Stefi Prifti
Flag ShqipShqip
Sa kohe qe s'shihemi dhe ndjej
Si te harroj une dalengadale
Si vdes tek une kujtimi yt
Si vdesin floet dhe gjithçka

Tani erkoj une poshte e lart
Nje vend ku ty te te leshoj
Nje strofe, nje note, a nje brilant
Ku te te le, te puth, te shkoj

Ne s'te pranofte asnje varr
Asnje mermer, a morg-kristal
Mos duhet valle prape te te mbart
Gjysme te vdekur, gjysme te gjalle

Ne s'gjetsha hon ku te te hedh
Te gjej nje fushe a nje lulnaje
Ku butesisht porsi polen
Gjithkund te te shperndaj

Te te mashtroj ndoshta eshtu
Nuk mundem jooo
Dhe pastaj te puth e te ik pa kthim
Dhe nuk do dime as ti, as une, askush
Harrim ish ky a s'ish harrim
(2 here)

Ne s'te pranofte asnje varr
Asnje mermer, a morg-kristal
Mos duhet valle prape te te mbart
Gjysme te vdekur, gjysme te gjalle

Ne s'gjetsha hon ku te te hedh
Te gjej nje fushe a nje lulnaje
Ku butesisht porsi polen
Gjithkund te te shperndaj

Dhe nuk do dime as ti, as une, askush
Harrim ish ky a s'ish harrim
Harrim ish ky a s'ish harrim
Flag AnglishtAnglisht
I feel, tho' long we did not see
to forget you, slowly I try
and how your memory dies in me
and how your hair and all things die.

I'm searching now up and down
to find a place unbrace you, though
a stanza, a note or a jewel crown
to leave you there and kiss and go.

if there's no grave to take you in
no marble or crystal mortuary
should I perhaps then bear you in
half dead half alive, whatever might be.

if no abyss to throw you in
a field, efflorescence I'll get
indulgently like the pollen
thoroughly over you'll be spread.

maybe this way I will fool you
and kiss and leave without return
we will not know, nobody, too
were this oblivion or just a yearn.
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