Erma Mici
Heartbreak Hotel


I hope you're doing well
Just letting you know
I'm still staying at my heartbreak Hotel

This night I was reminisced and over all the memories we had together
everywhere I look around this pain and
it seems like it last forever.
Your touch, your gaze, your lips, your face I find that hard to erase
but you're gone without a trace I break and I break till I can escape

Heartbreak Hotel I'm grieving in
All the drums floating onto my skin
I'm alive with the sky guy wait for me to fly baby,
I collapse into the ground

wondering where i went wrong who is beding you belong to?
Yeah, you
be to me so black and blue
give the
devil is do I lap pretend I'm doing fine?
I'm still dying aside?
Lie to me like abuse the strikes
they used to do you pay for a saint from crying in between shit?
My breath is trembling and I'm shaking
like a juice box in the dinner?
Give it a better lier?

Heartbreak hotel I'm grieving
All the drums floating onto my skin
I'm alive with the sky guy wait for me to fly baby,
I collapse into the ground

Drown in my tears?
Can't control my fears?
No help from my bears?
Waiting for the clouds to clear?
Run into your heart I hope I don't fall
Play your last card

Heartbreak hotel I'm grieving
All the drums floating onto my skin
I'm alive with the sky guy wait for me to fly baby,
I collapse into the ground

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