Sajk N Fatal - Fuckin Problem
Sajk N Fatal
Fuckin Problem
(Feat. Gjiko)

Autorë të tekstit janë Gent Fatali, Gjiko & Cyclone, ndërsa orkestrimin e përgatiti Mixey.
Teksti :: Song Lyrics
I love bad bitches
That's my Fucking
And yeah I like to fuck
I got a Fucknig Problem x3

If finding somebody
Real is your fucking problem
Bring ya girls
To the crib maybe
We can solve it

Ti je Felix un jom Neil ArmStrong
MotherFucker Im Strong
MotherFucker not long
Deri sa you be gone
Deri ndawn une shkruj tekste
Ti flen n'Home
Deri sa ti em mrrin
I'll be born again son
Une flej n'Sun
Ti m'sheh shum vone
Yall be ready when Im done
Po lypi pare e fame
Mi kill Pidhat
Mi pidh killat
Q po hajn mush e si njohin gjinja
Jon fuckng Debilla se ajo qika
Po bon mimika paksa qit shminka
Kom pa veq neper filma
Nese osht problem e zgjedh matematika
Birmi do kimika se po du mu shpreh
Po du mu njoftu me to me ty nuk po du mu rreh
Ekuacioni osht en flet
Une plus ajo barabart en WC
T'lutna mshele qat der
Se spo du mu shpreh
Mu qel me dal en gazet
Jena Stara po hala drita ska mrri me ju nxe


I love bad bitches
That's my Fucking
And yeah I like to fuck
I got a Fucknig Problem x3

If finding somebody
Real is your fucking problem
Bring ya girls
To the crib maybe
We can solve it


Femna ma e mire osht ajo qe din me pshtill
Spriton kryt me ma mbajt kur em vjen me vill
Bari edhe Birr une jom tu i chill
Ka raskirat per me ardh
Se plakin e ka shum t'Fshtir
Deren e dhomes ma qel leht
Ma bon n'fotela m'len mu pshtet
Rrypin me ma hek ghghgrr
Me uje t'nxet e gurgullon
Njejt sikur Bong kur e ves
Trupi sa t'kushton
Thote 500mije i kom nder fuston
Ima Bad boy. Sdi sa pom kupton
Edhe flej me ni sy qel
Po nuk jom Mason
Edhe tipi qe me to shkon
Mendon qe mu m'tradhton
Ama nuk e din qe
Kjo qika per mu punon
A pernime po mendon
qe osht qik e shpis
"Se veq ty te deshta"
Kndoj kong t'Dashnis
Nese don kap qije mos bo zo
Ama mos em shti n'Probleme
Se jom boll fell n'To
And i goes


I love bad bitches
That's my Fucking
And yeah I like to fuck
I got a Fucknig Problem x3

If finding somebody
Real is your fucking problem
Bring ya girls
To the crib maybe
We can solve it

Me masken en ftyr
Veq mi kqyr qysh nihen dy ftyrshat
Kqyre qysh i qoj dy gishtat
Edhe e lo veq njo
You know what im talking about
Pe din qa po thom
Pi thu femnes tone
Qe je nice qe je real
Kur kerri jot eshte rented
Je Pinokio rren ti
Kush o nifar djali
Emri i ti osht Genti
Je qytet i madh?
Okay une jom Sandy
I make it rain soo hard
Nuk jom mo Fatali thirrem Nik Miftar
I got a Fuckin-Fuckin-Fuckin-Fuckin
Problem With my brain
Repera si batllava uh ja kan nis mu shterr
Haha Ja kan nis mu vjedh
Komt i kan n'Tok.Lyricsat n'Qiell
Si vetim maspari m'sheh kercas Bam
Rakin mos ma tesh this my roll weed time

I love bad bitches
That's my Fucking
And yeah I like to fuck
I got a Fucknig Problem x3

If finding somebody
Real is your fucking problem
Bring ya girls
To the crib maybe
We can solve it

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