Elina Duni
Une Ne Koder, Ti Ne Koder

Ani more djalë përpara bajrakut
ani seç mu dogj zemra prej marakut.
Ani more djalë përpara shtëpisë
seç po ti merr era tufat e shamisë.
Ani unë n’at kodër, ti n’kët kodër
ani boll e mirë po veç pak e vogël.
Ani as e vogel, as e madhe
ani porsi dardha rrushëtake
ani porsi molla o rrumbullake.
ani seç mu dogj zemra prej marakut.
Ani more djalë përpara shtëpisë
seç po ti merr era tufat e shamisë.
Ani unë n’at kodër, ti n’kët kodër
ani boll e mirë po veç pak e vogël.
Ani as e vogel, as e madhe
ani porsi dardha rrushëtake
ani porsi molla o rrumbullake.
Me On A Hill, You On A Hill

Oh, my dear boy in front of the flag
oh, my heart’s engolphed in worrisome flames.
Oh, my dear boy in front of the house
your kerchief’s fringes blowing in the wind.
Oh, I’m atop that hill, you’re atop this one
Oh, a nice one it is, just a little small.
Oh, neither small, nor big
Oh, just like a vintage pair
Oh, just like a round apple.
oh, my heart’s engolphed in worrisome flames.
Oh, my dear boy in front of the house
your kerchief’s fringes blowing in the wind.
Oh, I’m atop that hill, you’re atop this one
Oh, a nice one it is, just a little small.
Oh, neither small, nor big
Oh, just like a vintage pair
Oh, just like a round apple.
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