Yjet E Panjohur
Fjalet Qe S'ti Thash
Çfar mund te jepja?
Qe ta ktheja kohen mbrapa
dhe ti te ishe ktu..afer meje
ashtu sic dikur?
Ref: Qaje une se besoja..ti vuaje une se kuptoja
ndaj beja sikur ste njihja
ndroja rrugen kur te shihja
dhe sa her me shikoje..
me buzqeshje..
me ngacmoje..
me fal te lutem nuk e dija se c'ishte dashuria.
Fjal te ndrohta ndjeva..
buz te ftohta preka
per te haruar ty ne shum zemra fjeta
ecja rruges si nje hije qe askush se ka par
naten brodha neper endra duke thirur
si i marre
as te shoh pertej syve te qdo vajze qe takoja
ne heshtje midis fjalve zerin tend e degjoj
me kedo qe te jem prane
vetem ty te kam ndermend
ne gjithe muret e vetmis e kam shkruajtur emrin tend
tani po iki e nese ti ndonjeher e vetme ndihesh
me kerko e do me gjesh neper rrugica e kujtimesh
atje un do te pres ashtu si shum koh me par
e nese ti do te vish para teje do te dal
e ate çast ti do heshtesh pastaj do te buzqeshesh
do afrohesh drejt meje e me lot ne sy do presesh
qe un ti them gjith fjalet qe asnjeher sti thash e pastaj te jap puthjen qe kur nuk te dhash
Ref: Qaje une se besoja.. ti vuaje une se kuptoja
ndaj beja sikur ste njihja
ndroja rrugen kur te shihja
dhe sa her me shikoje..
me buzqeshje..
me ngacmoje..
me fal te lutem nuk e dija se c'ishte dashuria.
Pse ne syt e mi.. lot shikoj tani?
se ndoshta tani.. ndjej cfare ndjeje ti
por ja qe kta lot.. nuk te sjellin ktu
jan lotet qe dje.. lash ne syt e tu.
Edhe sonte ndihem vetem
edhe sonte e vetmuar
serish prap kaloj ksaj rruge per ty prap duke menduar
e kjo rrug me mer me con atje ku ti rrije gjithmon
edhe sot un kaloj ktu
por ti prap dhe sot mungon
nuk te shoh me asgjekundi
dhe kam frik mos te kam humbur
kam shum frik se mos nga jeta ime pergjithmon je zhdukur
Nuk dua t'jet keshtu se smundem ta besoj qe tani ndjej cfar ndjeje ti.. ndjej qe dashuroj
Ndaj dhe sot kaloj ksaj rruge mezi pres qe te t'shikoj
pres cdo cast (c'kemi) zerin tend te degjoj
e sa her qe duke ecur degjoj hapa mbrapa meje
e kthej koken qe te shoh..por JO ti nuk je..
e kshtu ende vazhdoj rrugen..
Ende pres qe si dikur te vish t'me lutesh si femi
te ndaloj vec nje minutei (nje minute)
nje minute ti me kerkoje..
nje minute qe nuk ta dhashe
nje minut ne jeten time
ja pse kurr sdo t'jemi bashke
Ref: Qaje une se besoja.. ti vuaje une se kuptoja
ndaj beja sikur ste njihja
ndroja rrugen kur te shihja
dhe sa her me shikoje..
me buzqeshje..
me ngacmoje..
me fal te lutem nuk e dija..se c'ishte dashuria.
Pse ne syt e mi.. lot shikoj tani?
se ndoshta tani.. ndjej cfare ndjeje ti
por ja qe kta lot.. nuk te sjellin ktu
jan lotet qe dje.. lash ne syt e tu.
Ref: Qaje une se besoja.. ti vuaje une se kuptoja
ndaj beja sikur ste njihja
ndroja rrugen kur te shihja
dhe sa her me shikoje..
me buzqeshje..
me ngacmoje..
me fal te lutem nuk e dija..se c'ishte dashuria.
Qe ta ktheja kohen mbrapa
dhe ti te ishe ktu..afer meje
ashtu sic dikur?
Ref: Qaje une se besoja..ti vuaje une se kuptoja
ndaj beja sikur ste njihja
ndroja rrugen kur te shihja
dhe sa her me shikoje..
me buzqeshje..
me ngacmoje..
me fal te lutem nuk e dija se c'ishte dashuria.
Fjal te ndrohta ndjeva..
buz te ftohta preka
per te haruar ty ne shum zemra fjeta
ecja rruges si nje hije qe askush se ka par
naten brodha neper endra duke thirur
si i marre
as te shoh pertej syve te qdo vajze qe takoja
ne heshtje midis fjalve zerin tend e degjoj
me kedo qe te jem prane
vetem ty te kam ndermend
ne gjithe muret e vetmis e kam shkruajtur emrin tend
tani po iki e nese ti ndonjeher e vetme ndihesh
me kerko e do me gjesh neper rrugica e kujtimesh
atje un do te pres ashtu si shum koh me par
e nese ti do te vish para teje do te dal
e ate çast ti do heshtesh pastaj do te buzqeshesh
do afrohesh drejt meje e me lot ne sy do presesh
qe un ti them gjith fjalet qe asnjeher sti thash e pastaj te jap puthjen qe kur nuk te dhash
Ref: Qaje une se besoja.. ti vuaje une se kuptoja
ndaj beja sikur ste njihja
ndroja rrugen kur te shihja
dhe sa her me shikoje..
me buzqeshje..
me ngacmoje..
me fal te lutem nuk e dija se c'ishte dashuria.
Pse ne syt e mi.. lot shikoj tani?
se ndoshta tani.. ndjej cfare ndjeje ti
por ja qe kta lot.. nuk te sjellin ktu
jan lotet qe dje.. lash ne syt e tu.
Edhe sonte ndihem vetem
edhe sonte e vetmuar
serish prap kaloj ksaj rruge per ty prap duke menduar
e kjo rrug me mer me con atje ku ti rrije gjithmon
edhe sot un kaloj ktu
por ti prap dhe sot mungon
nuk te shoh me asgjekundi
dhe kam frik mos te kam humbur
kam shum frik se mos nga jeta ime pergjithmon je zhdukur
Nuk dua t'jet keshtu se smundem ta besoj qe tani ndjej cfar ndjeje ti.. ndjej qe dashuroj
Ndaj dhe sot kaloj ksaj rruge mezi pres qe te t'shikoj
pres cdo cast (c'kemi) zerin tend te degjoj
e sa her qe duke ecur degjoj hapa mbrapa meje
e kthej koken qe te shoh..por JO ti nuk je..
e kshtu ende vazhdoj rrugen..
Ende pres qe si dikur te vish t'me lutesh si femi
te ndaloj vec nje minutei (nje minute)
nje minute ti me kerkoje..
nje minute qe nuk ta dhashe
nje minut ne jeten time
ja pse kurr sdo t'jemi bashke
Ref: Qaje une se besoja.. ti vuaje une se kuptoja
ndaj beja sikur ste njihja
ndroja rrugen kur te shihja
dhe sa her me shikoje..
me buzqeshje..
me ngacmoje..
me fal te lutem nuk e dija..se c'ishte dashuria.
Pse ne syt e mi.. lot shikoj tani?
se ndoshta tani.. ndjej cfare ndjeje ti
por ja qe kta lot.. nuk te sjellin ktu
jan lotet qe dje.. lash ne syt e tu.
Ref: Qaje une se besoja.. ti vuaje une se kuptoja
ndaj beja sikur ste njihja
ndroja rrugen kur te shihja
dhe sa her me shikoje..
me buzqeshje..
me ngacmoje..
me fal te lutem nuk e dija..se c'ishte dashuria.
The Words I Didn't Tell You
What would i give?
To turn back time
So you could be near me
Like before?
You were crying and I didn't believe you
You were suffering and I didn't realize
Thus I acted like I didn't know you
I would change roads when I would see you
And everytime you would see me
With smiles you teased me
Please I'm sorry I didn't know what love was
I felt warm words
I touched cold lips
To forget you I slept with a lot of hearts
I would walk like a shadow that no one had seen
At night I wandered in dreams yelling like crazy
I couldn't see beyond the eyes of every girl I would meet
I hear your voice in the silence between words
With whoever I am
I only think of you
In all walls of solitude I have written your name
Now Im leaving, and if you ever feel lonely look for me and you will find me in roads of memories
I'll wait for you there like before
And if you come I'll come forward you
In that moment you will be silent
And you will smile
You will come near me and with tears in your eyes you will wait
And I'll tell you all the words I never told you
And then give you the kiss I never gave you
Ref: You were crying and I didn't believe you
You were suffering and I didn't realize
Thus I acted like I didn't know you
I would change roads when I would see you
And everytime you would see me
With smiles you teased me
Please I'm sorry I didn't know what love was
Why do I see tears in my eyes now?
Because maybe now I'm feeling what you felt
But now these tears can't bring you here
These are the tears I left in your eyes yesterday
Tonight I feel alone again
Tonight I feel all alone again
I walk at this road again thinking of you
And this road takes where you would always sit
I'm walking there today
And you're not there again
I don't see you anywhere anymore
And I'm scared that I have lost you
Im scared that you will be gone forever from my life
I don't want it to be like this because I can't believe that now Im feeling what you felt, I feel I'm in love
Thus I walk at this road again,longing to see you
I'm waiting every moment (hello) to hear your voice
And so many times while walking, I hear footsteps behind me
I turn my head to see, but no it's not you
And I continue walking
I'm still waiting for you to beg me like a child to stop for a minute like you did before
You were asking for only a minute
A minute I didn't give you
A minute in my life
That's why we'll never be together
You were crying and I didn't believe you
You were suffering and I didn't realize
Thus I acted like I didn't know you
I would change roads when I would see you
And everytime you would see me
With smiles you teased me
Please I'm sorry I didn't know what love was
Why do I see tears in my eyes now?
Because maybe now I'm feeling what you felt
But now these tears can't bring you here
These are the tears I left in your eyes yesterday
You were crying and I didn't believe you
You were suffering and I didn't realize
Thus I acted like I didn't know you
I would change roads when I would see you
And everytime you would see me
With smiles you teased me
Please I'm sorry I didn't know what love was
To turn back time
So you could be near me
Like before?
You were crying and I didn't believe you
You were suffering and I didn't realize
Thus I acted like I didn't know you
I would change roads when I would see you
And everytime you would see me
With smiles you teased me
Please I'm sorry I didn't know what love was
I felt warm words
I touched cold lips
To forget you I slept with a lot of hearts
I would walk like a shadow that no one had seen
At night I wandered in dreams yelling like crazy
I couldn't see beyond the eyes of every girl I would meet
I hear your voice in the silence between words
With whoever I am
I only think of you
In all walls of solitude I have written your name
Now Im leaving, and if you ever feel lonely look for me and you will find me in roads of memories
I'll wait for you there like before
And if you come I'll come forward you
In that moment you will be silent
And you will smile
You will come near me and with tears in your eyes you will wait
And I'll tell you all the words I never told you
And then give you the kiss I never gave you
Ref: You were crying and I didn't believe you
You were suffering and I didn't realize
Thus I acted like I didn't know you
I would change roads when I would see you
And everytime you would see me
With smiles you teased me
Please I'm sorry I didn't know what love was
Why do I see tears in my eyes now?
Because maybe now I'm feeling what you felt
But now these tears can't bring you here
These are the tears I left in your eyes yesterday
Tonight I feel alone again
Tonight I feel all alone again
I walk at this road again thinking of you
And this road takes where you would always sit
I'm walking there today
And you're not there again
I don't see you anywhere anymore
And I'm scared that I have lost you
Im scared that you will be gone forever from my life
I don't want it to be like this because I can't believe that now Im feeling what you felt, I feel I'm in love
Thus I walk at this road again,longing to see you
I'm waiting every moment (hello) to hear your voice
And so many times while walking, I hear footsteps behind me
I turn my head to see, but no it's not you
And I continue walking
I'm still waiting for you to beg me like a child to stop for a minute like you did before
You were asking for only a minute
A minute I didn't give you
A minute in my life
That's why we'll never be together
You were crying and I didn't believe you
You were suffering and I didn't realize
Thus I acted like I didn't know you
I would change roads when I would see you
And everytime you would see me
With smiles you teased me
Please I'm sorry I didn't know what love was
Why do I see tears in my eyes now?
Because maybe now I'm feeling what you felt
But now these tears can't bring you here
These are the tears I left in your eyes yesterday
You were crying and I didn't believe you
You were suffering and I didn't realize
Thus I acted like I didn't know you
I would change roads when I would see you
And everytime you would see me
With smiles you teased me
Please I'm sorry I didn't know what love was
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