Mad Lion
(Feat. Lyrical Son)
(Feat. Lyrical Son)
Teksti :: Song Lyrics
E me se paku kishte kushte muzika ne ket vend
derisa kur formohet Kosova’S outlaws klan
kur mbeta I njejt sikur dimrit edhe veres
jam ne gjendje ta mar ketu edhe atmosferes
and te cmendur mbas ghettos ku ende jetoj
Ende I mbushur me mllef
me producentat qe punoj
Ende me krah te fort
Ende me njerez per-rreth meje
Ende jam ne skene
Ende sillem per-rreth teje
Kohet e fundit kan than
Per ne qe kemi mbet vetem
Por tash jemi ma te forte
Se kurre ma heret ne jet
Shpesh e kam pranu
E po jua them perseri
Edhe me komb ti mi shum I fort
Per te byth ste hi
Me pun te flliqta
Qi tash tu bo producent
Po nuk I qi nervat un
Se ma ne fund u bona vet
60 vjet ne skene
ky albumi trent qe ne vitin 2003
tash erdhi perfundimisht ne drite
Jump Jump Jump Jump Everybodia
Welcome in this PRC partia
Where every bi*ches shaking their bootia
Welcome Mad Lion and double E-ia
Jump Jump Jump Jump Everybodia
Welcome in this PRC partia
Where every bi*ches shaking their bootia
Welcome Mad Lion and double E-ia
Ende smoking weed
Ende thiken ne shpine
Ende me kurva akohol
Edhe cruising ne prishtine
A D all gjiths sa jemi A D all qefsillorc
Ende 5 dit qdo fush ne PRC records
Gjithmon I veshun gjen
I cmendur mbas rrepit
Po ende nuk ka
Ende kurva e zagrebit
Shum kemi hek
Shum na kan injoru
Shum kan thon qe rrepi
mbas luftes ka mungu
por ata qe thojshin
sot jan neper livadhe
fale grupeve te repit
nga pescia e madhe
ende kemi probleme
me paraqitje mediale
per shkak te texteve
me shprehje banale
shum probleme mediale
ne drejtimin e pederave
qe I hyn me krejt forcen
kunder reperave
I don’t give a f*ck
We don’t give a fuuuck
Neve rruges na nderprene
qofte edhe ne papak
Jump Jump Jump Jump Everybodia
Welcome in this PRC partia
Where every bi*ches shaking their bootia
Welcome Mad Lion and double E-ia
Jump Jump Jump Jump Everybodia
Welcome in this PRC partia
Where every bi*ches shaking their bootia
Welcome Mad Lion and double E-ia
edhe pa gjum prodhoj
Shum rima edhe beat
Te punoj me grupe treja
Neper secilen dit
Ende rreja se di box
Ende chill edhe pi raki
edne shoj te she kojshi
e per sonte fiesta
qdo nat edhe dit
ende ngoj old school
edhe krejt new beat
PRC Records
Kompani join my clan
Pa imponim dhe dal
Qdo here ne ekran
Ende mbledhemi si mbas here
Diku ne periferi
Duke pjek mish
Birra pejes duke pi
Nonje femen me veti
Per shoqeri me te mire
Ende ngoj per qejfi
Dua te jetoj me mire
And respect per ata
Qe vertet na respektojn
E nde dhun e egersi
Per ata qe e teprojne
Ne jemi nga dhuna
Per pune edhe shprese
Kjo sdo me thon
Qe sdi me ja ngre komen TT-se
Jump Jump Jump Jump Everybodia
Welcome in this PRC partia
Where every bi*ches shaking their bootia
Welcome Mad Lion and double E-ia
Jump Jump Jump Jump Everybodia
Welcome in this PRC partia
Where every bi*ches shaking their bootia
Welcome Mad Lion and double E-ia
Jump Jump Jump Jump Everybodia
Welcome in this PRC partia
Where every bi*ches shaking their bootia
Welcome Mad Lion and double E-ia
Don’t forget to mention Lebrocuzz that son of the gun
Coming at you still live once again
2003, 2004, 3000, 4000
we don’t give a f*ck what time it is
it’s the mades lion in the whole motherf*cking world
Mad lion and the producer Mr. Groph Monte
And don’t forget the general of this shit Lebocuzz Son aka PLC
Peace to all my home boys.
derisa kur formohet Kosova’S outlaws klan
kur mbeta I njejt sikur dimrit edhe veres
jam ne gjendje ta mar ketu edhe atmosferes
and te cmendur mbas ghettos ku ende jetoj
Ende I mbushur me mllef
me producentat qe punoj
Ende me krah te fort
Ende me njerez per-rreth meje
Ende jam ne skene
Ende sillem per-rreth teje
Kohet e fundit kan than
Per ne qe kemi mbet vetem
Por tash jemi ma te forte
Se kurre ma heret ne jet
Shpesh e kam pranu
E po jua them perseri
Edhe me komb ti mi shum I fort
Per te byth ste hi
Me pun te flliqta
Qi tash tu bo producent
Po nuk I qi nervat un
Se ma ne fund u bona vet
60 vjet ne skene
ky albumi trent qe ne vitin 2003
tash erdhi perfundimisht ne drite
Jump Jump Jump Jump Everybodia
Welcome in this PRC partia
Where every bi*ches shaking their bootia
Welcome Mad Lion and double E-ia
Jump Jump Jump Jump Everybodia
Welcome in this PRC partia
Where every bi*ches shaking their bootia
Welcome Mad Lion and double E-ia
Ende smoking weed
Ende thiken ne shpine
Ende me kurva akohol
Edhe cruising ne prishtine
A D all gjiths sa jemi A D all qefsillorc
Ende 5 dit qdo fush ne PRC records
Gjithmon I veshun gjen
I cmendur mbas rrepit
Po ende nuk ka
Ende kurva e zagrebit
Shum kemi hek
Shum na kan injoru
Shum kan thon qe rrepi
mbas luftes ka mungu
por ata qe thojshin
sot jan neper livadhe
fale grupeve te repit
nga pescia e madhe
ende kemi probleme
me paraqitje mediale
per shkak te texteve
me shprehje banale
shum probleme mediale
ne drejtimin e pederave
qe I hyn me krejt forcen
kunder reperave
I don’t give a f*ck
We don’t give a fuuuck
Neve rruges na nderprene
qofte edhe ne papak
Jump Jump Jump Jump Everybodia
Welcome in this PRC partia
Where every bi*ches shaking their bootia
Welcome Mad Lion and double E-ia
Jump Jump Jump Jump Everybodia
Welcome in this PRC partia
Where every bi*ches shaking their bootia
Welcome Mad Lion and double E-ia
edhe pa gjum prodhoj
Shum rima edhe beat
Te punoj me grupe treja
Neper secilen dit
Ende rreja se di box
Ende chill edhe pi raki
edne shoj te she kojshi
e per sonte fiesta
qdo nat edhe dit
ende ngoj old school
edhe krejt new beat
PRC Records
Kompani join my clan
Pa imponim dhe dal
Qdo here ne ekran
Ende mbledhemi si mbas here
Diku ne periferi
Duke pjek mish
Birra pejes duke pi
Nonje femen me veti
Per shoqeri me te mire
Ende ngoj per qejfi
Dua te jetoj me mire
And respect per ata
Qe vertet na respektojn
E nde dhun e egersi
Per ata qe e teprojne
Ne jemi nga dhuna
Per pune edhe shprese
Kjo sdo me thon
Qe sdi me ja ngre komen TT-se
Jump Jump Jump Jump Everybodia
Welcome in this PRC partia
Where every bi*ches shaking their bootia
Welcome Mad Lion and double E-ia
Jump Jump Jump Jump Everybodia
Welcome in this PRC partia
Where every bi*ches shaking their bootia
Welcome Mad Lion and double E-ia
Jump Jump Jump Jump Everybodia
Welcome in this PRC partia
Where every bi*ches shaking their bootia
Welcome Mad Lion and double E-ia
Don’t forget to mention Lebrocuzz that son of the gun
Coming at you still live once again
2003, 2004, 3000, 4000
we don’t give a f*ck what time it is
it’s the mades lion in the whole motherf*cking world
Mad lion and the producer Mr. Groph Monte
And don’t forget the general of this shit Lebocuzz Son aka PLC
Peace to all my home boys.
- Publikimi: 01/01/2003
- Ora: 00:00
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