Elina Duni
Kur Te Pashe
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Kur të pashë moj lulja e bardhë
lulja e bardhë plot me erë
në më dasht’ moj sa t’kam dashtë
nuk më len vetëm n’pranverë.

Hajde moj unë o të du
Besa moj shumë o të du
Dogje veten më fike mu
Hajde më fike mu.

A s’ma fal moj dashuninë
e më thuj se o unë të du
po të lutem o lulja ime
dil në dritare o më t'shikju

Tasht po vjen o muji majit,
Muji majit më gjelbrim.
Zemrën time do ta fali
ty dashnore plot gezim.
And I Saw You
Flag AnglishtAnglisht
And I saw you white flower
white, scentful flower
and if you ever loved me as much as I did
you won’t leave me alone in the spring.

Yes, I love you
I swear to you, I do
You set yourself on fire, but out you burnt me
Yes you burnt me.

Give me your love
and tell me you love me too
I’m begging you , my flower
come out to the window, so I may see you.

Yes, I love you
I swear to you, I do
You set yourself on fire, but out you burnt me
Yes you burnt me.

And now, the month of May approaches,
the month of May, in full bloom
I shall give you my heart
to you my lover, I happily should.

Yes, I love you
I swear to you, I do
You set yourself on fire, but out you burnt me
Yes you burnt me.
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