Leonora Jakupi
A Do T'Jem E Jotja
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Kshtu e ka jeta
kur më deshte unë s'të deshta
ishte gabim që nuk ka çmim..

Kështu e ka zemra
gjithkënd se pranon brenda
ai që ka fat qëndron më gjatë..

Ouuuouu e di
që jam fajtore
që tjetrën ti e zgjodhe
pa dashuri.

Ouuouu e di
që krejt jetën
do ta fajsojë vetën
që s'jam me ty.

Ref (2x)

A do t'jem e jotja
a do t'kemi fat
për kto dëshira
lutem ditë e natë

Ref (6x)
Will I Be Yours ?
Flag AnglishtAnglisht
This is the life
When you loved me I didn't love you
It was an error which has no price

This is the heart
She doesn't accept anybody inside
The one who has luck stays the longest

Ooouoww, I know
I am guilty
That you chose her
Without love

Ooouoww, I know
That all my life
I will blame myself
That I'm not with you

Ref 2x
Will I be yours ?
Will we have luck ?
For those wishes
I'm praying nights and days
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