Elina Duni
Mora Testinë
Flag ShqipShqip
Mora testinë, o për me mush uje
Hasan Aga te kroni kish qillue

Oh njaj krue, fort ish turbulle
Mora shamin ujin me kullue

Shpejt u nguta, oh në shpi me shkue
Filloj nana oh me m'qortue

Pse kag shum o, bijë o je vonue
Hasan Aga marak asht ba në mue
I Grabbed The Water Jar
Flag AnglishtAnglisht
I grabbed the water jar to collect water
And at the well, I saw Hasan Aga

Oh, the water was clouded
So I took my handkerchief to make it clear

Then I hurried back home
And my mother was upset with me

What took you so long my daughter?
I said: Hasan Aga has eyes for me
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