Free Mc's
Jam Ushtar

Kam 3 muaj jam ushtar per ty malli me ka marre se di si duroj larg teje komandanti s'me jep leje.
Zoti komandant te lutem mos me bej ne burg te futem dhe kuptoje hallin tim me pret vajza ne takim.
Te kuptoj ushtar i ri se kam qene dhe une si ti mos gabo te lesh sherbimin gati ta kane izolimin.
Ah moj dashuri e shkrete t'u be jeta biciklete nje shkelje ne rregullore dite per dite me bejne rreshtore.
do t'a le sherbimin e do vij te takoj pak e le te paraqitem para gjyqit ushtarak
do t'a le sherbimin e do vij te takoj pak e le te paraqitem para gjyqit ushtarak
Plasa dot nuk po duroj ditet po i numeroj me ka ikur petulla ushtria ka rregulla.
Komandanti porositi pa leje qe ketu mos ikni jam i ri e me vlon gjaku do t'i them une burgut hapu
Thirri mendjes djale i mbare s'je turist po je ushtar mos gabo te lesh sherbimin gati t'a kane izolimin
Komandantin s'e degjova vajzen vajta e takova per dy puthje per nje llaf e mora veten ne qafe
Ah moj dashuri e shkrete se c'ma more mendjen ooooo [2x]
do t'a le sherbimin e do vij te takoj pak e le te paraqitem para gjyqit ushtarak
ah moj dashuri e shkrete se c'ma more mendjen oooooooo
Zoti komandant te lutem mos me bej ne burg te futem dhe kuptoje hallin tim me pret vajza ne takim.
Te kuptoj ushtar i ri se kam qene dhe une si ti mos gabo te lesh sherbimin gati ta kane izolimin.
Ah moj dashuri e shkrete t'u be jeta biciklete nje shkelje ne rregullore dite per dite me bejne rreshtore.
do t'a le sherbimin e do vij te takoj pak e le te paraqitem para gjyqit ushtarak
do t'a le sherbimin e do vij te takoj pak e le te paraqitem para gjyqit ushtarak
Plasa dot nuk po duroj ditet po i numeroj me ka ikur petulla ushtria ka rregulla.
Komandanti porositi pa leje qe ketu mos ikni jam i ri e me vlon gjaku do t'i them une burgut hapu
Thirri mendjes djale i mbare s'je turist po je ushtar mos gabo te lesh sherbimin gati t'a kane izolimin
Komandantin s'e degjova vajzen vajta e takova per dy puthje per nje llaf e mora veten ne qafe
Ah moj dashuri e shkrete se c'ma more mendjen ooooo [2x]
do t'a le sherbimin e do vij te takoj pak e le te paraqitem para gjyqit ushtarak
ah moj dashuri e shkrete se c'ma more mendjen oooooooo
I'm A Soldier

Been a soldier for three months, I miss you,
I don't know how I can endure being away from you, The Commander doesn't accept my leave
Sir please, don't make me commit treason
Understand my worry, my girl is waiting me on a date
I understand young soldier, for I have been just like you
Don't make a mistake by leaving, they'll throw you right in isolation
Ah you poor heart, you're being kept apart
One single mistake and they drill me everyday
I'll leave and meet you for a moment
So what if I go to the military court
I'll leave and meet you for a moment
So what if I go to the military court
I'll leave and meet you for a moment
So what if I go to the military court
I'll leave and meet you for a moment
So what if I go to the military court
I can't take it anymore, I'm counting the days
I lost it, the army won't allow this
The commander ordered we must not leave, nothing can stop me I am a hot blooded youth
Listen to reason you're a soldier not tourist
Don't make a mistake by leaving, they'll throw you right in isolation
Didn't listen to my commander, I went to the girl
I Dammed myself for two kisses and a word
Ah love you blinded my eyes
Ah love you blinded my eyes
I'll leave and meet you for a moment
So what if I go to the military court
I'll leave and meet you for a moment
So what if I go to the military court
I'll leave and meet you for a moment
So what if I go to the military court
I'll leave and meet you for a moment
So what if I go to the military court
Ah love you blinded my eyes (men in position, turn right)
Ah love you blinded my eyes (forward, one, two, one, two...)
I don't know how I can endure being away from you, The Commander doesn't accept my leave
Sir please, don't make me commit treason
Understand my worry, my girl is waiting me on a date
I understand young soldier, for I have been just like you
Don't make a mistake by leaving, they'll throw you right in isolation
Ah you poor heart, you're being kept apart
One single mistake and they drill me everyday
I'll leave and meet you for a moment
So what if I go to the military court
I'll leave and meet you for a moment
So what if I go to the military court
I'll leave and meet you for a moment
So what if I go to the military court
I'll leave and meet you for a moment
So what if I go to the military court
I can't take it anymore, I'm counting the days
I lost it, the army won't allow this
The commander ordered we must not leave, nothing can stop me I am a hot blooded youth
Listen to reason you're a soldier not tourist
Don't make a mistake by leaving, they'll throw you right in isolation
Didn't listen to my commander, I went to the girl
I Dammed myself for two kisses and a word
Ah love you blinded my eyes
Ah love you blinded my eyes
I'll leave and meet you for a moment
So what if I go to the military court
I'll leave and meet you for a moment
So what if I go to the military court
I'll leave and meet you for a moment
So what if I go to the military court
I'll leave and meet you for a moment
So what if I go to the military court
Ah love you blinded my eyes (men in position, turn right)
Ah love you blinded my eyes (forward, one, two, one, two...)
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