in an abyss,
I felt shivers and coldness.
Above me—an endless gray sky;
I lost the music and the light.
This severe period robbed
all my happiness and joy.
I forgot about the other seasons.
I was with you, but still alone.
In that winter without a caress,
I desperately needed some fire;
but you could not give it to me;
you didn’t say even “good-bye.”
I lived a frigid winter of love
with chilliness, rain and snow.
I knew only the gray sky.
- Publikimi: 23/11/2024
- Ora: 11:28
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