Elina Duni
Flag ShqipShqip
Kur e përcolla Ylberin
ktheva hyna n’odë.
Kur ja pashë mamzerin vjehrro
ja lava me lot.

Mos e laj me lot oj zano
mos e laj me lot.
Se shkon viti parë oj zano
porsi dita sot.

Kaluen ditët, kaluen vitet
zemra m’u dogj flakë.
S’na lanë hallet, s’na lanë dertet
me jetue bashkë.

Vitet e kurbetit Ylber
qofshin të mallkuem.
Ndahu nanë e bir o Ylber
ndahu burrë e grue.

Mora harxhet dola në bahçe
çorapin me e shkru.
Prej marakut o mbi çorape
plasa tuj lotu.

O Ylber i dadës o
a thu m’ke harru ?
Vitet e kurbetit Ylber
qofshin të mallkum !
Flag AnglishtAnglisht
After I saw Ylberi off
I came back in.
But then I saw his Mauser, mama
and I washed it with my tears.

Don’t go washing it with your tears, fair maiden
don’t go washing it like that.
The first year will go by , fair maiden
very much like today.

The days passed, so did the years
my heart burnt in flames.
The worries, the troubles of life
pulled us both apart.

Damn them all Ylber,
the years you had to emigrate.
Separating mother and son, Ylber
separating husband and wife.

Picked up the yarn, went out to the yard
to knit socks as I do
anxious, as I knitted along
into tears I broke.

O, dear Ylber
did you forget about me perhaps ?
Damn them all Ylber
the years you had to emigrate !
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