Losing Game

Beginning of the end
It’s like I’m stuck in the middle of these four walls
More than just friends
I let my guard down,you left me out in the cold

If I could drink this pain away
Maybe I wouldn’t miss you like I do these days
But I can’t make you stay
This love got me thinking you’re the catch and I’m the chase

It’s a battle between you and me
My hopes against your dreams
You cut me down and make me weak
So lost that I can’t see

Two strangers with a history
Hope with her it’s the happiest you’ll be
Some nights I hear you calling my name
Honey,us is a losing game

The tears will start to fade
Empty bars and streets of regret
Your jacket made of suede
Harleys and sunsets that I can’t forget

Would she ever cherish you
the same way that I would always do?
Just when you think it’s cool
Love’s a damn liar and makes you a fool,oh

It’s a battle between you and me
My hopes against your dreams
You cut me down and make me weak
So lost that I can’t see

Two strangers with a history
Hope with her it’s the happiest you’ll be
Some nights I hear you calling my name
Honey,us is a losing game

Darling,where are you?
I can’t do this without you
I need you
I need you
I need you (oh,oh,oh)

Two strangers with a history
Hope with her it’s the happiest you’ll be
Some nights I hear you calling my name
Honey,us is a losing game

Ashtu siç pritej, krijimi muzikor u përcoll tek shikuesit i plotësuar mjaft mirë me një videoklip, video produksioni i të cilit u krijua bashkarisht nga Cinemadrums & Dr. Brllok. Videoklipi u publikua me datë 27 Korrik 2020. Kompozimin dhe tekstin e krijoi Erma Mici, teksa producent i këngës është Bambam Galaxy.
 “Losing Game” është debutimi i saj muzikor, i cili ka tërhequr menjëherë vëmendjen e publikut shqiptar, kjo për shkak të stilit tepër të ngjashëm me Amy Winehouse, për të cilën është shprehur se është frymëzimi i saj në muzikë.
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