Elvana Gjata
Pak Nga Pak
Erdha, mendove se genjeja
u ktheva dhe pse ti nuk me prisje.
Vleja por ti mohoje sa un vleja,
ta dije ti sot ketu do ishe.
Dhe pak nga pak ky shpirt po vdes
e dehur ne mendime ty te pres
dhe dal ngadal po tretem un
t'me doje ti dhe pak me shume.
Ikin kalojne ditet e mija
vetem njesoj si dje kam mbetur
vleja por ti mohoje sa un vleja
ta dije ti sot ketu do ishe
Dhe pak nga pak ky shpirt po vdes
e dehur ne mendime ty te pres
dhe dal ngadal po tretem un
t'me doje ti dhe pak me shume.
u ktheva dhe pse ti nuk me prisje.
Vleja por ti mohoje sa un vleja,
ta dije ti sot ketu do ishe.
Dhe pak nga pak ky shpirt po vdes
e dehur ne mendime ty te pres
dhe dal ngadal po tretem un
t'me doje ti dhe pak me shume.
Ikin kalojne ditet e mija
vetem njesoj si dje kam mbetur
vleja por ti mohoje sa un vleja
ta dije ti sot ketu do ishe
Dhe pak nga pak ky shpirt po vdes
e dehur ne mendime ty te pres
dhe dal ngadal po tretem un
t'me doje ti dhe pak me shume.
Little By Little
I came, you thought I was lying
I came even though you were not waiting.
I am worth it, but you denied my value,
If you knew, you would be here today.
And little by little this soul is dying,
Drunk in thoughts I wait for you,
And little by little I weaken,
For you to love me a little more.
Escaping, my days pass,
I remain the same as yesterday,
I am worth it, but you denied my value,
If you knew, you would be here today.
And little by little this soul is dying,
Drunk in thoughts I wait for you,
And little by little I weaken,
For you to love me a little more.
I came even though you were not waiting.
I am worth it, but you denied my value,
If you knew, you would be here today.
And little by little this soul is dying,
Drunk in thoughts I wait for you,
And little by little I weaken,
For you to love me a little more.
Escaping, my days pass,
I remain the same as yesterday,
I am worth it, but you denied my value,
If you knew, you would be here today.
And little by little this soul is dying,
Drunk in thoughts I wait for you,
And little by little I weaken,
For you to love me a little more.
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